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Anyone have these symptoms ?

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    Anyone have these symptoms ?

    Has anyone experienced something like this ?

    30 to 60 minutes after eating a meal, I get dizzy / lightheaded. Sometimes, really dizzy and I have to lean on a wall or I migth fall down. It lasts about 1 hour and dimishes a bit then it comes back after my next meal.

    Also I noticed that on days when I drink more water..I get a lot more dizzy.. If I drink the recommended 8 to 12 glass of water, I'll be dizzy all day.

    The only time I am not dizzy, is when I drink.. it seems to settle me down and "ground" me..

    This started happening 3 years ago.. but it would "stay around" for about 2 or 3 months.. then I would perfectly fine for 3, 4 months or more.. then it would "come back" ..

    It is more frequent if I am more tired or stressed.. but it happens even when I do not have any excess stress in my life, other than the beer, but that's been there forever..

    I have seen 3 doctors in the last 3 years.. they all told me the same thing.. as soon as they ask " do you drink ? " , yes I do.. this much (half of what I actually did drink) and right away it's " Oh Well, you have to stop completely for 3 months, then if you still get dizzy, call me back, see you later " ..

    Just wondering if anyone else has this " eat - get dizzy" thing going on..

    Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda

    Anyone have these symptoms ?

    Hi Riker,

    Makes me wonder about your blood sugar. Have you had it checked?

    AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


      Anyone have these symptoms ?

      Do you have low blood pressure??

      I knew someone at work who had the same thing because of low blood pressure. When you eat your body circulates a lot of blood to the stomach to help digest the food which can cause a further drop in blood pressure thus the dizziness. Booze will have the opposite effect IIRC. I am *not * Doc so it's best to ask your doc or another Doc.
      Is Addiction Really a Disease?
      Watch this and find out....


        Anyone have these symptoms ?

        As far as I know my blood sugar is normal.. but I have not had it checked in a long was ok when my first episode happened.. it was 5 I think ?

        My blood pressure is fine, I check it about once every 2 to 3 weeks and I'm always in the perfect range..

        If I remember I actualy checked it while I was dizzy and it was ok.

        I do have slightly above normal cholesterol, but I am not taking any meds at this time. my doc had a ultrasound done of my main arteries as well as a "stress test" and everything was fine so he said I did not need any meds at this point for cholesterol..

        It's a dilema !..
        Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


          Anyone have these symptoms ?

          hi you take any vitamins and if yo dont you might want to start taking some and get your potasium level check. just an ideal
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            Anyone have these symptoms ?

            Hi tlrgs,

            Yes, I have been taking a high quality powder form of vitamins (Genestra)with my protein shakes in the morning. Every day for the last 2 years or just about I have shake with skim milk, flax seed oil, one teaspoon of the vitamin, some l-glut most of the time, and the whey protein powder.. oh, and sometimes, when I think about it I put some B complex and Vit C in there as well, but not every day.

            Funny thing is that when I went on vacation for 3 weeks in Florida just a few weeks ago, I did not take my vitamins, or protein, or flax oil.. and I did not feel ANY different at all.. So, I'm wondering if I should even bother with the vitamins ? It can't hurt I guess !

            I just find it strange that I don't feel any different.. my wife get's tired and cranky if she misses just one or 2 days of Vitamins..

            we are all different I guess..

            In the past, when I tried multi vitamins like Jaimeson or whatever, I got extremely tired.. I put it down to Iron.. some people already have enough and if you to much Iron you can get fatigue etc.. The ones I have now don't do that..

            Don't know if there is potassium in them ? I'll check that ..

            Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


              Anyone have these symptoms ?

              I've had a slight amount of dizziness.. but nothing I worried about.. if it continues and seems to be a prob.. go get it checked out.. For me, I think it's just the bodily changes from not drinking..

              And yes, men don't need to take iron.. it can be toxic if you get too much...
              P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

              As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
              - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                Anyone have these symptoms ?

                What is your current drinking pattern?
                Starting over again 09/06/11

                "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                  Anyone have these symptoms ?

                  Hi Change..

                  Right now ? AF for the last 3 days..

                  IT comes and goes.. sometimes I am fine for a few months.. no dizzies.. then it sort of starts and it is usualy after meals.. and in the afternoon. I always feel fine when I get up in the morning.. but shortly after breakfast I get dizzy.. it's to weird..

                  I have to go AF for 60 days or more and see if that affects it.. maybe it's just an overload of toxins, combined with stress, not sleeping well enough and a lack of exercises .. don't know.. right now I still get it even tough I am AF.. but it's getting better because I am eating a lot healthier, not drinkink, and excersising a fair bit..
                  Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                    Anyone have these symptoms ?

                    hi there riker how your fruit intake. and salad.and stay strong this will pass everything will get better soon
                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

