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just found you guys guess iv got a big problem

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    just found you guys guess iv got a big problem

    My life seems to be falling apart. I have 4 children (10,8,6 & 4 who is chronically ill). My marriage has fallan apart due to my drinking and I just want to die. Please help.

    just found you guys guess iv got a big problem

    Hang in there and remember that we are here for you. It sounds like your life has hit the "skids" so to speak - and that you possibly blame it on your drinking. It also sounds like you have your hands full as a Mom. Don't be too hard on yourself - just try to get yourself healthy for your children. It's a great inspiration! Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we are convinced that we need to make changes in our lives. You are, after all, only human! It's OK - just pick yourself up and make a committment to yourself that you can try to change your drinking habits. We are, as Moms, modeling behavior for our kids. This has helped me to keep at it - trying hard to change and also be honest with my kids about my struggle. You have come to the right place for help - there are SO MANY great people here - all helping each other.
    God bless and DON'T GIVE UP!!!!


      just found you guys guess iv got a big problem

      It's never too late to get help and this program is a good place to start. It sounds like it is time to help yourself get healthy and to be there for your children. If you are ready and willing to make a change, this program can help and this board is here for support.



        just found you guys guess iv got a big problem

        SO glad you found this site!
        Yes, those wonderful children need you (have 2 of my own who saved me from the brink).
        Start reading and posting. Start having some hope....many of us are mothers and can empathize with your struggles, so please feel comfortable venting. That's what the boards are here for. We learn and share and start to get beyond our problematic drinking and on to a more healthier lifestyle.


          just found you guys guess iv got a big problem

          I'm a mom too. Just one - a seven-year-old daughter. My marriage was in serious trouble and I was A MESS when I found the book and this site at the end of February.
          I'm not perfect yet, but I'm a different person now. One who I kind of like.
          This CAN happen to you. I would never have believed it for myself.
          Stay with us.
          Read - post - read - post.


            just found you guys guess iv got a big problem


            Welcome! So glad to have you here and that you found this site. Surly you are not alone any longer! Many of us here are moms just like you. I have two children myself. This is great program and it can really help you. Grab hold of it and DON'T let go! These boards and the people here are amazing and full of all the support you can possibly imagine. You can download book and get yourself started that way, ok!



              just found you guys guess iv got a big problem

              Hi and Welcome,

              I also have four children, and found it actually has helped me and them to tell them what is going on, and that I am in this program and doing something about my drinking. I have now been with MWO for 25 days, and although I have not been totally abstinent, (I am a binge drinker and have fallen prey to the demon three times in this period) I am no longer lost and alone in my battle, and feel I improve a little more each day. Now I even have GOOD days!

              I read this board many times during each day, even just to read one or two notices then go on my way again. It helps so much just to know we are all pulling for each other to get our shite together. Stay with us, download the book and get yourself the supplements asap, you'll be astounded how quickly all this stuff starts working!

              Best of luck to you, and to all of us!


                just found you guys guess iv got a big problem

                Welcome and consider this your home away from home!! I must say...I was in your same shoes just one year ago! I too have 4 beautiful children. One of which has 3 major Psychiatric Disorders. My marriage didn't survive, but it had nothing to do with my drinking. I can say that now! It all gets very mixed up! Start here...get the drinking under control...start sorting things out.

                This truly is the best thing that has ever happend to me. I'm the typical binge drinker. Very wonderful nice do anything for ya best friend...until I hit that blackout point...then watch out...I've heard the horror stories. Not someone I'd wanna meet.

                Please Stay and get the materials...go see your Doctor and get the supps. It's all good!!!

                Big Hugs


                  just found you guys guess iv got a big problem

                  Hey Gladim... Welcome, How are ya doing today? Hope you stick around.. Think you'll like it here, we're a pretty friendly bunch! Hugs, Judie


                    just found you guys guess iv got a big problem

                    Hey Glad,

                    Hope things are looking a bit better today! Let us know how you are doing!



                      just found you guys guess iv got a big problem

                      Happy Friday! Hope today is going better for you gladimnot.


                        just found you guys guess iv got a big problem

                        Hey Glad,
                        Anytime you want to tell us about yourself or vent or whatever, we're ready to listen!



                          just found you guys guess iv got a big problem


                          We are all here for you. No matter what is happening, check in with us, ok?

                          all the best, Ned (Ivy)

