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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Where is everybody? Couldn't get on here til just now so expected to see the thread already up and running.

    Hope you all survived the Easter hols - those who had it - and are back to normal again today. I just wish I knew what normal was..... sigh.....!!

    Little piggy had to go this morning sadly. Friends staying in the holiday let have 3 children with them which is a good test of the place. Two of them are fine - the little one is a nightmare monster beast!! Just as well I can't understand half of what he says (French) as I think I might be even more horrified!!

    Bessie x

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning odaters, feeling good today, strong and remotivated to grab life - sober.

    Bess, so sorry about little piggie hope you okay about it.

    Have a good one all to come.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Morning ODATers,

      Bessie, sorry to hear about the piglet, that's sad.

      I'm feeling good this morning - was AF last night - didn't sleep at all which sucked but at least I'm not hungover.

      I'm all packed and leave in 10 minutes and am feeling strong. I can make it through this conference. I will give you guys the scoop when I'm back! Have a great rest of the week everyone! ODAT.

      Love and Hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Good morning all. I've been awake since 4 am thanks to my husband. If he can't sleep why should I right?
        Anyway, it was an AF night........again. I'm getting pretty close to 30 days AF. I'll be glad when thats over, not because I'm going to grab a glass but just the stress is mounting as I get closer. Can't explain it. Maybe because 30 days has always been the number for success?! But I feel great, just tired, so excuse my lack of enthusiasm.
        Bessie, sorry about the little piglet, but at least you can get some much needed sleep. As for the french midget........ignore him. If he acts up, put him in the pig pen.
        Universal, good luck on the road.


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Hi guys - meant to be getting on with the spring cleaning, but can't be *rsed, so here I am wasting time!!! "The french midget" - LOL!! I'm sorry about the wee piggy too, Bessie, but nature knows best, I suppose. Hope everyone has a good day, have a safe trip Uni, see you back here again soon.
          All the best
          "Last of the Spring Cleaning"!!!!


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Jumpimg In


            I hope you don't mind if I just jump right in.. I've been a member of this forum for almost a year but have not posted in the last 3 or so months. Been to busy drinking beer unfortunately. Two months ago I had a plan, that I would run a 10 KM (6 miles) run scheduled for May 24th and that would give me 4 months to prepare. The idea was to self motivate myself to lay off the beer and hit the treadmill. I use to be in pretty good shape,but now I get winded just going up the stairs from the basement to the second floor. Instead of spending the last 2 months getting ready, I spent it worrying about the committment I had made and kept on drinking beer. The worse part is, I convinced my 2 best friends to sign up with me !.. Both are in excellent shape and both have run Marathons before..So, now I have the added stress of letting down my best friends..Arrgg I wish I would have kept my big mouth shut !..

            Now I have a decision to make.. there are only 59 days before race day.. it's do or die.. I either put everything I've got into it.. which means every day I have to train and NOT drink beer.. or accept the fact that maybe I don't have enough time anymore and I'm just setting myself up for failure, disapointment, injury etc..

            I was AF yesterday, first time in months.. and I am AF today and plan on staying that way. I am trying very hard to make a "run" at this because my bigest fear is to let down my best friends..

            ODAT DAY 2 for me..

            Thanks for listening.. off to work I go..

            Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Good morning all. Feeling really good today. Yesterday was day 1 (again!!) AF for me and I plan on being AF today too. Going to the gym in a bit.
              Bessie: So sorry about the little piggy. And Riker: You have your work cut out for you but you can do it! It's a good challenge. I wish you the best.
              Love and Peace
              When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
              -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Morning. Late today. Didn't feel well.

                Aww.. Bessie, poor piggie. You tried very hard for piggie. A sad, but correct thing to do.

                I went to the gym at 5:30 AM but had to go back to bed when I got home. Feel real out of sync. Busy day so I won't have time to whine.

                Making hubby take doggie to doggie school tonight. I'm too embarrassed to take her. He doesn't know it's the final "exam" night and she has had no practice. Boy is he in for a surprise. :H I can assure you she will not get an award.

                Have a great day all. Look at the fitness section for my post and give me feedback if you have any, pretty please.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Good morning all!!:farmer:

                  Good luck Uni--I KNOW you can do this!!

                  Hope you feel better soon Greeneyes--Way to go getting up and getting to the gym even if you didn't feel well.:getwell:

                  Riker--Better get busy, you've got a lot of training ahead of you! Won't you just be really mad at yourself if you don't at least try this?? I say GO FOR IT!! :thumbsup

                  Beautiful day so far here, things are turning green, kids are back in school, hubby back to work (sick yesterday).:rays:

                  Wishing you all a GREAT day!!
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    terrific Tuesday!

                    Hey all you ODATers!! It is a beautiful cool day here in FL (colder than some northern states even!!!)

                    Sorry about the piglet Bessie, hope you are ok w/ it, putting down an animal is always difficult for me, but it is better off not suffering................

                    Everyone else you all sound great!!! I am being killed here at work, am SOOOOOOOO busy as compared to last week, really a change, but for the good! And I am on vacation in Las Vegas and Utah next week, WHEW WHEW!!!! Can't wait!!!!

                    Talk to you all later,

                    love and hugs!!:h:l

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Hi Guys,
                      Sorry about piggy Bessie.
                      On day 4 AF today (my dangerous time day 4-5) Not managed to get past since January with loads of attempts!
                      Will see tomorrow!

                      In life we can live out our dreams its true
                      the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        hi everyone

                        sry about piglet bessie

                        good going everyone, and welcome to any new comers.

                        25 AF today

                        take care all xx


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          Hello ODATers,

                          Had a really busy morning. Talked hubby into going into traffic court and fight his speeding ticket rather than just pay. They had him doing 82 mph in a 70 mph zone.

                          He ended up pleading no contest and has to go to traffic court, which means the ticket will be dropped and he will have no points.

                          He made me go with him!! He needed moral support. Of course the courtroom was so full, they wouldn't let me sit with him so I sat outside and waited. But then we got my new car registered so two birds with one stone. All in all a good morning.

                          I, am, of course sober. We went to lunch at one of my usual watering holes and my eyes did wander to the bar but the Antabuse said, "Uh Uh, no way, girl." and the feeling passed and I had a wonderful lunch!! That was a pleasant surprise. WOW, what freedom that was for me, you have no idea!!

                          Now off to shrink who has to sign some paperwork for my job. I really need to consider what I want him to say. I am also taking all the drugs in for him to look at, between his scripts and the detox scripts I want to make sure I am not taking too much or things that may interact wrong.

                          Bessie - So sorry about the little piggy. Mother Nature can be tough and sometimes we can try to make the small and weak of the litter well but sometimes nature just knows what should be done. It is always hard, though. Good efforts on you and your hubby's part to try though. I grew up with ranchers and farmers in the family. They would've just let the runt die.

                          Everyone else, it looks like most are AF way longer than I am!! :goodjob: to all!!

                          It is not a contest but a daily struggle. You are all fighting hard and winning. We are such incredibly strong people to put up this fight. I am proud of each and everyone of us.

                          Love to all and may you achieve your goals whatever they may be.
                          AF April 9, 2016

