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    I'm sitting here at work trying to concentrate, and all I can think about is it's Friday I'm soo thirsty to drink to escape to check out no kids on the weekend :alf:



    Do you have young children? What are your circumstances at home?

    Plan a movie night with popcorn and soda (or something you like drink that is NON ALCOHOLIC). Do something.

    Maybe actually go to a movie??

    Anything at all you like to do that precludes AL and keeps you busy.

    I've been trying to find a craft or hobby myself. Unsuccessful so far. :H

    Hang in there. The feelings pass. They really do. On top of that, unlike AL, the feelings can't kill you...

    AF April 9, 2016



      Mellow, plan something else. Is there a friend you can do something with? Movie. Whack golf balls at a driving range. A small amusement park. Bowling. Wander the shopping mall. Visit a gym and get a tour. MAKE A DIVERSION PLAN!! You can do it. Just get through the night.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        GOD HELP ME

        Mellow- no kids this weekend- does that equate to peaceful quiet, or lonely boredom?

        In one of your other posts, you mentioned a honey.... do you have plans this weekend, or is the unofficial plan to party?

        Are there any community events that you could go to that don't involve alcohol?
        Favorite coffee house, with music or poetry reading perhaps?
        Does a trip to the library sound like a trip to purgatory, or haven?
        What about a walk around downtown.... is it Portland? Try for ideas....

        And if you are religious.... read the good book ray:

        If you are lonely, you can always pop onto this website- either to read and post, or to chat.
        We'll be here!

        Welcome, Mellow Mama.... :heart:

        Tampa, FL


          GOD HELP ME

          You could also find an AA meeting and go to it.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            GOD HELP ME

            What an opportunity!

            MM - Has there been something (no-chore related) you've been dying to do?

            A book that still on the shelf waiting to be read, a recipe you've been dying to try? How about that quilt you have been wanting to finish? Oh, and didn't you say you have been wanting to take up journaling?

            Reward yourself! Do it!

            And at then end of the weekend, be decadent......make french toast with slabs of butter.....yummy.

            You can make this a fun weekend or one you regret....let's go for the former


              GOD HELP ME

              MELLOWMOMMA;299822 wrote: I'm sitting here at work trying to concentrate, and all I can think about is it's Friday I'm soo thirsty to drink to escape to check out no kids on the weekend :alf:
              stock up on good stuff! :choc::strawberry::lolly::sausages::egg: get some comfy clothes, read MWO and make sure you have a good man who is nice by your side ready to give hugs and kisses...XXOO


                GOD HELP ME

                oh hey - I have the opposite problem with too many hobbies


                Jo-Anne's is having some free demonstrations this weekend on jewelry making
                there are those drop in pottery places
                go hang out at barnes and noble with a coffee and some books
                there are plenty of activities that can be started and finished in short order - check out etsy or craftster or diy network

                check out subvsersive cross stitch!

                The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                W Whitman

                90+ days yay!


                  GOD HELP ME

                  Mello Momma,

                  Sounds like it's time for you to really prepare yourself to dig deep and find that spark of desire that got you here. One day AF can lead to 2 which can lead to 3 which eventually will get you far enough away from AL to have a greater ability to be in control. It seems as though you want to do this but you have to want to do this more than you want to take even a sip of AL. It can be done, I've done it, thousands here have done it, so can you!! You came to the right place and that's why it's called *My* Way Out! It is now up to *you* to find the strength and mostly courage to say NO! and say it again and again over and over until you don't have to say it any more. Let's try together*NO*...see it's not so hard...No....NO doing
                  Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                  Watch this and find out....


                    GOD HELP ME

                    greeneyes;299833 wrote: Mellow, plan something else. Is there a friend you can do something with? Movie. Whack golf balls at a driving range. A small amusement park. Bowling. Wander the shopping mall. Visit a gym and get a tour. MAKE A DIVERSION PLAN!! You can do it. Just get through the night.
                    This is a great suggestion, going out with a friend.... or have something planned for first thing in the morning so you have to get your butt up!! lol.. So far, that has helped me.. having something going on in the mornings...
                    P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                    As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                    - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                      GOD HELP ME

                      This is originally from 4theboyz, I 100% agree with.

                      Sounds like it's time for you to really prepare yourself to dig deep and find that spark of desire that got you here. One day AF can lead to 2 which can lead to 3 which eventually will get you far enough away from AL to have a greater ability to be in control. It seems as though you want to do this but you have to want to do this more than you want to take even a sip of AL. It can be done, I've done it, thousands here have done it, so can you!! You came to the right place and that's why it's called *My* Way Out! It is now up to *you* to find the strength and mostly courage to say NO! and say it again and again over and over until you don't have to say it any more. Let's try together*NO*...see it's not so hard...No....NO doing
                      "When a man finds no peace within himself, it is useless to seek it elsewhere."
                      - L. A. Rouchefolicauld
                      All that you know, is what you're able to know!!:applaud:


                        GOD HELP ME

                        I'm new at this too (sobriety and this website). Day 4 for me. I've been worried about this weekend, too. Last night I watched TV, then taught my dog a new trick. All the while knowing my husband was drinking vodka with his juice (long story - he's a big drinker, too, but neither one of us talkes about it to each other). Anyway, it's SOOOO hard not to think about the booze. My best suggestion would be to stay on this website and read, read, read. The people here are wonderful. You don't even need to post - just read what others are going through. It helps me to know that I'm not alone with this struggle.
                        Good luck to you. I hope we both make it through the weekend. Keep me posted.


                          GOD HELP ME

                          check out subvsersive cross stitch!

                          HOLY SHIT I guess you are a hobbyist! What a way to get that tension OUT! just give'em the :finger:


                            GOD HELP ME

                            lots of great suggestions here - I know much easier said than done, I have been there soooooo many times. The thought gets going in your head and it seems that no matter what you do you can't get it out. I have the next 4 days off of work, I am on day 4 AF and am planning on spending the next 4 the same. I also plan on sticking around here so much people are probably going to start holloring at me to go take a shower already I'm starting to stink :disgusting:

                            seriously tho don't give in to the urge and it will pass, stick around here, jump into chat if there are people there and we will help keep you sober, grab a :cupajoe: and remember how great you will feel when you wake up tomorrow hangover free

                            welcome to this great place


                            when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                              GOD HELP ME

                              Just don't do it. You will feel a lot better. Dig deep and you can do it. :greatjob2: The hangover lasts longer than the buzz. It may not be easy but you will be on YOUR way out.

