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I'm old here, but new

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    I'm old here, but new

    Welcome I can totally relate. My live in b/f is a drinker but has never crossed the line to having quite the problem I have. He could certainly drink less but has not developed the addiction I did.

    At times I miss the nights we would stay up drinking and talking all night or the really great sex with just the perfect buzz...but we lost most of that closeness long before I quit drinking. My sneaking, lying and hiding pretty much put an end to that. I was more interested in him going somewhere so I could get trashed without him disapprovong. When you drink to excess most of the time you lose most of the close relationships in your life simply b/c you don't want others to see what you know deep inside you really are.

    Being an alcoholic is a lonely frightening life and I'd rather give up some of the thrill and freedom for a sense of peace. It is much more liberating to know you can drive at anytime and go anywhere. I ruined many outings b/c I was wasted way before it was even time to go.

    Good luck


      I'm old here, but new

      Dolly Sunshine, I hear you loud and clear. Thank you for talking right to the heart of me!!


        I'm old here, but new

        Hi Gelgit,

        Yes, that is a empowering saying in my signature..I am a bit of star wars fan, ok, more than a bit..of the 3 originals, not the recent ones.. Anyways. that is from the second film in which Yoda, a Jedi Master is trying to teach the main character, Luke, about the " force" .. to make a long story short, he tries to lift his spaceshift from a bog / swamp using the force but he fails, he tells the master, " I can't, it's to big " .. " No, only big in your mind, look at me, judge me by my size do you ? " says Yoda who is about 3 feet. So, Luke says, " OK, I'll try " .. and Yoda says " No, do, or do not, there is no try " ..

        That scene has always been very powerful to me..
        Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


          I'm old here, but new

          gelgit;300104 wrote: Dolly Sunshine, I hear you loud and clear. Thank you for talking right to the heart of me!!
          That's the beauty of this place...what I said is in one way or another the heart of all of us. We may have tiffs or disagreements but nobody is going to understand the thoughts of a problem drinker the way another one can. People can try and often mean well but until you've walked the walk you just don't know. Good luck to you it's a rough road to sobriety but it is a spectacular view once you're there.:welcome:

