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Help for SoberChallenge

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    Help for SoberChallenge

    Hey everyone, here is a message from Soberchallenge, posted tonight under Palatia's thread. Rather than have it under a separate post, I thought I'd start one, dedicated just to her.... Can you help?

    I sit here tonight after my boyfriend drove away before dawn because I was drunk when he showed up last night. We live two hours apart thanks to my job transfer and he showed up, I was a jackass and he left. I am resistant to AA but I need HELP. I am a professional person, get up for work on time, but can knock back major amounts of hard liquor at night. I'm worried about my health. I do not want to lose my man. I want my life back. I n eed to know that someone else out there has the same problem and has recovered or going through something similar and needs a friend to talk to online. I HATE what I am doing to myself. I am 100lbs overweight, due to the drinking and I just have to make this change. Is anyone out there?

    Tampa, FL

    Help for SoberChallenge

    Welcome SoberChallenge.
    So, you want your life back? The motivation to change is powerful.... my suggestions would be to read, read, read. You'll find posts here that you'll consider your before, your NOW, and your after... and there will be many that you might think you wrote!

    Baby steps, dear. Stop the drinking and some of the weight will come off. I have a dear sister that is losing weight right now, and she told me, "I might NEED to lose 100 pounds, but I'm only planning on losing 10 pounds at a time. Once I lose 10 pounds, I'll work on the next 10."

    You can make this change, Sober C.... you are NOT alone. Welcome. :heart:

    Tampa, FL


      Help for SoberChallenge

      Hey Sober,

      I started a thread for you under ASAP as well and PMd you.

      Check in when you can. You will get lots of support!


        Help for SoberChallenge


        I think i posted on your 1st post,but wanted to mAke sure i connected...don't have much time as my kids are KILLING eackother right now when they should be in BED!!!lol.....I hope you are doing okay,I know that if Patty talked to you,you have been given amazing advice!This is a wonderful forum w/ MORE wonderful people...I am not yet at the point of being a great person to give advice,but just wanted to say HELLO!!And :welcome:...It will be OK!!!I promise if you just stick around here,keep posting and listen to the awesome people here who are full of love and strength,you WILL start to feel better!!Will check on this thread agian soon to see how you are,sweetie,so CHECK IN W/ US IF YOU CAN,OK???!!!!!



          Help for SoberChallenge

          soberchallenge - my heart is weeping for your situation. alone. hungover. alone. man gone. feeling guilty. feeling unhealthy.

          we are here. we have been there. some of us go back there. maybe for a reminder, maybe because old icky habits die hard. but we all want OUT!

          come join us. WE ALL WANT OUT!!!


            Help for SoberChallenge


            Yes. You can change your life. No, let me rephrase that, you can transform your life.

            Is it easy? Hell no. Is it doable? Hell yes.

            Please read the MWO book, consider your lifestyle and your attitudes. All of these things play into what steps you need to take.

            I am truly sorry about the bf walking out because you were drunk. Truly. That is devastating.

            However, as a married woman of 32 years, I can only say this one thing that took me forever to figure out (I seem intelligent but apparently can be pretty dense) the only person who can affect the changes needed in order to sober up is me.

            I love my husband but he had no way to help me quit drinking, I love my children, they had no way to help me quit drinking, I ADORE my three grandchildren and even they could not push me to the brink I needed to get to to sober up. It was waking up one day and realizing my life was crap. My life.

            Good luck, Soberchallenge. There are lots of caring, supportive people here who can help you when you need it but you have to expect to do the work and let us help you find your path. Us MWOers are a loving bunch and we've all "been there done that." We know and we understand what those who don't drink can't begin to comprehend.


            ps I am quite serious about reading the book. RJ's program is better than any I have ever found before. She is amazing. She has brought together all the elements to help make beating this thing much easier - do not take that to mean easy but any help and relief we can get to get sober gives us a huge advantage.
            AF April 9, 2016


              Help for SoberChallenge

              Hi Soberchallenge...Hoping you have read all of the wonderful posts to you here...Not happy hour,Croft,Ducky,Cindi...these people have been here a while and have valuable things to i said before,I am still figuring the program out for myself,but this site and THESE PEOPLE have helped me make leaps and bounds already....I hope you are feeling some excitement about your new life and knowing that you are like any other person out there w/ a drinking problem-that you just need the right tools!They are here!you will find out which ones work for you,just stick around,ok?:huggy:


                Help for SoberChallenge

                Hello Soberchallenge,

                Yes, there are more of us/you out here than you can ever fully appreciate but you will once you make the decision and choice to make that change.

                I am proof that some one who is successful, a professional, family person *and* an alcoholic can make those changes. Booze was my friend, my best friend and became a horrible priority in my life. I saw what it was doing to me and became afraid of what is was ultimately going to do to these other super important parts of my life. I was getting *way* too close to ruining my health, my marriage, my role as a positive role model in my kids lives and a once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase the company I have worked for for 11 years of my life. I was just *one* one more drink too many to absolutely ruining everything I have.

                I stopped cold, I could not have done this alone and this forum has been my savior in helping make it all happen. I also stopped fighting, I stopped pretending and I let others in and let them help me make the changes I so needed to make.

                We are all right here to help - just ask!
                Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                Watch this and find out....

