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looking for help

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    looking for help

    hi, just stumbled in here when googeled symptoms of withdrawal

    looking for help

    You're in the right place meetoo..

    There are Many threads about withdrawal in here.. I'm sure you'll get many responses to your post too.. Just read through.. try Gen Discussion thread and the Holistic thread... and check back here in about 5 mins... lol.
    P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

    As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
    - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


      looking for help

      Hi meetoo,

      I am also new to this site. What I have received from this site is a bunch of people who think the same way I do. I have learned alot just by reading posts and asking questions. It's a huge conversation. I am guessing that you think you may be having some withdrawals. Well first I'll tell you that no one here (atleast I don't think) are professionals just have alot of personal experience.
      The withdrawals that I have experienced are:
      I can't sleep
      My hands shake in the morning (which usually stops after another drink)
      My heart races the next morning
      and the psychological sypmtom I have is Guilt, Guilt, Guilt

      Stick around and you will learn alot.


        looking for help

        Welcome metoo! You're going to love it here. Keep posting and reading!
        Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


          looking for help

          Hi meetoo and welcome,

          Don't know your story so can't help you with what you will experience with the withdrawls. Everyone is different. I am forty, average height and weight, female, drank about 12 beers a day during the week, nothing on the weekends unless we went out which is rare. Anyway I had the night sweats and mood swings, but not much else when I would go a long time without. ( have gone 30, 60 and 90 days before....)

          This is a great site, we are all in the same boat just different areas.... I am down to about 3-6 beers a day during the week with a few AF days, that is wonderful for me! However I would like to get a few more AF days in.....that will come....!

          Reading the posts and checking in often has helped me tons! I don't post much, not sure what to say sometimes....but love this place!

          Best of luck to you!
          Hugs, Bambi
          "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


            looking for help

            Hi metoo
            I'm also new here, just joined yesterday. I've read a lot and feel hopeful. In general discussion they have a thread on withdrawl. I usually experience night sweats, and just feeling drained. I usually mix beer and vodka, 5-6 drinks 3-4 nights a week. Hopefully this site and the supplements will help me stay free of alcohol for a few weeks and then try to moderate. Welcome and just know that from what i've read, this works.
            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


              looking for help

              for most of my life.....

              :new: I've been a binge drinker. Yesterday, was the third day in a row and I think I've nearly killed myself. I know my heart can't take the abuse anymore. I've been doing this to myself for 50 years!! I'm here for your friendship and support and also to order kudzu. I take a gazeelian supplements and vitamins. The newest thing I've found is Oil of Magnesium that you rub on your skin instead of swallowing the stuff and getting the runs!

              So this is Day One of the rest of my life. Thanks to you all for being here. Just knowing that I can check in anytime and "hear" what you're saying has raised my spirits and given me renewed hope.


                looking for help

                Hi metoo,
                I'm new also, and this is my first post. I have been "browsing" this site for a few months now, and am really, REALLY impressed with the support and honesty. Seems like we have variations on the same theme - need to quit or taper down, and are crying out for help. I haven't tried the supplements yet (am going to go to a health food store today and get some Kudzu and milk thistle). My worst fear is liver damage - abdominal ultrasound showed possible "fatty liver," which could be a precursor to worse. It can be reversed by giving the liver a break from the alcohol. So far I'm 2 days without my nightly gulps of tequila. So far, so good.
                Best of luck to all of us!


                  looking for help

                  Welcome Gelgit and Owlet!!

                  Welcome Gelgit and Owlet.. ! :welcome:

                  So glad you're here..

                  I'm still kinda new.. Day 6 for me.. feeling great now.. (those first few days are the hardest I think...

                  You're doing the right thing.. read read and post post here....

                  So much support it's unbelievable.. I couldn't do this without this forum..

                  I'm so grateful to have found these wonderful people..
                  P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                  As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                  - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                    looking for help

                    read and post

                    thanks Palatia:thanks:you are so right!!


                      looking for help

                      Thanx Palatia,
                      A bit of info here for everyone regarding withdrawal. I work in a doctor's office, and what they tell people is that if you are not an all-day-long drinker -- that is if you just drink at night - no matter how much - you probably will not have serious withdrawal symptoms. Well, I'm at work (toggling between work and this site), so I better get back to it before the docs realize I'm not really working!
                      PS Thanks Prisca for yesterday's private message. It meant a lot to me.


                        looking for help

                        Bambi! Where've you been? I've missed you! :h

                        Welcome Gelgit and Owlet. :welcome: Y'all keep reading and posting and you'll find out how great it truly is here.
                        Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

