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first timer jitters

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    first timer jitters

    My order has been received and i should receive it in 7-10days. I wonder where my head will be by then! I have leen strong 3 days(almost) and although its Fri nite I am NOT NOT NOT opening a bottle. It is never just one. This may sound silly but something in me is looking forward to the challenge. I want to prove to all the negative head kickers out there (my partner) that I can do it. My positive feelings here actually empower me to to do it FOR ME and say stuff you I did this despite your cruel taunts cynicism and sarcastic comments. You are so right Helen, their comments are far from hurtful. I'm determined to use them as inspiration as in 'don't get angry, get even'.

    Fellover (3 days ago...)


      first timer jitters

      Good Morning Fellover,

      Well, It is 5:30am where I am now in the US. You do sound very determined, and I do know how you feel!! You are doing great!! And yes, positive thinking is quite empowering indeed!! Stay close to the boards, and keep us posted as to how you are doing!! Oh, and drink lots of water, helps!!



        first timer jitters

        USE IT!!! I love that train of thought!!! It has chugga chugga'd me through some times that may have otherwise been difficult. I would think "Hey, I am doing this and no one can tell me I can't!" And it works. If you (like you already have) tell yourself in the morning "I am NOT opening that bottle, then DON'T. Don't entertain the thought, don't start thinking "oh, just one glass", and make a plan to do something else.
        Anger or spite or whatever it is is probably not the best means to keep us sober....
        but it's a hell of a motivator for me! In the short term anyhow....until it turns into more of a healthy attitude and resulting lifestyle .
        You go, girl.


          first timer jitters

          Thanks Donna and Becca

          Made it thru a Friday nite and almost Saturday. Now is a challenge! What goes with a pizza...Mmm dry ginger ale!


            first timer jitters

            first time jitters

            Hi fellover. I'm an Aussie too and must have ordered the same day. My last drink (or 3 or 10) was Thursday night so we're about at the same stage. I got through Friday night with soda water and Friday is usually my day to go for it as I use the excuse that it's the end of the work week and I need to relax (like I haven't through the week). Saturday got through okay and now Sunday morning. Have booked myself in for a massage treatment late this morning and going walking around the lake. Trying to pamper myself and reward myself for a whole 2 nights without alcohol. Don't get me wrong, I usually do go one or 2 days without a drink, but just the last few weeks I've been pretty full on. Each day counts and adds up. My worst time really is when I get home from work. I'm home a couple of hours before my husband and usually that's when I get into it. I usually have a smoke with my wine and my husband thinks I have given up. I'm sure he must know but I would never smoke in front of him. So it makes the drinking all the more secretive as I won't smoke without a drink, so sometimes I think I'm drinking just to have a smoke. Sound stupid? So for me, it's giving up two addictions. I would only smoke 1 or 2 a day most days but have to accompany that with the same amount of glasses of wine and of course if the bottle isn't empty after the fags, then it soon will be. Anyway, great to know there's someone on the same time frame as me. I'm trying to do the detox thing while I wait for my order and using Vitamins and supplements to help. Love to hear from you again see how you get through the weekend. As I said, I think I'll be okay today but the weeknights are going to be my big test!


              first timer jitters

              Re: first time jitters

              Hi Freedom and everyone

              Just a quick note to say boy, what a weekend! Nothing to drink now for 6 days. Thats not a record but it is a start. Having people over for dinner tonight and my partner wants red to go with the pasta. I said go for it. Its the first real test where i feel tempted. We talked the other day and i have 100% support so hopefully some of the stress my drinking has created will dissipate.

              I'm sure I will still enjoy dinner without wine...we'll see won't we!


                first timer jitters

                Red wine

                Hi fellover - how'd you go with your dinner? Did you get through with everyone drinking red wine with theirs? Any particular strategies you used?


                  first timer jitters

                  Re: Red wine

                  Hi Freedom

                  made it with flying colours! I opened the bottle, poured it for those who asked. I must admit I looked at the bottle a few times but thought how annoyed I would be with myself if i gave I didn't...and I feel proud of myself.

                  Hope you are making progress. I can now say that I have conquered my first 7 days! My partner is so keen for me to make it a month and then celebrate with a civilised drink together just to prove to myself that not only can I stop but also stay in control when I have 1 or 2.


                    first timer jitters

                    Re: Red wine

                    Your determination is proving to be your best asset. And you seem to be so glad the next day! You are on your way to scrapping those old habits. Keep it up. Gotta get days of clarity behind you, so keep on doing what you are doing. Wish I would have gone even longer with the abs in the beginning, cuz I am having to revisit it a bit right now . That's ok. We do what we have to do to stay on track.
                    Here's to no more falling over! You are inspiring!


                      first timer jitters

                      Red wine

                      Fellover, Rebecca is right - your determination is amazing! Well done. And you have every right to be proud of yourself. I am on Day 6 today, so nearly a week - pretty rapt. Bit jittery today - not sure why cos I've felt good all week. Maybe my body is just starting to work out, hey, what's going on - I need alcohol! God, I hope not. I'm in two minds about having a drink (one glass only with dinner) this Sat night as we are going away to celebrate my daughter's birthday. Part of me wants to abstain and the other part wants to show me that I can have one drink. Any suggestions anyone? I know it's my choice and I am not going to abstain forever, I will drink socially, and the good thing is, the daughter we are going away with is one of the lucky ones who can take a drink, enjoy it and then have a coffee. She obviously doesn't take after mum (or her father for that matter). Anyway, I'll just play it by ear - if the urge isn't too great, I'll just stick to soda water - maybe it's too early to test myself. Again, congratulations on your passing with flying colours!


                        first timer jitters

                        Re: Red wine

                        hello all,
                        Have been so busy but have been wanting to check back in to see how everyone is doing. I'm on day 13 and have had a couple of urges but just ignored them. I do worry that when I finish my 30 days abs my willpower will desert me and ...well you know. I have the book and cd's but they are staring at me from my bedside table. Has anyone else begun really strong and then found other things keep crowding all this stuff out? Well at least I am sticking to the abs. I guess the reading will happen soon.
                        Stay strong everyone.


                          first timer jitters

                          Re: Red wine

                          Hi Allison,

                          Congratulations on 13 days! That is just GREAT! Hey, go ahead, pick that book up, give it try. Its a great read and quick too! It may just be the thing you need to keep that good old willpower of yours going!



                            first timer jitters

                            Re: Red wine

                            day 2. 8:00 a.m. the real test will be Wednesday when I go to work. I bartend at my own establishment. Yikes!!


                              first timer jitters

                              Re: Red wine

                              Hi Fedup,

                              DAY 2, GOOD FOR YOU, WAY TO GO!!

                              Yikes is right about bartending! That will be quite a challange. Did you have a chance to download the book? It outlines the whole program. In the meantime, click on the "Home" tab at the top of this page. From there you will find a link called "Important Program Updates". It contains all the latest information on the supplements used in the program.

                              These supplements help tremendously with withdrawls and cravings. Many of these supps can be found at your local healthfood store (go for quality!!). Perhaps before Wednesday you can get started on some of them, I think you will find them to be of great help.

                              The supps that are specifically for cravings are the kudzu and the l-glutamine. The calms forte helps with the nerves but be careful taking it while you work because it can make you tired. You may want to try taking it today and tomorrow and see it makes you feel.

                              You are doing a great thing for yourself here! When you are ready, we would love to hear more about you!! Stay strong and check back often for support!!



                                first timer jitters

                                Day 4 just beginning. 1:34 a.m. insomnia. I had some fever and chills yesterday so did not read your message untill now. I will check out the supps. Thank you for all the encouragement. I will drop in tomorrow nite(actually tonite) after work and let you know how it went.

