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I'm so pissed

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    I'm so pissed

    hey everyone-

    I haven't been posting a lot lately, and thats ok, but I wanted to check in and let off some steam.

    I drank last night, kind of overdid it. Ended up having to throw up because the room was spinning...lovely, I know. My boyfriend was already sleeping and was very considerate about me getting sick...

    I struggled all day at work. Get a call about 2pm that my boyfriend is going to a bar, do I want to come. No. He comes home about 20 minutes ago drunk as a skunk. I look at him and it makes me sick. Do I look like that? But I am so adorable! HA. So then he starts to point at me without making noise and I got angry and yelled at him for acting like a moron..Speak up brotha! Well then he blew up at me and called me a fucking bitch. Nice.

    So..I am pissed. I am hungover and feeling like my world is caving in on me, and I don't need to see him like that and be called names like that. I am not usually sensitive, but I am bawling my eyes out because I feel like nothing is solid for me....I want to talk to him about how I feel, and he's not even mentally there.

    I know it seems selfish to be talking like this, I mean I did throw up last night, but whatever-this isn't Martha Stewart, this is My Way Out! LOL

    Thanks for the advice in advance

    I'm so pissed

    cke -

    you are the lead in your life. don't let anyone but YOU guide your existence. his "going-to-the-bar" is not a reason for you to "let go ... let-life ... let-loose."

    throwing up is a sign of purging. set AL free. take control of your existence.
    am praying for you.

    - L
    Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
    :wings: :huggy


      I'm so pissed

      Hi cke123. Sorry your're having a rough spot. It will get better. Ok, well, just my 2 cents. No, he's not mentally there. Chances are that you are not either. He's drunk, you're hungover and feeling remorseful. In a boxing match the bell sounds and the players go to separate corners. Did you hear the bell? If not, listen closer. Geez I'm sounding preachy and I'm the last one to be in a position to do that. Let it go for tonight. Take a nice bath, relax, have something soothing like hot chocolate or tea and relax orjust go to bed. This can be discussed later. Good luck and take care of yourself. :l
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        I'm so pissed

        Was there any particular reason why you drank last night? Just wondered if there was something that happened, or if you were just letting off steam? Rewarding yourself? Ticked at BF? No reason... just because?

        Does your BF feel like he has a problem, or does he give you grief about your drinking? Do you think he went out to "get back" at you?

        No, he's not a moron, and No, you aren't a fucking bitch.... so take a deep breath.... unfortunately, you'll have to wait for tomorrow to get your feelings sorted out with him.... like Greenie said, neither of you are in a state of mind to discuss world peace....

        Masq says to "take control of your existence"... E, how can you do that, tonight? Does it help you to jot down your thoughts and emotions? Okay, you felt horrid all day ~ so what will you change for tomorrow?

        Much love, Cheekie.... be kind tonight, and things will work out tomorrow. :heart:

        Tampa, FL


          I'm so pissed

          Hi there Happy life!

          I don't think he is a problem drinker, and he occasionally gives me greif about mine. I am the hardest on myself.
          The reason I drank was cause it was a gorgeous day out and I love outdoor drinking. Ijust drank too much. My head is like mush the next day and more and more I am finding that is it not worth it.
          things are certainly clearer today...what I do and how I behave from her out is up to me.
          I get really bored when I'm sober so I think i need to be ok in my own skin.......



            I'm so pissed

            I know what you mean about drinking outdoors- whether there's a chill in the air, or a hot summer sun, I'd join you in a heartbeat!

            I'm glad to hear that there wasn't a "root cause" to your drinking... I mean, I suppose happy weather is a trigger, but at least it wasn't fighting or stress....

            Have you and BF resolved your argument? :?:

            Tampa, FL


              I'm so pissed

              Hey Patty-

              We did...everything is good with us. Hopefully it will stay that way!


                I'm so pissed

                Now that all of that nasty experience is behind you, perhaps it would be a good time to consider going on one of the ODAT threads and trying to become AF for a period of time so you can look at everything from a very sober point of view? Perhaps that would give you and b/f a time to sort it all out. Just some thoughts of course.
                War isn't working. Let's try Peace!

