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Am in the right place?

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    Am in the right place?

    Hello everyone

    This is a very strange feeling. I've never been on a forum before and I've never really admitted how much my drinking habits bother me. To most, on the outside, I appear to be a pretty normal young woman I guess. I workout three to four times a week and I like to party.

    The thing is I have recently moved to a hot country, where the flow of just about everything is slower except for the wine. I have a better work/life balance and feel healthier than I have ever done. But, I have got myself into a bit of a pattern that I can't seem to break. I drink moderately most of the time, never drinking more than two glasses of wine maybe once or twice a week. However, every two to three weeks, I'll go out, party and get totally wasted. By this I mean, I get so drunk I don't know how I get home, I make up lies, I fall/bruise/cut/injure myself and then spend two days on the sofa unable to eat sometimes. These binges are beginnning to depress me too, as I have so much restraint and dedication when it comes to other things. I measure what I eat, the amount of time I work and I plan everything almost obsessively. These binges become my release from all this.

    I've tried quitting, but that just leads to bigger binges. I've tried drinking moderately, but then I just drink a little too much more often. I just don't know how to get that healthy perspective on alcohol. Can someone tell me where to start...

    Am in the right place?


    First off, :welcome:

    Secondly, due to the anniversary of this site, you can download the MWO book for FREE!!

    I would recommend you do so.

    You are a "binge" drinker, from what I gather. Others on this site must address this issue with you because I was an everyday 2-3 bottles of wine or 2 bottles of vodka drinker. YIKES!!

    So My Way Out is probably much different than yours.

    I did want to say you are in the right place and others will come along and speak to your drinking pattern.

    Best of luck,
    AF April 9, 2016


      Am in the right place?

      You could startwith RJ's book. If you do not take supplements (I bet you do), then get those too. Check into RJ's CDs and the kudzu. I find that I'm a bit like that. Anything I do, I do to the extreme. Good for you to see it coming. Need to nip that in the bud. I used to make fun of my brother, but now it's not so funny.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Am in the right place?

        Good morning, pup--and yes you are definately in the right place! I'm going to recommend you start by reading the MWO book, you can download it free right now from this site! Keep reading the posts, there is alot of support here, and some have been here a long time and give really good advice. You're off to the right start!:welcome:
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          Am in the right place?

          An early thank you

          I just want to say thanks to those who have already replied to my post. I felt silly for writing on a forum on which so many people have obviously had much longer and tougher battles than me. An early thanks for making me welcome. I'll look at the book today. x


            Am in the right place?

            Welcome, Pup... :welcome:
            When you wrote about not remembering how you got home.... that really scared me!
            I hope the book helps you.... and the hopeful news is that there are other binge drinkers that can totally relate to your habits.

            I'm glad you found us. :heart:

            Tampa, FL


              Am in the right place?

              Hi Pup-

              You sound just like me. Sometimes I am fine, and others I drink like my plane is going down. And like you, I stay on the couch panicky, unable to eat because I can't remember the stupid shit I say, the lies I telland whether I am going to get caught for any of it.

              I am struggling with my drinking still but you are in the right place. Keep in touch



                Am in the right place?

                MWO is the right place to be hang in here mate!!
                All that you know, is what you're able to know!!:applaud:


                  Am in the right place?

                  hi there..pup.. first welcome. you have made the right step. and the thing about not remembering how you get home is not good at all . read alot and post all of your questions . the fight with al is just like a workout keep on trying and you might also look into aa meetings .everything will help. remember you are the only one that can make the change so try everything you can .before you dont remember killing someone.sorry dont mean to be so hard but maybe this will help you wake up to realize what at steak. so good luck and god bless you on your jouney
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    Am in the right place?

                    Hi pup and welcome!

                    I started out binge drinking like you and thought that's what people my age did(I was in my 20's). Slowly it progressed into daily drinking and the quantity increased. Bravo for seeking out help now!

                    Great idea to download the book!


                      Am in the right place?

                      I too started out as a binge drinker, just on the weekends, then progressed to every 3-4 days to where I am at now to almost daily. Yes you are at the right place if you don't want your binging to progress to worse and it may or it may not only you can be the judge of that. Waking up and not knowing how you got home is a good indicator that your drinking is starting to progress to unhealthiness. I believe that you ask why do you do this? I think you answered your own question. Do you not try to control everything else in your life sometimes to the extreme? What and how much you eat, work, excercise, or whatever the case may be. I'm not saying that eating healthy and excercising isn't important because it is, however it also can become an unhealthy obsession to the point that you turn to something else to find some kind of release and it sounds like for you sometimes you turn to AL.

                      So again to answer your question yes you are in the right place, this is a wonderful place, I say stick around, read lots, get to know people and their stories because everyone has a different story but we all have one thing in common our desire to either stop drinking completely or learn how to moderate our drinking.

                      Welcome and hope to see more of your posts

                      Hugs from weird snowy seattle

                      when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                        Am in the right place?

                        Since I obviously don't know you, it's hard for me to gauge how much of a problem your current level of drinking is, or may become. I do, however, have a suggestion, since your drinking is causing you some concern. Have you considered attempting to abstain from alcohol completely for a bit? Perhaps as an experiment, try to go without any alcohol for at least a month. This might be a good way of determining just how dependent you are on alcohol. I can understand how these binges you describe can be troubling, and believe me, many of us here with serious drinking problems started in a similar fashion, but since they are sporadic (at least at present), taking a break from alcohol might be just what you need in order to reevaluate the kind of role you want alcohol to play in your life. If you find that one month without alcohol is too difficult, this is a sure sign that you are developing a serious dependency, so in that event I would urge you to seriously consider whether continuing to drink is worth it. You will save yourself much needless aggravation, believe me.


                          Am in the right place?

                          Pup;299698 wrote: I just want to say thanks to those who have already replied to my post. I felt silly for writing on a forum on which so many people have obviously had much longer and tougher battles than me. An early thanks for making me welcome. I'll look at the book today. x
                          Waking up not knowing how you got home, with cuts and bruises (been there) etc.. is not a light battle.. that is dangerous.. and you know it.

                          You are in the right place! Read as many posts as you can and respond and see if you relate to any... (I'm sure you will relate to many)...

                          Take care and hope to see you around!!
                          P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                          As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                          - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                            Am in the right place?

                            You are in the right place now if you don't want to end up like some of us later...I started like you. After my divorce I went out and cut loose whenever my kids were with their Dad. It is a progressive disease and I wish I had seen if progressing before it became what it did. Now it's a battle everyday when it didn't have to be.

                            If it is a concern(and you know yourself better than anyone) then you probably should be here even if you don't quit you will gain a ton of valuable knowledge.


                              Am in the right place?

                              :welcome: and hello!
                              I hope you do follow the ideas already given you, and I believe you can help yourself bring this into perspective as you read the book, the posts, and join in with your own questions, comments, and concerns!
                              Lookf forward to hearing how you are doing as you make this wonderful journey!
                              Stay Strong!
                              War isn't working. Let's try Peace!

