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Am in the right place?

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    Am in the right place?


    You sound very similar to me in terms of the binge drinking, and in terms of your choice for wine.

    Most of the time I can control my drinking, but if the WRONG circumstances present themselves, I can get so drunk that anything is possible. I have recently had my first baby, and that seems to have made a big difference, but I don't feel I am out of the woods yet. My situation is complicated further by the fact that my husband drinks beer heavily.

    Here are some of the things I have learned over the years, for what it may be worth. You really do have to find other outlets for your down-time than drinking, even if it is just to know they exist. I have come from a family where drinking together is one of the only things that we do together. Some of us have faired better than others, based solely on how much alcohol we can tolerate. I have decided to remove myself from that environment, so I can stay in control. This has been sad for me to do because I love my family. It hasn't fixed everything, but it has given me time to think.

    I have often wished that I could be the kind of drinker that has a few glasses of wine with a good meal, and then stops when i have had enough. If I give myself no alternative, but to be the responsible one in the group (duty driver, for example), I have found that I can manage.

    I also have a job that has restricted the use of alcohol for extended periods, and with my will power issues, this has also been good for me. It has allowed me to think, and the thinking is what I feared the most. I am home on maternity leave currently, and the waves of memory about the things I have done while drinking have really shaken me. This also has been a very good process to go through, however painful.


      Am in the right place?

      Welcome Jethro, and congratulations on your baby! :l

      Wow.... how I WISH the lightbulb in my head flashed on ten years ago, after my son was born... sadly, it didn't.... and by the time he was 4 years old, I was in a very bad place with alcohol- except I didn't see it for about 6 years. You sound like you are level headed, with your priorities in the right order- baby & hubby, job.....

      I am close to my sister, but we live in other states- like you, when my family gets together (7 kids), 2 of my brothers will each buy a case of beer, so there will be 48 delightful friends there with my family. Oh, and of course, our two uncles, Sailor Jerry (92 proof rum) and Captain Morgan are also invited, spinning the karaoke records and starting in-depth conversations that spark anger and tears.... that no one remembers the next day. Stuff really gets red-neck if the neighbor (Jim Beam) crashes the party, because he drags along Johnny Walker and Johnny Black, and those boys are rebel rousers for sure!

      Which is one of the reasons why I live in another state .... when I quit drinking, I didn't tell anyone at first, but after 2 weeks AF, I told my sister. Since November, I've been on this journey, and after Easter Sunday, she and I talked about the last family escapade. While I don't know if she thought of it as a compliment, she told me that she NEVER would have guessed how serious my problem was, because I was good at functioning in society.

      If you are still AF and enjoying being home with your baby, now would be an awesome time to take charge of your drinking. I'd recommend getting the vitamins and developing a plan. From your post, it sounds like you CAN moderate, but that you must be vigilant. Sometimes being vigilant takes more effort than its worth, and that's when people go AF.

      I look forward to reading your posts... are you sure you aren't my sister?

      Tampa, FL


        Am in the right place?

        you know what your triggers are. try to stop obssesing and let go alittle. changing habits are a must. otherwise you will fall right back to the same old same old. keep exercise and not worring so much about portion control. just eat healthy. good luck

