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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    It's Thursday!! Get your arses up and get going! I have to be at the gym in less than an hour. What WAS I thinking when I said 5:30 was OK Oh well. One more weekday to go. Except for me and the second black hole and of course Bessie who never stops. :H

    Have a fabulous day and be good!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Thursday

    I am up! I've been going! I will carry on going...... Yes, what WERE you thinking? I grumble even when I have to leave for early morning hunting at 5.30am and that's something I love! Going to the gym at 5.30am would be hell on earth for me! (Going to the gym at 5.30pm likewise - let's face it, I hate the gym 24 hours a day!!)

    Another night of modding (with guests - who cooked lovely Belgian dinner - and the poison dwarf who wasn't too evil last night either). A couple of glasses with dinner, then water while playing cards. Guests gone now and hubby and I going to treat ourselves to a quiet night in with roast lamb and a movie. I think there may well be a bottle of wine opened but it will only be one. That's my aim for today then I will be ready to get back into the AF frame of mind.

    Love to all to come. Hope you're geared up for a great day.

    Bessie xx

    Who lost a poor old cat yesterday. Been surviving on drugs for a long time but back legs went. RIP dear Billy. It's been really shit month for animals being put down - 2 cats and a piglet.
    2 other cats went last year. Just down to one now. He gets extra special attention now.


      ODAT - Thursday

      Good Morning ODATers,

      I only have a few minutes because I have a report to finish for a client this morning before I get my girl to detox. Pray, Pray, Pray!!!!

      Greenie - 5:30 a.m.??? Are you nuts? Um, yep. :H

      Bessie - I have never actually lived on a farm but have always had cats and dogs. It is hard to lose any one of them. They hold such a special place in our lives. Sorry for you losses. I am also glad to hear that the guest thing is working out and you have a lovely day to yourselves today. You are one hard working lady!!

      To all the rest to come, take care, be strong and be happy!!
      AF April 9, 2016


        ODAT - Thursday

        Hi all ODAT'rs

        So sorry to hear about your cat Bessie. We all become so attached to our animals its hard to loose them. We have only one cat at the moment too and he's an SOS (spawn of satin). Inbred alley cat, born up a 20ft tree!! Verrry, very bold but cute with it, he cannot stay out of trouble.

        Good on you Greenie, I used to use the gym before we got the dogs. I find morning the best time of the day to exercise, its over and done with and you feel great for the rest of the day. Day 3 AF for me and have a busy day planned.

        Cindi, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter. It sounds as if she wants to get herself sorted and thats half the battle.

        Hi to everyone else.



          ODAT - Thursday

          hi all, its been a crazy couple of weeks wish i could say i was af through it. not bad though and things have been pretty stressful , suffice it to say ML is here with us , FL is coming out of psych ward today lets see how today goes phase two though not the first chapter of this story
          oh yeah and threw my back out doing too much for too many, but that is mostly recovered
          love you all
          check in when i can. bessie sorry about the kitty my kitty attacked ml trying to keep him away from her i think the kitty weighs more than she lol.
          cindi my thoughts and love are with you and DD
          everyone else let the good times roll right into april.....


            ODAT - Thursday

            Good morning all - a bit late checking in here, but better late than never. Sun is shining here and I should be getting on with yet more "spring cleaning" - you must all think I live in Buckingham Palace, it's taken me so long to get this house in order!! My next task is to get my fitness campaign into action. Have got together with a couple of friends and we intend to get healthier and fitter for this summer - even if it kills us - LOL! Have good day everyone, Rudemama hope things go well with your family, but remember to look after yourself as well.


              ODAT - Thursday

              hey all odaters, another day and sober free.

              sry bessie about ur cat.

              anyway dont have much to say today, just been hanging about and waiting to go to circuit training. then i can fall a sleep and injoy.

              cya all tomorrow. take care.


                ODAT - Thursday

                oh noo!

                is it thursday? should me still be an odater, i'm like 170 days? :goodjob: oh well I is here I knew you wood all miss me! HELLO 2 ALL...:l


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  I don't miss you. I look for you and find you!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    Hey BigGirl Pants and all: Have you seen yet that RJ has added all kinds of "pants"-related icons???:H:
                    :ants: anties: :grannypants: !!!!!!
                    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        hey all - I have been MIA lately, but have vowed to make more time.

                        We should all be ODATimers.

                        Bessie - sorry about the kitty! Yes, farm life can be sad. I remember one year when I was young and we lost 5 piglets. My mom had let me bring one in the house to try and nurse along. The hog had died after giving birth. I am pretty sure I am only human who has ever rocked a pig to sleep with a baby bottle.

                        smiley toes - I wish you well!!!!

                        dex - so good to see the travolta dances on - LET THE MUSIC PLAY, HE WON'T GET AWAY!!!!!


                          ODAT - Thursday

                          greeneyes;299138 wrote: I don't miss you. I look for you and find you!
                          greenie, you okay? change your pants, i'm staying...sorry. :toilet:


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            I'm good Rippy! I meant I don't miss you because I look for you on the boards. I always know where you are! I was being smarty pants about underwear and dexterhead gave me a cyber "thwap" so I deleted what I said about underwear (what's that?) :H. All is fine in beanland. Lukalee is gonna want the arse icon in her signature, I'm sure!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              ODAT - Thursday

                              Daughter is in detox. It took all day and I am exhausted.

                              Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts.

                              I am still AF and ecstatic!!

                              AF April 9, 2016

