Welcome I can totally relate. My live in b/f is a drinker but has never crossed the line to having quite the problem I have. He could certainly drink less but has not developed the addiction I did.
At times I miss the nights we would stay up drinking and talking all night or the really great sex with just the perfect buzz...but we lost most of that closeness long before I quit drinking. My sneaking, lying and hiding pretty much put an end to that. I was more interested in him going somewhere so I could get trashed without him disapprovong. When you drink to excess most of the time you lose most of the close relationships in your life simply b/c you don't want others to see what you know deep inside you really are.
Being an alcoholic is a lonely frightening life and I'd rather give up some of the thrill and freedom for a sense of peace. It is much more liberating to know you can drive at anytime and go anywhere. I ruined many outings b/c I was wasted way before it was even time to go.
Good luck