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Anyone else experiencing these effects from L-Glutamine??

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    Anyone else experiencing these effects from L-Glutamine??

    Hi all! Still waiting for my pkgs, so went to a vitamin store last night and bought kudzu, calms forte, l-glutamine, and GABA. I usually start drinking around 5pm..(and don't stop until bedtime..). Hubby and I got home around 7pm last night, only had a few glasses of wine left, so I took 1 l-glut tablet and emptied the contents under my tongue, and took 3 calms forte pills. Waited about a half hour and read a book in bed. Drank the two glasses of wine. This is going to sound really wierd but...I got this really weird feeling inside my brain, like I could feel the alcohol effects around the outside of my brain, but felt like there was a big rock on the inside, that was keeping me from feeling any of the euphoric effects...has anyone else felt that. I believe it was the L-glut, keeping me from getting that eurphoric or high feeling...Hope this didn't sound too stupid!
    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this???
    THanks! Don't have any bottles of wine in the house, don't want to buy any either. Going on vacation this saturday to grand canyon, and would like to NOT drink during this time...

    Anyone else experiencing these effects from L-Glutamine??

    Re: Anyone else experiencing these effects from L-Glutamine?

    I'm not sure that is how I would describe it, but it was cirtainly something different. I felt something, but not the norm. I didn't have the desire to continue since I wasn't getting the effect I wanted. Does that make sense? I am in week 4 and have on 4 different occasions decided to have my favorite wine and 1 and 1/2 glasses has been enough each time. Every time I have had that same experiance, so I guess the program is working for me. Eliziby


      Anyone else experiencing these effects from L-Glutamine??


      so, are you saying that you can break open the tablets and pour the powder straight under your tongue?


        Anyone else experiencing these effects from L-Glutamine??

        Yes, right under the tongue!

        Yes, before supper, I open up one capsule and empty the powder under the tongue to disolve, gets to the brain much faster. I got the idea from others in one of these posts, plus from researching on the Internet. And I just received my offshore Topamax today and just took one. Will also do the L-Glut under the tongue again. The past two nights I've only had two glasses of red wine each night.(Used to drinking the 1 liter white wine!)
        I just feel the edge effects of the alcohol, but i don't get that euphoric feeling that makes me keep drinking so I just sip them. Maybe it is all in my head..but something is working for me!!


          Anyone else experiencing these effects from L-Glutamine??


          I'm going to try that because I'm in my 2nd week and I'm still drinking my wine - I know it's more out of habit now and I know I'm so happy when I wake up in the morning and I haven't had any Nothing worse than that taste huh!? Odd the way our brains work. Anyway, I did try one last night and I have to admit within seconds I could feel it - like a buzzing in my brain - although I was thinking it could all be in my mind but I'm going to research a bit more too and take it like that from now on.

          Thanks for replying Smokey

