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shipping meds?

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    shipping meds?

    i want to order topamax from river pharm. but the shipping is more than the order i was placing. i was going to order 30 tabs but it doesnt seem worth the shipping cost. i guess my questions are does topamax help with stopping smoking also? i am not sure i will actually need it for to become AF. does everyone lose weight? and finally how much did i need to take a day? from what i have read the dose it according to weight. can someone give me a general idea about dosing and the amount of time a person is generally on this med? thanks

    shipping meds?

    Finding, I can't answer the Topamax questions because I managed without it..... I think part of the weight loss can be attributed to the fact that you aren't swilling down 800 empty calories in the evening...

    anyone know about the topa? There may be info in the Holistic section....

    Tampa, FL


      shipping meds?

      hi FindingMe,

      do you have the MWO book? there's a chart at the back with dosing suggestions but please note everyone seems to react differently. i tried 25 mg for 2 days only because i felt my blood pressure go up alot -- but then i was also taking all the supps and going through withdrawal so i'm not sure what caused my bp issues. i stopped taking everything except a multi vitamin and the b complex and felt better by Day 4, which i understand seems to be when it gets better for most people.

      i would suggest trying the supps and hyno tapes first and then if you need to, get the topa. if you read a lot of the threads here people seem to have lots of reactions to different supps and sometimes people don't need the topa ... others have to go further and use other meds as well. i'm having a hard time with the milk thistle, and sometimes the kudzu -- they both give me indigestion, even if i take them with food.

      its easy to be gung-ho at first and buy all the stuff and hope it will work at the first try. a more realistic approach is to start slowly and add a new supp each day / every 2 days. this is a process and you need to find out what works for you.

      but, you've taken a couragous step so congrats and good luck!!! keep reading posts! it helps. best wishes.


        shipping meds?

        Just my experience

        Hi Finding
        I would agree with everything that spotty said.

        But here is my experience with the "whole program"

        I stopped drinking cold turkey on Jan. 1. By Jan. 8 I started taking L-Glut and 5HTP supplements and started listening to the CD's from MWO. I found success! Not that it was "easy" - but the only thing that was different than the 365 X 10 times I tried to stop before this was
        1. A new prayer to God (I'll explain that privately to anyone who wants to know!)
        2. The CD's
        3. Getting on this website
        4. The L-Glut and 5HTP supplements

        As the weeks went by my other supplements showed up. The topa arrived. So after 6 weeks of being Alcohol free I added these 2 elements to the AF days I already had. My experience:
        5. I stayed on all of the supplements for 6 weeks. I felt a little sick most of the time - but was determined to re nourish this body at ALL costs!
        6. The topa ................ I dosed up by the directions. (25 mg at night 1 week - add 25 mg at night the next week - add 25 mg in the morning the next week etc etc. -- READ RJ's BOOK) My experience was bad. I'm not saying everyones is - MINE was. As soon as I hit 100 mg (50 in the am / 50 in the pm) I started to have panic type attacks and got a kidney infection. So I have been dosing down the same way I dosed up. 25 mg a week. This is my last week on TOPA and I already feel better. I don't know why I even started it with the 6 weeks under my belt except for "insurance" and "curiosity". It was NOT for me.
        7. I have lost 3 pounds in 7 weeks - although I was less hungry - but have been eating a very high nutritious diet following a balanced approach. I really don't have much weight to lose - so maybe that is why.
        8. I quit smoking on Nov. 28 and I think the supplements I added (amino acids) helped with that - look back on the cig thread I'll find the page and bump it back up for you!

        Back to what spotty said
        - Adding one thing at a time will help you know what you like and dislike. When I started all of the supplements - I had so many side effects, but had not a clue what was causing what. I stopped all of them and am just now -restarting my supplements one at a time. I am now 84 days Alcohol free. I have stopped the CD's - but will use them again - if I feel the need. I really think they worked. Not to mention my #1 reason - for without that 2-3-4 would not have worked. How do I know? 20 years worth of drinking and wanting to stop.

        You can PM me with any questions. If I don't respond right away - I am on vacation this week - so my time at the keyboard will be random! Best to you!

        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

        (from the Movie "Once")


          shipping meds?


          There Finding - I bumped the thread so you can read it! It has a lot of good information! (Cigarette thread) Vettech (Mimi) is a good contact too - as she has quit smoking and drinking at the same time - and it quite an inspiration! there are others as well.
          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")


            shipping meds?

            Hi Finding--

            My pal Liv mentioned me above. I would be happy to give you any support you want.
            I've tried to quit smoking a few times-I ONLY drank when I smoked or smoked when I drank--I wasn't really sure which--so I figured I better quit the beer to make this quit successful. I also read a couple of great books--One is Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking". I ordered some subliminal cds's and a hypnotherapy cd and joined Quitnet. Then I ran across the MWO book--ordered the Kudzu and read the book, then ordered the cd's. I continued to take my multivitamin/mineral, Omega 3's, added a fish oil, then I started taking a GABA once in awhile, and L-Glut but not regularly. I thought the Topamax sounded great--but I was too embarressed to go to my Dr. and too cheap to buy it online so I've never taken it. I also remembering the supps being the hardest part of the program to figure out. (I took notes from Liv's post)
            Long story short--I'm not sure what's working--I suppose a combination of all of the above, plus the support and info here--but it's working for me. I've been smoke free for 3 weeks, and I am able to moderate my alcohol--I don't even crave a ciggy with it so much anymore. Most here would tell you to follow the advice in the book, and give it 30 days to be alcohol free--so that's probably best, especially if you drank alot.
            If you want, you can send me a personal message if you have some more personal questions, ok? Hope I can help.:welcome:
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              shipping meds?

              GREAT advice, thank you all!

