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I'm old here, but new

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    I'm old here, but new

    I've been lurking here for about a year now and finally decided to post. I'm sick of my binge drinking, yet I continue to do it. I binged last night and I'm about to go to work with a cloudy head. I'm on Naltrexone and Campral and still drink. My husband drinks too and it's hard to stop with alcohol in the house all the time. I'm just tired of it.

    Anyway, I'm here to say hello and announce my presence.


    I'm old here, but new

    Hi Heather
    Just want to say welcome..I am guessing in the past year you have done a lot of reading. I do not have another drinker in the house, so I can't speak to that issue, but there are many who do, and I am sure you will get lots of advice and support.....Now the work thing, that is something I sure have been through!!!...When I think back on some of my worst days, I wonder how I physically made it there, never mind the mental aspect......You will find the right path to sobriety....
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      I'm old here, but new

      Hi Heather,
      Glad you finally decided to join us. My first question would be, Have you read the book, MWO, you, know, in honor of the third anniversary of the publsihing of this book, the author, Roberta Jewell is offering a Free download of the book. Check it out in the health food store! Honestly, for me, the book and the supps were what helped me to stop drinking and the board was my support network!

      Best Wishes, and again, Welcome!
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        I'm old here, but new


        I can't speak to having another drinker in the house, in that way I am blessed, hubby doesn't drink at all.

        However, others have suceeded despite that obstacle.

        I do know binge drinking well. I binged pretty much every day!!

        Life really is difficult as a drinker.

        I wanted to say :welcome:, I am glad you decided to join us and I hope you find your way out.

        AF April 9, 2016


          I'm old here, but new

          Hi Heather!

          Yes! Giving up the drink while there is still alcohol in the house is very difficult. If you are planning to totally go A/F then you need to be even more vigilant if your husband is not willing to sacrifice drinking around you. Have you asked him Not to drink in the house? Have you expressed your desire to go A/F?. It's hard enough to take drink out of the equation, almost like taking candy from a baby!!, but to have it around you 24/7 say in the fridge or in a wine rack or anywhere, makes the psychological addiction that much harder to break.

          Sounds like you have been doing a lot of reading anyway and making connections with certain member's posts' in relation to your own habits. making yourself a more active member of the community i.e. posting will I'm sure give you more of a feeling of comadre and help lift your spirits. It did for me anyway!!!

          Look forward to reading more from you and your situation and hope I can be of some help to you in the future.

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            I'm old here, but new

            Hi eridani and :welcome:

            My husband and have been "drinking buddies" for a very long time (20 years). I decided to cut way down on my beer consumption in order to quit smoking. I used to get a hard start when I knew he had probably stopped at the bar, or if it was Friday night and he would be bringing beer home. I would also get anxious when he was drinking and I was not--just not on the same level would make me cranky I guess. Sometimes I would just go to bed and pretend to be asleep when he had been out.
            Now, he can be drinking and not me and it really doesn't bother me. He does keep the beer in the garage though. He did mention last night that he told someone he lost his drinking buddy! But he's okay with it, and knows it wouldn't hurt him to cut down also.
            Anyway, it can be done, but it takes some work, and it's not easy. I also think its harder for some than others. I hope this helps a little. Take care and keep coming back!
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              I'm old here, but new

              eridani;299640 wrote: I've been lurking here for about a year now and finally decided to post. I'm sick of my binge drinking, yet I continue to do it. I binged last night and I'm about to go to work with a cloudy head. I'm on Naltrexone and Campral and still drink. My husband drinks too and it's hard to stop with alcohol in the house all the time. I'm just tired of it.

              Anyway, I'm here to say hello and announce my presence.

              DEAR HEATHER.....I can relate to your situation vey well. I have been drinking heavily for MANY years and it has been a love/hate relationship for almost 30yrs. I have been successful as a multi-facited musician and a paramedic, as well as a father, and a caring husband. I so far have never lost any thing due to alcohol except my SANITY sometimes.I sometimes get horribly depressed after a drinking binge and just want to lay down and die. Then there are times when it is amazingly wonderful especially when my wife and I have a great time drinking and bonding together, staying up very late and spinning old vinal records on the turntable. These are precious moments but it can also be like a poisenous snake that will bite when your not looking. I go back and forth, back and forth forever....its like the ring of power on the LORD OF THE RINGS......IT HAS MAGICAL POWERS BUT IT IS DANGEROUS. I have had a few days alcohol free now and I can already feel the pull to enter the ZONE THAT WE LOVE. You are not alone Heather. Try taking a week or two off and you will feel much better about everything.


                I'm old here, but new

                Welcome Heather. Welcome Repete.


                Tampa, FL


                  I'm old here, but new

                  Hi Repete

                  :welcome: Repete..

                  I totaly hear you on that.. I to really enjoy the " good times" especialy with my wife when she ocasionaly has a drink and let's her " hair down" I love music and I have been playing Bass guitar for about 25 years. There something to be said for great music playing through a quality system while being in that " zone " has you put it..

                  Unfortunately, it's the other side of the coin that is not so great.. if only we could just drink once in a while, party but without over doing it.. just a few to have fun.. but no, if it's one, it's 10 , 12, 14, 16..

                  :welcome: Heather, You have found an amazing place with amazing people..The support here is nothing short of life saving.

                  Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                    I'm old here, but new

                    a song

                    Hey, Heather, Repete, Riker and everyone!! Thanks for your comments. I've got 164 bottles of wine on the wall 184 bottles of wine, take one down and pass it know the ditty. It's the "wine cellar" and divorce is the only way it's going to dissapear.
                    I'm going to turn it into a voodoo shrine. I've got to get to the place where I can look at it without emotion or desire.
                    Yes, I am really going to need your help here and whatever I can do to give it back!


                      I'm old here, but new

                      :welcome: Gelgit,

                      Wow, that's a lot of wine on the wall :H

                      Gives a whole new meaning to "temptation" .. like living at the wine store !..

                      But you are right, you need to remove the emotional, mental, physical attachment to it..

                      the hypno CDs are pretty good for that.. making you change the association to something else..I think it's at least worth a try for sure..

                      Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                        I'm old here, but new

                        :thanks: I'll think of your slogan " DO or DO NOT" It makes me feel like I actually have the power! I can pass on it. At least for today and tomorrow. Then I'll start over again on my 2 days at a time working up to the first 30 and onwards from there. I feel graditude for everyday that I'm still breathing, but I want a bigger plan than just one day at a time.... that's a scorpio for you:h


                          I'm old here, but new

                          Welcome Heather, I am very happy that you decided to post. You will find that it gets easier as you go a long and realize just how supportive everyone is here.

                          Welcome to to you Repete
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            I'm old here, but new

                            My husband continues to keep wine in the house. He is able to control his drinking, and I have not been able to do so. Even with that wine calling out to me, I was able to quit with the support of this forum and my husband. He says I made a good choice, though we will miss sharing a bottle of wine quite regularly. I was a pretty regular weekly binge drinker.
                            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                              I'm old here, but new

                              hi there..heather. good to see you come out into the sun light .and welcome and keep on posting
                              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

