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An AF day

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    An AF day

    I managed one alcohol free day this week! It may seem small and meesly but to me its a great step. Now I just need to try some more.
    My Way Out has worked for me :l

    Addiction Freedom My Web Site

    An AF day

    :goodjob:Every little step, every little success story means so much - not small and measly at all - keep going, that's what we are all doing, and together we seem to be making a lot of progress!:welcome:


      An AF day

      Hi SJ
      Not small or meesley. Fantastic hows it feel to wake up with a clear head looking forward to a great brekky with good coffee. I love that first af day feeling a taste of the good times to come enjoy and welcome:welcome::goodjob:

      all the best


        An AF day

        Hey SJ, good on you. Sounds like a great start to me.
        Well done. Hope you have another soon.

        Sober since 30/06/10


          An AF day

          Well done!!!...One leads to two, two to three.......doesn't it feel good????
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            An AF day


            One day seems so insignificant until you look back over the years and realize you actually did not drink for an entire day when you have probably been drinking every day for a multitude of days.

            Yep, I agree, keep it up. Go for two in a week, then three in a week, or something like that. Come up with a plan that works for YOU.

            Glad you are here!!

            AF April 9, 2016


              An AF day

              Happy Saturday, SJ!

              I just re-read some of your posts, and I'd like to say officially, "Welcome!" :h.... like you, I have four kids.... and when I started looking at my life- the extra weight, the excessive drinking, the hiccups in my relationship with my husband.... (it was strained, but not totally broken)....

              For some unknown reason last November, a little niggling in the back of my mind said,

              "Patty, you are either gonna get your sh*t together now~ lose the weight, cut down on your drinking, and be happy with hubby~ or you are going to balloon into a big unrecognizable drunk blob.... complete with the wino nose.... and the relationship you think of as a marriage will crumble and you will be too drunk to care". :huh:

              So, I started with me. One day of not drinking at a time. You said,
              In short even just thinking about doing things to make me feel better has made me feel worse. I am taking his every remark as a critisism and battling with the idea that I'm just not worth enough to even try getting better
              . I know I am worth it but who I want to be isn't necessarily who he wants me to be and it's the disapproval that I find to hard to take. I need to get over that but for the moment I am sitting on a fence with sobriety on one side and a big bottle of white wine on the other!

              SJ, you ARE worth it. You and I were sitting on that same fence last November.... I don't know why- it wasn't necessarily internal strength, it could have been that the winds of change were blowing happiness on that one day- but for some reason, when the white picket fencepost (inserted in my butt) was surgically removed, I fell on the sober side of the fence.

              You can too, dear. I have faith in you.... living that ONE day of sobriety may seem inconsequential to you, but the consequences are not.

              CONSEQUENCES??? WTF? Yep. On that day, everything was clear- no fog. On the next day, you were honored with the privilege of waking up sober. The sun was brightly shining that next morning. Perhaps the kids were more manageable, or if they weren't perhaps you were in a better frame of mind to handle them.... happy consequences :l....

              Stay nearby SJ. There are people here that are sharing your fence, and we all need help- to either keep our balance on that fence, or to fall onto the right side.

              Time for SJ to make SJ happy. Much love, :heart:

              Tampa, FL


                An AF day

                Thank you so much for your support and thank you for reminding me of what I wrote before. Knowing you are all there is encouraging me to go for another day AF.
                My Way Out has worked for me :l

                Addiction Freedom My Web Site


                  An AF day

                  wtg SJ!! That first day is the hardest.. it really gets easier as you go... If you can do one.. I bet you can do two.. ...
                  P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                  As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                  - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago

