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New and feeling this all out

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    New and feeling this all out

    Hello, everyone,
    I'm new here and in my second week of topamax, cds, supplements, etc. I have to say the total effect is amazing. For the first time in a long time, I'm starting to feel hopeful. I chose my name for this site for obvious reasons -- for those of you who are familiar with "The Sopranos," you'll know what I mean. Way back in Season 2, Dr. Melfi struggled with a drinking problem brought on by her obsession with Patient T.S. Well, I don't have anywhere near such a specific cause as T.S. I started to drink to excess not because of just one patient but because of the cumulative effects of everything in my life, the least of which are my patients, who, by and large, give me joy and purpose. Nevertheless, at the end of a ten-hour day, all I want(ed) to do was have that long-awaited drink, to just relax and *forget* -- about the stories of divorce, incest, child abuse, sadness, you-name-it. So, here I am. I think they call us "wounded healers."
    Dr. Melfi

    New and feeling this all out

    welcome Dr. Melfi!

    I imagine it would be sad to hear all those stories. My sister has major issues and everytime she talks to me, I want to drink, and usually do.



      New and feeling this all out

      Dr. Melfi,

      Nope, never watched the Sopranos BUT know there are a few counselors on this site. Yes, it must be hugely difficult to get through a whole day of some of the sadness and hopelessness.


      I think you will find lots of caring and supportive people here.

      AF April 9, 2016


        New and feeling this all out

        "Feeling hopeful" is a great place to be. You are still going to have a figure out a way to de-stress at the end of the day. A walk? A nap? So glad that you are taking steps to get your life in order.


          New and feeling this all out

          Welcome Doc!

          I'd hide those credentials for now, sort of like honey to a bear around here! We are all here to help and be helped so you should fit right in! :welcome:
          Is Addiction Really a Disease?
          Watch this and find out....


            New and feeling this all out

            HI DOC!

            I don't know if you should have to "hide you credentials",you are a person,just like the rest of us,dealing w/ the same struggLE!I know my doctor,who for some reason seems to have it all together (even though you and i know he has at least ONE vice,come on :H!)has turned to tai Chi,Yoga,Meditation because of the stress,,,(I am one of his psycho patients,I am sure you have at least one ,who makes him tell me this have SUCH an emotionally taxing job,who could blame you?You know better than us how damaging this stuff is for our bodies..use THAt..PLUS THE SUPPORT HERE....You will make it!!!
            P.s.AS Far as honey to a bear thing.....just ignore the growling,IF any....


              New and feeling this all out

              Welcome Dr Melfi (yes I think I do remember that character!).:welcome:

              I hope you find this site helpful.

              Sober since 30/06/10


                New and feeling this all out

                Welcome, Doc,
                I guess it's time for you to be a helpee instead of a helper... You need to do your part, though (sound familiar)? Just read and post your thoughts and questions. Keep coming back. You will find your path to success.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  New and feeling this all out

                  This works for ME!

                  [ame= ]YouTube - How to Swim the Freestyle Stroke[/ame]


                    New and feeling this all out

                    A warm Welcome to you Dr.
                    You know it really doesn't matter what we do,we have come here for the same reasons.I too am a health care person who is thought highly off.However i beat myself up all the time because i should know better.Just take comfort that you can come here regardless,and write down your feelings without judjment.Stay close and vent . xx


                      New and feeling this all out

                      Welcome Doc!

                      You know, I had considered wanting to be a counselor when starting my degree 4 or 5 years ago.. then I realized.. I would bring 'their' probs home with me... I can only imagine..

                      P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                      As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                      - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                        New and feeling this all out

                        Doc Melfi -
                        Glad to have you join us! Now it is OUR turn to listen to YOU. Read, read, read ... then read even more. We are a group of strugglers who succeed and slip - but we support one another, regardless.

                        One day at a time.
                        - Masq
                        Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
                        :wings: :huggy


                          New and feeling this all out

                          Thank you all so much for your support! It's nice to be on the receiving side of things -- it feels a bit strange, but it's very comforting. Thank you all again, Dr. M.


                            New and feeling this all out

                            Hi Dr. Melfi, Welcome and happy to have you here! I loved the Sopranos and the Dr. Melphi character was one of my favorites!

                            I am happy to hear that you have embraced the MWO program. Yes, I can tell you, it is working for me! At over 70 days without drinking I feel amazing. Life still presents its struggles and pressures and at times a curve ball.........but, I handle everything better and I am much happier.

                            Best wishes to you and please continue sharing your experiences with us!

                            Carpe Diem!
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              New and feeling this all out

                              Time to receive for you

                              Dear wounded healer :welcome:
                              After a 10-hour day of giving and giving and giving, sadly nearly everyone wants a drink [or 10, cancel the lol]. Sopranos on late at night TV over here, saw one episode when they cut off a head and put it in a bowling bag.
                              WTF was that shit? Is that entertainment? Cannot handle that type of violence and never watched again, absolutely toooooooo revolting for me.
                              Was a social worker and know all about not being able to shake the shocking stories.
                              I hear a severe lack of balance in your life, am I right?
                              Sit back?.think?. and write out what would you say to such a client, with the same story? ?????????????????????????????..
                              Then do it, one baby step at a time.
                              Meanwhile keep coming back to us for some receiving.
                              Enough of the giving for you?.. for now.
                              Aunty Vic :h

