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Hello from a newbie

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    Hello from a newbie

    I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    I am tired of drinking up to 2 bottles of wine a night or most nights. I can barely stand the look in my daughters eyes when she sees me drunk, though i'm trying so hard to pretend i'm not.

    I hate waking up and feeling like i just want to get the day over with so i will feel better and then around 5pm letting my addictive voice tell me that a glass of wine would be perfect right now...but it never ends at a glass. Once i have one, i want them all.

    I've read the book, i've ordered the supps and cd's and am anxiously awaiting their arrival. I need help and hope to find some support here.

    AF/SF - November 23, 2014

    Hello from a newbie

    Mstall--Ok, why are you writing about me??:H
    That's pretty much exactly why I started "this journey" And I wanted to quit smoking (which I did alot of when I drank). I was tired of feeling like crap all day, and then turning around and starting all over again. Sometimes I had to force myself if it was a special occasion and I had overindulged the night before.
    anyway, :welcome:. It sounds like you have a plan, and that is really important!! Take care and keep coming back here, there is lots of good support and advice here!!
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      Hello from a newbie

      MStall~ did you read my first post, too? urgirl:
      Welcome, I'm glad you found us. I was sick and tired back in November, and my two daughters (17 and 20) are now cautiously hopeful that I'm serious about my sobriety. In retrospect, alcohol permitted me the freedom to be self-absorbed and callous about my children. We would share insightful secrets at night, and in the morning, I'd have no recollection. Forgotten promises.

      The first couple of weeks is the most challenging, but you can do this, Mstall. When the witching hour haunts you tonight, come on back and read. Prepare today by going to the store and getting cranberry juice and lemon or lime, and make a wonderful concoction in that wine glass (I mix mine with water so that it's not too sweet).... When that little voice in the back of your mind starts asking for ONE sip, tell it "maybe tomorrow".... :l

      Tampa, FL


        Hello from a newbie

        Me too! Who woulda thunk!

        After only 5 days on this board I am amazed at how much the stories all seem interwined..guess that is why it makes sense that can support each other. I am curious as to why mothers feel it so much more from their daughters than sons?

        Hang in there Mstall it will get better


          Hello from a newbie

          Mstall ~ welcome!

          Yup. A lot members say the same...sick and tired of being sick and tired. Was a mantra of mine for too many years. But like a dysfunctional person, I kept drinking anyway. Then I found this site. It really saved me. Haven't had a drop of booze since I joined. No meds and I just started supps a few weeks ago. I wish I could have started them earlier, but that's another issue. Since I've been on them, I'm like a new person, so please start these ASAP. You will not regret it. This program works if you put the work into it. Learn what your triggers are. Not just the generic reasons, but the deep down cause of the triggers. A lot of people have also learned that triggers do not always have to be emotional either. Figuring out your triggers will be your biggest defense in beating the nasty grip alcohol can have.

          Read as many posts as you can get in. And post whenever you feel the need. Vent, ask advise, share a happy moment, whatever. We are here for you.

          Best of luck to you.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            Hello from a newbie

            Hi. I'm new too. I found this site a few weeks ago after drinking half a bottle of gin the night before. I can easily go two or three days without drinking. But when I do drink, it seems like a horrendous amount.

            I have successfully kept my 8+ year secret hidden for so long, because everyone I care about also knows that I experience depression regularly. My alcoholism and depression are interconnected, but they fiercely feed into each other as well.

            It is destroying my body and my life. I so want to give it up completely. I just am afraid of putting my hopes into something that may further convince me that I am beyond hope if it does not work.

            I truly wish the best for you.


              Hello from a newbie

              Mstill, my_miasma,
              Not Happy Hour-Happy Life and Thankful have really summed it up well! I'd like to welcome you to a place I belive really has made a difference in many peoples lives! I KNOW it has worked for me!
              I look forward to hearing more from both of you!
              War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                Hello from a newbie

                bald headed old guy;300130 wrote: Mstill, my_miasma,
                Not Happy Hour-Happy Life and Thankful have really summed it up well! I'd like to welcome you to a place I belive really has made a difference in many peoples lives! I KNOW it has worked for me!
                I look forward to hearing more from both of you!
                Thank you for the welcome. I felt so happy at seeing all of the positive support the people on this forum have been giving each other. Such a contrast to the misery I know that everyone shares/has shared due to this illness. All of that goodness must come from knowing that kind of suffering.

                I will have to really let go of this secret and the loneliness it has created if I am going to be open enough to do the real psychological work of healing.


                  Hello from a newbie

                  Mstall;299676 wrote: I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

                  I am tired of drinking up to 2 bottles of wine a night or most nights. I can barely stand the look in my daughters eyes when she sees me drunk, though i'm trying so hard to pretend i'm not.

                  I hate waking up and feeling like i just want to get the day over with so i will feel better and then around 5pm letting my addictive voice tell me that a glass of wine would be perfect right now...but it never ends at a glass. Once i have one, i want them all.

                  I've read the book, i've ordered the supps and cd's and am anxiously awaiting their arrival. I need help and hope to find some support here.

                  Welcome Mstall...


                  I can tell that's a pic from Second Life .. I've been in Second Life for over two years (why I can tell)..

                  I found this forum last Saturday... It is a godsend and you'll probably read many posts just like yours..

                  WTG with finding this forum.. these people are wonderful.. very supportive...
                  P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                  As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                  - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                    Hello from a newbie

                    Hi to all
                    This is my first attempt at posting and like Mstall I am also sick and tired of being sick and tired.
                    I seem to wake most nites at 2am and after taking more headaches pills I lay in bed and chastise myself for going beyond 'my limit' yet again.
                    I drag myself out of bed in the morning dreading the day and just want to crawl into some dark hole and be left alone....obviously feeling sorry for myself !!
                    I feel truly blessed with my wonderful supportive family who seem 'not to notice' my drinking problem but I think they just don't know what to do to anymore.
                    I desperately want to stop drinking altogether BUT come 4pm I tell myself I'll stop tomorrow. It amazes me how much I can lie to myself and stupid me believes it.....
                    Oh well don't mean to sound so miserable on my 1st visit but I am feeling a tad desperate as I sit here with glass of dry white next to me knowing it should be water.


                      Hello from a newbie

                      Hi Mstall and maybe

                      you have come to the right place we are all sick and tired of being sick and tired please download the MWO book its free at the moment and you will find it gives you that extra confidence to know that this situation we find ourselves in is far from hopeless there is a way to get the monkey off your back if you really want to. One is the RJ way it has helped me . Alcohol for me is an old pair of shoes Ive outgrown Ive just gotta chuck the buggers out time to move on. I wish you all the best no maybes anymore just I CAN I can do this new motto ok no half arsed attempts just I CAN.:welcome:

                      all the best cap


                        Hello from a newbie

                        Thanks for the warm welcome. I got my supplements yesterday and hope the cd's show up today or Monday.

                        Here's to day 1. I commit to coming here during the dreaded 4pm - 8pm slippery hours and starting an exercise program.

                        Thanks again!
                        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                          Hello from a newbie

                          my_miasma;300095 wrote: Hi. I'm new too. I found this site a few weeks ago after drinking half a bottle of gin the night before. I can easily go two or three days without drinking. But when I do drink, it seems like a horrendous amount.

                          I have successfully kept my 8+ year secret hidden for so long, because everyone I care about also knows that I experience depression regularly. My alcoholism and depression are interconnected, but they fiercely feed into each other as well.

                          It is destroying my body and my life. I so want to give it up completely. I just am afraid of putting my hopes into something that may further convince me that I am beyond hope if it does not work.

                          I truly wish the best for you.
                          Welcome My_miasma..

                          There is a program out there from the Midwest Center for Depression and Anxiety.. pricey. but most don't need any meds... I got it because the infomercial mentioned depression causing one to drink.. made sense to me.. of course I had had quite a few beers when I ordered it...

                          Nine months later, I finally opened the box and listened.. It Really is quite good. Like here, there is a relaxation and meditation CD and a lot of CD's for the program..
                          P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                          As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                          - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                            Hello from a newbie


                            I also just found this site this week...6 days and counting AF...It can be done if I can do it..I have been drinking for 7+ years and hiding it mostly...


                              Hello from a newbie

                              Hi there. I am new as of today. I am reading peoples posts and I soooo can relate. I feel like I am reading about myself. I am tired of this and my selfishness is hurting my 3 young children, who now know that mommy drinks too much. I pray that I have the strength to do this. Fortunately for me, I have a very supportive husband, but he is at his wits end and has said that I need to get ahold of this before it destroys our family. I will keep looking around the site to get myself familiar with it. Thanks so much

                              Mommy in Vancouver

