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Back again for the 3rd time!

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    Back again for the 3rd time!

    Well, I went back to the wine at the end of Jan. and have been going strong ever since. :boohoo: It's the same old story....I can have just one or two glasses of wine after work and hold it there. Then before long the bottle is gone. I've been saying every day that I'm going to go AF again, but then evening comes and I'm sick of work and everything else and what the Hell. Might as well have a few. It really isn't hurting me anyway...I can function at work, etc etc. Trouble is I'm not functioning as well as I should. Have that fuzzy headed feeling in the mornings, worried that someone will smell stale alchol, feeling guilty for giving in.....the list goes on.

    I've been SO busy at work and come home to a 38 year old daughter who is living the life of a teenager. Can't (or won't) find a real job, just does babysitting for a friend. Doesn't pay any room and board...I have to stop this but don't know how to do it. Oh yes, she sees a counselor and takes antidepressants, but if I bring up voc. rehab or anything else, she gets angry. I know I need to kick her out, but it's so hard. Guess I need to set out some expectations and a time table and stick to them.

    Sorry for rambling on. Today I'm going to get back on the L-Glut and Vitamins and NOT DRINK!!

    Thanks for listening.
    AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs

    Back again for the 3rd time!

    Auntie G~ Welcome back! I wondered where you were! :h

    Better admit it now than find yourself at the VERY bottom of the barrel, you know? Even though you are busy at work, work on you too, okay?

    Get yourself to a place where you have the strength to deal with daughter.... :l

    Tampa, FL


      Back again for the 3rd time!

      I have not had the pleasure of meeting you before, so HI!
      Try to make today Day 1 AF again, take it one day at a time!
      Between work and daughter it sounds like you have a lot of stress going on. I found it is better to deeal with stress without dealing with my old girlfiend ALice! so, throw your ex-buddy AL out on the street, then maybe you can better deal with the daughter.
      I had to sit my son down one day (he was doing the same thing, only younger) and say, Mom says we can either pay for utilities or buy food. You need to get a job and start to contiribute to the household instead of living off us. It Worked! He was employeed the very next day!
      Good Luck, keep us posted!
      Enjoy Life!
      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


        Back again for the 3rd time!


        Thanks for the welcome back, Not So Happy Hour and nice to meet you, BHOG! I've seen many of your posts. I'm going to try to get some things straightened out. I do know that AL doesn't help problems, just creates more really. However, he does numb the pain for awhile. It just doesn't get you anywhere. My daughter's situation is somewhat complicated since now that she hasn't worked for awhile, it's hard to find something. But she's also being pretty picky about what she's willing to do.

        I'm going to keep plugging away and enjoy my nice day off here. And today is Day 1 again!
        AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


          Back again for the 3rd time!

          Hi AuntieG, don't think I've met you. Welcome back though. Sorry you are stressed out just now, bet you feel it will never end eh. Do you have 'job agencies' where you are? We have quite a few here where you register with them and they find you temporary work say covering a sick leave, maternity leave etc. Just thought this may be a way back into the working world for you daughter and would get her confidence back up to apply for jobs? Just a thought.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            Back again for the 3rd time!

            Hi Aunti. I have never met you either. I have a similar position with my son, although he is only 18. He stays up til all hours of the morning, sleeps and eats all day long. He also just won't get a job. I'm tired of it. I have managed to remain AL free for 75 days today. It hasn't been easy. I have gone through a recovery program and both myself and my son are going to counseling. It has certainly helped me alot! We went and got a couple of job applications yesterday and when he gets the phone out of his ear, we are going to go turn them in. He also is going down to the local Job Corps on thursday. Hopefully his unemployment is not for much longer and that will make my life much less stress free and he can help out with some bills. Good luck to you and take it one day at a time. That is the only way to handle it.


              Back again for the 3rd time!

              Glad your back, AuntieG. You already know that we are here to support you and boy! It sounds like you could use some support right now! Sorry to hear that you are dealing with all of this! It is so easy to think that alcohol will help us deal with life and struggle. Just one or two to "take the edge off". But we know in our AF minds, that when we are not drinking, both our resolve and our decisions are just better! You will figure this out! If not, perhaps BHOG will make a "House Call"!

              XX Kate
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Back again for the 3rd time!

                Thanks Tea, Kate and Jettek,

                My daughter has been to the temp agencies. She "failed" a couple of placements and the last couple of times they didn't have anything for her. She's also supposed to be going to Voc. Rehab for help with finding something that she can do that isn't too much stress. She has panic attacks. Now I'm worried that she may have turned down something with them bec. she didn't like it. She needs to take anything at this point and not be picky. Guess I'll have to get tougher. Have just been so busy at work that I haven't had much time to think about it. And to be truthful don't want to think about it which is why wine is so handy!
                It's time for some Tough Love I think! Past time, in fact.
                Oh, and a house call from BHOG would be great!! Altho I'm not sure my guy friend would like it

                Thanks again.
                AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


                  Back again for the 3rd time!

                  Hello from one Aunt to another

                  Hello Auntiegriselda, haven?t had the pleasure but looking forward to hearing more form you.
                  We can beat the "same old story". Best wishes Aunty Vic


                    Back again for the 3rd time!

                    Thanks Vic,
                    I'll look forward to getting to know you.
                    AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


                      Back again for the 3rd time!


                      Welcome back! I have also come back for the third time! It's day two AF for me...third time is the charm! WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!
                      "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                        Back again for the 3rd time!

                        Welcome back, Auntie......I think you were already here when I joined last year.....nice to see you again.....and I know where you're coming from with the modding....end of the day drinks etc.....phew! I'm doing well with the modding, but it just isn't as good as when I was AF.......

                        Hope you can get yourself motivated to get where you want to be :h


                        Suze xx
                        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                          Back again for the 3rd time!

                          The third time is a charm......if that does'nt work the forth and fifth are just as good ! LOL
                          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                          Dr. Seuss


                            Back again for the 3rd time!

                            Hi Auntie...

                            Third time is a charm, just believe it! It was my third time that did it for me, too. I came and went a few times last year, then finally in January I decided enough was enough. I have a high profile job, didn't miss work (well not much, anyway), functioned (I thought well, but now I see otherwise), and always had the committee in my brain telling me I can do just fine in the evenings with a few - but then it was a few more.

                            You can do this.. just stay close and let everyone support you. Stay connected in the beginning. Find a "home thread" for a while (30 day booze busters, etc), and let us help you along.

                            Good luck and strength.


                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              Back again for the 3rd time!

                              Thanks everyone. I must admit I've had a little slip. Had a couple of glasses of wine last night and tonight. I talked myself into it because of all the work stress. I'm going to try again tomorrow.
                              AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs

