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Well, I'm off in 12 hours......

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    Well, I'm off in 12 hours......

    Well, got my cooler packed with all my AF bevvies and I'm off to my 4 day sales conference........

    120 sales reps from across the country - big drink fest every year.........

    As I sit here drinking my green tea I'm feeling pretty good. My roommate this year is not a heavy drinker at all and actually she is the one person who I have talked to at work that I do trust about wanting to cut back on my drinking so she won't be surprised at all to see my cooler packed with all AF drinks - nor will she care (or be like "what? You're not drinking").....

    I do know that some people I work with will try to give me a hard time but I think I'll play the "new medication" card just so I don't have to deal with their crap..........I need the AF days and funnily enough, for me they are usually easier when I'm out then when I'm at home alone so being away in this social atmosphere may actually be a good way for me to rack up some AF days! Getting one in today to start it off!

    Wish me luck guys, I won't be able to post so I'll check in on the ODAT thread before I leave and then again on Friday when I get back.

    Take care of each other!
    Love and Hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    Well, I'm off in 12 hours......

    :l Uni, you will be fine and have a GOOD trip. Watch others have drinks and say stoopid things, its really fun. Reminds you sobriety is much better. :h


      Well, I'm off in 12 hours......


      You will do just great! You have come so far, insuch a short time!! You have a great time and tell us all about your trip whe you get back!!

      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Well, I'm off in 12 hours......

        Uni~ Have fun.... I did the same thing in January, and truthfully, I was really nervous because my colleagues always expected me to be the "life of the party" (aka obnoxious flirt). I also brought a cooler of AF beer, and drank club soda with cranberry/lime twist when I wanted it to look like a mixed drink. I used the "I'm on the detox diet" line if anyone asked.

        Some did ask... some were too wasted to notice... many nights, I felt like an owl perched on the barn roof as I watched the animals dance in the barnyard... very enlightening

        Have fun, Uni! Looking forward to your impressions on Friday. :heart:

        Tampa, FL


          Well, I'm off in 12 hours......

          :hhave a wonderful time Uni!!!
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            Well, I'm off in 12 hours......

            Good for you that you planned and packed some nice things for yourself!


              Well, I'm off in 12 hours......

              Go for it Uni ~ a fresh start!
              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

              (from the Movie "Once")


                Well, I'm off in 12 hours......

                If I haven't missed you - have a great time! You can do it AF, you are well prepared. When you get back I hope to hear how you did it and you can read how I got a few AF days under my belt too!

                Bessie xx


                  Well, I'm off in 12 hours......

                  Wishing you luck at the conference......sounds like you have a good plan in mind....Let us know how everything goes..
                  sobriety date 11-04-07

