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    OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

    Can someone tell me why my head feels the way it does? It feels heavy and sort of dizzy, and my eyes feel heavy, like they don't want to stay open. I kind of feel druged, if you know what I mean. I don't hurt. I'm sleeping good at night. The cravings are not a problem. Everything seems to be working. I just don't feel good, and I don't like it. I'm on 75mgs Topa. and in my 3rd week. Oh, another thing, I've lost my appetite and am losing weight and don't need that at all. HELP!!!! Eliziby

    OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

    Hi, sorry - only just finished my first day so can't help really... was expecting something to happen after taking all the supps today - especially when I popped that pink pill... but... hang on... umm... nah... nothing. Went out to my usual wed lunch with my friend and had my 2 glasses of vino. I think it was probably all in my mind but I drank slower and wasn't sort of looking ahead to the next one... imagination? probably! Tonight - drank my usual but was much more tired at work this afternoon - struggled a bit.

    Anyway, sorry - can't help you with your problem but am feeling for you and interested for myself when I'm there in three weeks...

    Take care...



      OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

      Hi Eliziby,

      So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. These sure do sound like side effects to the topa. Are you following the proper topa dosing schedule? That is the first thing I would check. You will find it on page 119 in the book. At week 3 you should be taking 25mg in the morning, and 2-25mg in the afternoon.

      Certainly weight loss is a concern if you don't need to be loosing any weight. And also your eyes are a concern. Some people have a problem adjusting to the topa at first but find as they titrate up these symptoms even themselves out.

      However, I would consult your doctor with these concerns to be on the safe side!! I had trouble with my eyes when titritng from 200mg to 250mg and my doctor perscribed eye drops for me. I sure do hope you start to feel better!!



        OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD??? are speaking for me too. I was here bragging about how awesome Topa was until I hit 75 mg and now I hate it. I feel like crap. I didn't take the 25 mg yesterday and couldn't bring myself to take ANY at all today. I would rather drink than feel as crappy as I have since Sunday.

        I feel EXACTLY the same things you are describing and we are both in the third week. If I didn't have to work and think, it might be another story. I want to give it a chance but I can't stand this feeling! The only thing different about our story is that I would like to lose 30 pounds. I came home from work today over the noon hour and slept! NEVER have I done that before! I am not a napper. I feel sick!



          OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

          Eliziby, and Maggie, too!
          You may have to slow down with your titration. I had to. I stayed at 50 mg for a few wks, then went to 75, stayed there for a week, then went to 100. Actually, from 25 to 50, I did 37.5 mg for a week or two, come to think of it. I had to cut the pills in half with a pill splitter.
          See, I had an experience that I did not know if I could relate to the topa or not when I was at 75mg. So I went off the topa. Had a major fight with my husband that involved drinking. I do not recommend this!!!!
          I went back on the topa, but went back up VERY SLOWLY and it helped those side effects immensely. Similar effects you are experiencing, Eliziby. So dang tired I felt miserable. Tingly stuff too. And tummy issues, but that's the aliens 0] (tummy trouble related to recent travel I think... whole nother story)
          DEFINITELY tell the eye stuff to your doctor because there is that glaucoma that can be a side effect of the topa that needs to be checked out. From the sounds of it, yours sounds more like a fatigue though, not a pressure, but still get it checked out cuz eye stuff is important.
          You could try staying at the 75 mg for a wk or two rather than titrating up. You do not have to go as fast as the book says. My dr said so! Or split your pills and go up more slowly. No harm in that either. T'isn't a race .
          You take care. Keep us posted. I hope this helps.
          PS.... about the weight loss... people have said before that those who need to lose weight seem to lose weight, those who do not, don't. You probably are just too tired to eat, maybe??


            OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

            Thanks Becca. I was doing fine on 50 mg side effects I couldn't live with. I think I need to go back to 50 mg and when I feel normal again add 12.5 in AM. Scary though after this week. I almost hit a car Monday after work. I am saying the wrong words. And I could lay my head down anywhere anytime and sleep. I'm a nurse practitoner and I have to think and calculate dosages and that scares me, just like driving scares me. I never ever drove when drinking. But now I'm wanting to drink again. I wish my brain was normal.


              OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

              Elizby and Maggie,

              Yes, Becca and Donna issue very good advice above. You may wish to stick with the lower dose longer and/or titrate up more slowly. Keep in mind some individuals never exceed the 100 mg dose at all--they simply don't need more, particularly when they use the medication in conjunction with this program.

              Are either of you taking Calms Forte during the day? If so, you may wish to cut back, as it can make you sleepy and is sometimes less critical after the initial withdrawal phase. Some individuals also tweak the time at which they take their Topa--e.g. towards the end of the day rather than mid afternoon--and say this helps avoid potential issues at work.

              Dr. Garcia believes the hypno can also be used to provide self suggestions and increase mental clarity. You may want to give that a try. I wasn't bright enough during my topa dopa stage to think of that, but I did have some success with short term use of Adrafinil, a nootropic that provided both energy and a mental boost. (Not recommended if do not wish to lose more weight, however.) You'll want to talk with your doctor about it and a baseline liver enzyme test is recommended.

              Most side effects are typically short lived, but again, please consult to your doc about them, slow down on the titration if necessary, don't get discouraged, and be safe. If you wish to include an anti-craving medication in the program and this one is simply not right for you, talk to your health care provider about other options, such as Campral or the new once-a-month injectable Nalrexone (Vivitrol).




                OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

                Thanks so much to all of you for you your response. Hey, I knew I could count on you. I am certainly going to cut back to 50 mgs on the topa. I was however, on the suggested schedule as in the book. 25 mgs in the Am and 50 mg. mid PM at week 3. I think I will stay at 50 for another week and then 60 and 1/2 before going to 75. Another thing I was doing that RJ reminded me of, and that is taking a Calms Forte along with with the mid afternoon Topa which did help with the cravings, then another at bedtime to asure me of a full nights sleep. Maybe I was drugging myself. I think some changes are in order. Eliziby


                  OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

                  I decided to not change the way I am taking the topa right now, but to stop taking the kudzu for a while to see if that helps the way I feel. I read on the board somewhere that someone was having a problem with it. If the person who posted that reads this, would you please respond by letting me know how the kudzu made you feel. I would like to get to the bottom of what is making me feel the way I do. E


                    OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

                    I had blood work done and saw my Dr. today. I had low sodium, low potassium, and a urinary tract infection to deal with. I told my Dr. that the program was working, but I felt awful. He is really interested in what is going on. To my surprise, he had read all the info on the program I had taken him on my initial visit to get my topa. This being my 4th week, I have tirated to 100 mgs of topa and am feeling even worse. He did think because of the problems I am experiancing that maybe I should cut back to 75 and then maybe to 50 and see how I do. Since the program is working, he said by all means, stick with it, ("Don't quit, we'll find what's causing the problem and fix it.") I am to call him on Tues. to see what is causing the infection which he gave me an RX for to take in the mean time. So, those of you out there, who said you weren't feeling good, maybe you should see your Dr. There just might be something going on that needs his attention. Oh yes, I have an appointment with an eye Dr. later to see what's going on with my eyes. Will tell you how that goes when it happens. Eliziby


                      OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

                      Sounds like you have an awesome dr eliziby!


                        OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

                        Wow Elizby, you have an awesome doc! And I guess it is a "good" thing that it is not just the Topa causing your misery. So you are scaling back and feeling OK about that? I am assuming you are doing fine with alcohol consumption on the 100 of Topa. It is great you have a progressive doc to work with!


                          OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

                          Maggie, to answer your question, I didn't want to cut back because at times, I still feel those evening jitters, however, I was, and am doing quite well. As of my 4th week, which I have just finished, I have had a total of 7 glasses of wine during that period, which is 2 or 3 glasses less than I had in one evening before MWO. This was spred out over 5 different evenings. My dr., however, doesn't want me having any at all. He wants total abs. He says it's like a cigarette to someone trying to quit smoking, drugs to someone trying to come clean. He doesn't understand that this program was designed for mods as well as abs. I'm trying to do the 30 day June abs, but if I don't make it, I'll fall back into the June mods since I'm doing good with that already. I really wanted to moderate, so I'll probably see how I do. I just want to get the other issues under control and get to feeling better. Thanks for your concern, Eliziby


                            OK/// WHY DO I FEEL BAD???

                            Oh dear,
                            I want my Topa and I want it to work. I am forewarned and forarmed in the event that I even have the brain power to notice that I am all funky on Topa. Oh gee. I am not married. I am all alone and wor in a high pressure / profile career where if I get all confused, there's someone in the sidelines waiting to take my contract. Of course, not on Topa I struggle just to make it in to the office!!
                            Oh dear. I am so worried about this.

