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June 1st Moderation Event

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    June 1st Moderation Event

    And the new leader is (((drumroll..........)))

    Our outrageously funny Saint Jude! Judie, as we also know, has her serious side! Known for threatening her husband with 2' X 4's, and keeping us amused with her antics in the Pacific Northwest, also reads daily meditations, kayaks with her dog, and drinks considerably less than she used to drink. She is courageous, empathic, and an all-around wonderful woman.

    RJ will be setting up the forum in the next 24 hours so we can get things started!

    So, moderators, start getting your moderation plans together!!!


    June 1st Moderation Event

    Great to hear and I will be in that for one. Trying the hypno tape tonight ... can't wait.


      June 1st Moderation Event

      Oh GEEZ!!:eek Guess I'll BE THERE TOO!!:rollin

      Can I trade this job for what's behind dor # 1?:lol

      "It's a thankless job... but I've got a lot of KARMA to burn OFF!":rollin
      Ha! No really it'll be great! See everybody there! Hugs, Judie


        June 1st Moderation Event

        I'm first mod event! Can't wait! See you all in the morning! I'm going to listen to my cd's and get some sleep....


          June 1st Moderation Event

          Hey Welcome Hope !

          So far, the most definate plan I have ....for June...

          Not roll my kayak over (don't wanna loose my dog)...And my Ocean kayak is too wide for an eskimo roll...:lol

          Not roll my truck. Because if I did that, I'd end up rolling my kayak, because it pretty much lives in the back of my truck when it's not in the river... this time of year...

          Oh, and most importantly!! Keep my "Evil Twin" locked up & out of site! She's such a B***h! (I hear tell, never actually met her... just heard horror stories... )

          Ok, Well as you can see ... I need to "polish" my Moderation plan a bit... But I think that's a good start. Any suggestions?

          PS Iwill get a little more serious in June. :eek :rollin maybe...:rolleyes :hat

