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    Back again

    Hi i came here last month to join the spring madness thing which was good and i lasted a few weeks.I have been up and down since,mainly down if i am honest.Had trouble registering before,but now i have a new package and hopefully will be able to participate.God i need some support.This alcohol is a nightmare,so complex.I so hate the fact that it comes back when you least expect it.Anyway here i go again,got the book,supps.Feeling nervous as i am using booze to blot out painfull feelings.Its a vicious circle isn't it?i am and need to find some motivation. So just saying hello again.
    C X

    Back again

    Welcome back! There is great support here. Keep checking in!


      Back again

      Hi Charddonay,
      I know how you feel! It has been a reall battle for me too!! Especially the feelings and anxiety: Keep on trying, not everybody (to be truthful I don't think many) have done it right the first time.
      Take care of yourself and keep posting.
      Love Shas


        Back again

        Hi Chardonnay,

        Welcome Back!

        It sure is a vicous circle, and I know what it is like to use alcohol to blot out painful feelings. The bummer is when it does come full circle and those damn feelings are still there, ya know what I mean? There certainly is plenty of support and motivation for you here. So glad to hear you got yourself registered, and got the books and supps. Here's to getting back at it!



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          Welcome back Chardonay! Just keep on jumpin back at it! We're here for ya! We are all "Works in Progress".... Hugs, Judie


            Back again

            Welcome back.
            Just keep at it. Can't make any progress unless you keep trying. I know some do not agree with "just keep getting on the horse/wagon" mentality, but if it weren't for that, I'd be lying in the ditch run over a bazillion times instead of at least being MINDFUL ALL THE TIME of what I'm trying to do here!

            Things change, we learn, we move on. Only we know in our own hearts and within our own lives what is best. THAT is what is becomming one of my biggest lessons lately. Do all you have to do to be your best!

            Looking forward to having you around again. Stay close, ok?


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              Re:Back again

              Testing, i have typed this 4 times!!


                Back again

                Re:Back again

                A big Hello to all you lovely people who made my day when i came home from work to all your heartfelt messages.Trying to find a distraction from the usual.Like you need it when you have all the other things to prioritise like the kiddies,sorting the tea,house work etc.Not tonite though,not last nite either.No tonite if i ever get this posted,this is my 3rd attempt,i am going to snuggle up with my babies(10&8) i know sad isn't it, have a cuppa.It is 9pm on a cold uk eve!Then i am going to watch some tv.Go to bed with clean teeth!!!and try to sleep aided by reflection of the support from my new mates xxxxxFeeling all emotional now!
                Thanks again and the best to all you too
                Speak soon C


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                  Re: Re:Back again

                  Welcome back Chardonay!


