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just starting out

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    just starting out

    hello all! i am a 34 yr old single female. i live in a small town with not much to do. so I, like many others, stiffled my boredum by drinking from the time i was a teen. it started out social and has progressed from there. the past 2yrs have been very stressfull and again, it progressed. for the past year i have drank heavily 3-4 days a week. I have made the choice to quit. my biggest obstacle will be the boredum. i need help with reinventing my lifestyle. my question is how do you get over the habit of i'm bored i'll go to the bar, i'm happy, i'll go to the bar, i'm stressed i'll go to the bar? Does anyone have ideas to fill in my time? thanks so much for help anyone can give me. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU!

    just starting out

    Welcome findingme, by 'finding us' you have just cured any boredom you have been having, this place is an addiction all on it's own... take time to read through old posts, ask anything you want, anytime, there is always someone here. I found at first that I became a complete cleaning freak, all drawer, cupboards etc, I kept a notebook by my bed and wrote down all my private thoughts and feelings during that time also. Looking forward to getting to know you.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      just starting out

      welcome finding, you just come to the right place, its good you made the choice to quit, since that is the main determinant, you also realise that its due to your boredum that you drink lots, its ok to have the fear but it will come to pass and sooner or later you will manage to do something about it.
      dont beat yourself and take a step at a time,i would encourage you to post lots here and read lots you will find very helpful posts and people here, welcome again


        just starting out

        thank you both for replying so quickly! i am very hopefull and its nice to know i am not alone. have a great day!


          just starting out

          You did it.... hurrah, now get posting.. :-)

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            just starting out

            Findingme,,,,,you are definitely not alone. We're all here for you, whatever you need!
            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


              just starting out

              Findingme, You sound like you are doing great so far by acknowledging where you are with your drinking.
              Yep boredom is a big trigger for me also.....What to do? Well, I guess the best thing would be to ask yourself what interests you. Do you like animals? (you could make some extra cash taking dogs for a walk...), do you like art (paint, draw or create whatever you want to),
              Think about the things that you dream of doing and find a way to do a little bit of it....somehow.
              Ring friends and ask them how they are. Clean out messy cupboards that have annoyed you for ages.
              Go weed the garden (very therapeutic).
              Go for walks, go to the gym, go to the library and learn new stuff.
              Well, as you can tell, I could go on.........but will stop there.
              Good on you for making the first steps.

              Sober since 30/06/10


                just starting out

                Even though I have much to do today, being Easter Sunday, I am taking a minute to reply to you. I love helping people here - that's something new to do once you have some success under your belt. I have enjoyed reading books, and just finished a quilt I started four years ago. You probably need to exercise, develop some better eating habits: shopping and food prep take time. You will be amazed at the number of choices of activites in the world once you stop your affair with Big AL. The CD's are also a great "something else to do" instead of alcohol.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  just starting out

                  hi there..findingme..welcome. and just like to say happy easter.and stay busy read alot and you have now taken your first step great job. you can and well be able to do this .stay strong and good luck .
                  god bless you
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    just starting out

                    Hello findingme and welcome...Like tea said this place is addictive...reading the post always helps me...most of the time if I have a problem someone else has posted about it before I have a chance to...this is a great place for help and inspiration....hang in there, you are in the wright place.
                    Jade :welcome:


                      just starting out

                      I have boxed up my tax workbook and a bunch of papers and an accounting program backup CD to overnight to you. Plus all the stuff I let pile up at work. It should reach you tomorrow. :H Hope that helps. Seriously, it gets dark later. Well, I don't know where you are. Get outside. Exercise. Go to parks. Learn a new hobby. Dig in the dirt & make something grow. Find a good book at library. Go to AA. Come to my house and stay with me and help me catch up.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        just starting out

                        :welcome: You have landed in a wonderful place! This is a GREAT website, there are people on here every time I have ever landed and wanted to chat, etc. Oh, if you have not been there, go there! When I first get here (Jan 8 2008) I started going back and reading old posts. Suddenly found out I was not alone any more. Pleanty of people have been where I was, and where you are right now. And they will all share wisdom, sadness, jokes, etc.
                        You are at the start of a wonderful journey. But it will have it's ups and downs, and you may slip and fall sometimes. It's ok! Come back here, you will not get lectures, you will get a lot of support helping you get back up and dust yourself off and get going again.
                        I keep a small notebook with me, and as ideas of things I want to do come to me I write them down. Passing the time? Now that I don't have to worry about making a drunken spectacle of myself, it is a lot easier to find things to do. I'm using part of the money I would spend on alchol to get my house fixed up. All the repair stuff I have ignored for so many years. If you live in an apartment, think perhaps on how you may want to change the furnishings in it. Look to some of the community colleges in your area, see if you can sign up for online courses.
                        Ok, I've rambled enough! Please come back and visit us often, very often!
                        Enjoy Life!
                        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!

