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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Morning all!

    A glorious day here in the UK - makes a very welcome change to see the sun. Majorly busy weekend coming up - sooooo much left to do on the holiday let side. Got a small team of friends coming over to help so I'll have the whip out.

    I've been doing really badly this month with Al. He's just got me under his thumb. I'm out tonight and have offered to drive so that will be a great help. Even if I don't drive I'll be drinking socially which is easy to mod. It's the nights in that are such a challenge. Hubby's away next week and there is wine in the house. I will have to make sure it gets put well out of the way (somebody else's house!) and I PLAN my evenings. I am going to look into extra drug help too - Campral or Topamax. I cannot afford to let Al invade my life like he does. I want to be AF. I need to be AF. So, I'm staying here every day, ODAT, trying to make a difference to my life.

    Love to all to come. Hope you have a good Saturday and achieve your goals.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Saturday

    Hi Bessie - nice and sunny here as well, but not sure how long it will last! I have a busy weekend planned too, but I intend to relax a little as well, before the weekend disappears and it's back to work on Monday. Like you, I slipped a bit this last week or so, so could we maybe make a start and go for 30 days AF - what am I saying?!!! No, really I need to do this, as I am actually feeling the benefit of doing the small bit of exercise I've taken up lately, so I need to up the stakes a bit - well a lot actually! Right, tommorow is the first day of 30 - anyone else want to jump in?
    All the best to everyone


      ODAT - Saturday

      I hear you Bessie lets keep AL at bay. Enjoy the last couple days of march .Seems to be going out like a lion in these parts..Summer wine a plan sounds good....
      ciao rudemama


        ODAT - Saturday

        me too!

        rippys gonna do anutter day on uploading my left footie, pick some pussy willows, take a BIG walk awprint:..and be a good girl! hope you all have a fun sober day! :lilheart:


          ODAT - Saturday

          Hi everyone

          It started off nice here and we just about got our walk done when it opened the heavens, ugh!! Still got the exercise done so thats the main thing. Day 5 for me and planning on doing 30 days in April so I'm with you Summer wine. Some days are fine and others are a real challenge. Had lots of drinking thoughts last night but luckily fell asleep on the couch and did not act on them!!

          Have a great Saturday everyone.



            ODAT - Saturday

            On day 4.. Saturdays are my absolute worst days.. just because, hey, it's " Saturday Night Baby" .. you know what I mean..

            But, I have to say that I feel pretty good about it this time around..I'm going to stock up on Lemons..and just keep drinking my ice water with lemon slices !..

            Have a great day everyone..

            Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


              ODAT - Saturday

              Coming Back

              I've been off of this site since December. I just couldn't get any AF days under my belt and felt totally depressed with myself. I can generally manage one or two AF days each week, but the rest of the time I'm out of control. This week I went back to work 3 days a week, which is good, because I can't drink at work and I have to be functional, so I really try hard not to overdo it on work nights. But I want to do more / better. I'm going to try for AF today.

              By the way I have some Campral. Is is really true I can't take it until I'm four days AF?



                ODAT - Saturday

                sante they usualy like u to be off al for a few days, but this time around i never did. i dont think it really matters, never changed anything for me.

                im sry some peeps is struggling.

                its day 29 AF for me


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Good Morning ODATers!!

                  It seems that all who have posted previous to me have been struggling pretty hard with AL this week. He is such an insidious beast!! I hate him!!!

                  I wish I had words of wisdom for all of you, truly, but as you know I had to take DRASTIC actions to get AL off my back. Detox and MAKING them give me Antabuse before I even walked out the door. I mean, I would probably have walked to the closest bar before hubby got off work just to get in "one more" before he got there.

                  I am a hardcore, 24/7, drinker. It is truly amazing my liver enzymes were good enough to let me even take the antabuse.

                  However, I can say that it truly is One Day At a Time and do whatever it takes to get through that day.

                  In my case, upon rising, I usually have to pee first , then I run, and I mean run, into the kitchen, grab a glass of water and throw back my Nexium, my Antabuse and my Gabapentin (prescribed by doc for anxiety while in detox) so that I simply know that for this day I cannot drink. (Unless of course I want to get so horribly, violently ill I might end up in the hospital or even die.)

                  Today is day 12 for me and they have been (despite the issue with my daughter and some tough times with work -- oh geez, you mean I CAN handle that stuff without AL??) the BEST days of my life because AL had taken over my life to such an extent that his absence is not missed one bit. And those fleeting thoughts I do have? I remember the violently ill, possible death part and whoosh, gone in a whisper.

                  Okay, that is my story and what I had to do, but I still have to do it ODAT.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    ODAT - Saturday



                    Thanks for your post. I'm a hardcore 24/7 drinker too, and I hate it and myself when I'm drinking or hungover (like I am today). I'm totally addicted and I admit it. I really want to stop drinking but seem to trip myself up everyday. It's my brain, I know, that's addicted and that craves the alcohol.

                    I feel like I've tried everything, including this program and topa, and nothing has worked/stuck. I know I have to keep trying one day at a time and I believe somewhere, somehow one day something will click, I'll get it, and put away the booze.

                    Just have to keep trying until that time, I guess.

                    Somewhat desperately,


                      ODAT - Saturday


                      One of my favorite people at MWO MDBiker (aka Bear) has told me for a year now that the only failures are the ones who quit trying to quit.

                      So, keep trying to quit and you are a winner!!

                      Hang in there. The "click" will come and it will come Your Way Out.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        Hi Cindi,

                        Thanks. I'm going to remember that (about quitters) and just keep on trying. Trying, trying, trying a day at a time.



                          ODAT - Saturday

                          I relate to many of these posts - so many. I've tried and tried, and really want to do it, why then to we give in? I'm going for 30 days - I've done it before, I can do it again. This is Day 1. Please let it click this time. Tylyr


                            ODAT - Saturday

                            Can I join you all on ODAT? I am on day 5 today. Don't have much time to post have to go pick up dog from the vet, but just wanted to jump in and offer any support I can muster. I am a bit cranky right now, I suppose its the cravings hitting, it seems to be this time of the day that does it for me. It's almost 4:00 pm which is generally quitting time at work for me so stands to reason this would be the time they would hit. I am taking hubby with my to pick up dog that way there is NO way I can stop at the liquor store. Good luck everyone with your saturday staying AF


                            when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most

