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Onward and upward

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    Onward and upward

    Well, after 4 days AF I was cleaning and found a big ole bottle of white wine that hubby had hid in the back of the cabinet last week (when I announced I was going AF). All afternoon I kept thinking about it, wondering if I should open it and empty it, but I didn't ... telling myself what a waste of $$ but in reality imagining pouring myself a glass.

    By 6:00 when I went to pick up my dog and my DH I was feeling like I had already made the decision. Hubby had Friday off so it was like Friday night. I had been "good" all week. So, we drank. Not as much as we had been, but we drank. And, yesterday was spent hung over in my PJs.

    I hate this!!! All my good intentions last week went down the drain in an instant. But, I'm here and ready to go AF again. I was worried about the weekend and rightly so I guess. Will have to pay special attention to that next weekend. Wish I could lock myself up in a room until its Sunday!

    ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Now I get to go through more days of feeling yucky, but its my own fault. But, as I said, onward and upward. I guess its a process.

    Onward and upward

    Oh I so relate to that... one drink (as if) and all good intentions are blasted away, not just that night but the next day too. Wish there was a way of switching the off button at weekends.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      Onward and upward

      Me three....weekends are the worst for me. I have such good intentions and thoughts all week and then when I have slipped it's always been weekends.


        Onward and upward

        Forward March, Ding!


        I'm sorry to hear that you fell off the wagon, but I'm glad to hear that
        a.) you were hungover :yuk: and
        b.) you are ready to start over, now.

        Hangovers (painfully) remind us that being sober is better than being drunk. Yes, you wasted Friday away, cringing that Mr Temptation (AL) won that round. uch:
        Can you start over today?

        It IS a process, dingo, and you know you can do this. :l If, by feeling "yucky" you are referring to guilty feelings, let it go. Keep your eye on the horizon, and the ultimate goal of feeling better.

        Much love, :heart:

        Tampa, FL


          Onward and upward

          Glad to see you are picking back up and back on the wagon! Ride on! You can do this!
          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")

