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Day 3 comes to a close and ...

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    Day 3 comes to a close and ...

    ... it started with breakfast! 'hadn't done that in a while. Then we went to a (ahem) wine tasting that had been on the schedule for some time (sweetie and I do high end food for such events) but I resisted temptation (wasn't really too tempted I don't like wine), then had lunch (with water). Now after dinner a DVD, a benadryl, and sleep.

    Thanks all. Best to ya. Greg

    Day 3 comes to a close and ...

    Excellent work, Greg!

    Isn't it soooo STRANGE doing breakfast? In my big drinking days I couldn't face food before the mid-morning carbo cravings set in.



      Day 3 comes to a close and ...

      Good job Greg! Yeah I'm not much of a B-fast person either, especially with working nights. Come to think of it, now that Im on topa, food doesn't really have much appeal for me. I nibble on a piece of string cheez, mid mornin, have 1/2 a sand sometimes, maybe a piece of fish @ work. I should be skinnier... Oh well. It's solid!:lol
      So, this must be day 4 now? Good for you! Hugs, Judie


        Day 3 comes to a close and ...

        I must admit I have not been entirely successful in my latest attempt at abstinance. However, the situation is greatly improved, as I have elected to not get rip-roaring drunk every night. Not even close. A few days of abs, then a few (less than 4) drinks is progress. 'still not where I want to be; I'm certain many of you can relate. Last night (at a previously scheduled social event involving a lot of alcohol) I was informed I was the designated driver after I had three drinks. I stopped, and the evening was fine. Please don't beat me, I know this is far fom perfection, yet I want you all to know its better and I intend for it to continue in this manner.

        Sweetie is happy yay!

        Best to you all, G


          Day 3 comes to a close and ...

          hi greg

          Tis glad here. Thankyou for your message - I know how hard it is for complete abstinence from drikning. I am so impressed that u went for 2 days without drinking and then stopped after 3 drinks. Well done.


            Day 3 comes to a close and ...

            Re: hi greg

            Hi Greg!

            Sounds like you are definitely going in the right direction, Greg, and that is important. Have you decided what you really want to get out of this program yet? Abstinence is the "gold standard" in the medical community, but you may have your own idea of what you want. I think it takes a while for some of us to figure out what we want and what we can achieve.

            It is definitely a good idea to go for a good period of abstinence first, of course, but for now, the important thing is that you are doing so much better than you were. I was on the program a month before I even tried to abstain (although drinking went down a lot in that month ), slipped pretty fast, then tried abs again more successfull six weeks later. Now I'm moderating, and I will probably do more abs soon to keep those muscles in shape:lol . I've been here since December.

            Take care and keep up the good work!!

