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I haven't bought wine in 11 days!!

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    I haven't bought wine in 11 days!!

    That's a miracle....But I'm dumb as a dirt now and my stomach is killing me ALL the time. Terrible gas and so much bloating that I look pregnant. And when I have to go I better be near the bathroom or there is gonna be a problem. What is that from?? I've stopped taking everything today except the Kudzu and the Topa.

    We're going to an out of town wedding this weekend and I want my flat stomach back and no running to the restroom every 10 minutes.

    Otherwise I'm very happy with the program as far as my control of drinking. I'd rather have gas than a blackout.


    I haven't bought wine in 11 days!!

    I am so looking forward to posting what you posted! Way to go! Have you tried Slippery Elm for the stomach probs? And chamomile tea? Both work for me when I get probs due to stange waters etc when travelling.


      I haven't bought wine in 11 days!!

      oh oh oh!
      Stomach problem thread! Don't know if you have read about my aliens0] , but my stomach has been killing me since Costa Rica in April. Don't know if I can attribut it to the traveller's tummy like Wombat said, or the supps, but I have been taking those since Feb, so I have a hard time believing they are still causing such problems...
      Went to the herbalist on Tues. Bought a parasite cleanse kit (sorry, gross, I know, but I'm dying over here) and it contains Slippery Elm, Pumpkin seeeds, black walnut hulls, camomile, oregano, echinacea, all kinds of other stuff too:eek .
      Wombat, are you familiar with this stuff??
      CBlossoms?? Don't you know about this kind of thing too?
      I'm taking ALL those things plus the kudzu, lglut, gaba, b50, and topa.
      Yes, I have seen my dr. Trying to get this figured out, cuz this is really annoying.
      Any input about this appreciated (even "Becca shut up about your intestinal issues already") I know, I know. SORRY!!:x

      PS. We make wine and save the bottles.... used to fill my kitchen sink every wk with about 10 bottles or so... would have to round 'em up from under the sink, behind the toaster, the basement, etc. Now I wash out a few bottles maybe every couple wks


        I haven't bought wine in 11 days!!

        Slippery Elm has always worked for me - try getting the concentrated powder and scoffing it down. My personal physical weakness is my gut, so yeah! I have spent a lot of time looking into that. I can't take most antibiotics because of gut probs and no way can I take codeine etc.

        My darling daughter has just started the first year of a naturopathy diploma, that is combined with a science degree in Health. So ... as she learns, so will I, I guess. But she has done some research for me and as she reports, so will I , OK?


          I haven't bought wine in 11 days!!

          OK! Thanks.


            I haven't bought wine in 11 days!!

            For what it's worth, I picked up a parasite in Costa Rica and the doc gave me an antibiotic and, boom, it was gone. I don't take antibiotics lightly but intestinal distress like that, well, I was glad they could knock it out in a few days. Good luck!



              I haven't bought wine in 11 days!!

              ok...back from the wedding....I did really well as far as drinking for the entire weekend. I did have 4 glasses of wine at the wedding and felt terrible when we left. I wasn't drunk but I just felt terrible. A little buzzed and didn't like it at all. Wished I could take it back. Anyway...stomach is still messed up. I'm making an apt. with a Dr. today. See what's up. I think I need an intestinal cleanse.

              How did the herbal stuff work for you Becca?


                I haven't bought wine in 11 days!!

                I'm on day 6, I think, of the herbal cleanse. It's ummmm, cleansing. I think I'll ezmail you. My tummy does not hurt any more, but it still ain't right!
                Been off the kudzu, l-glut, gaba, all one, b50 for 3 days now. I dunno.


                  I haven't bought wine in 11 days!!

                  I just ordered the "Blessed Herbs" colon cleansing kit online....sorry very yucky but i'm desperate Something has to give...I started back on all the supps today. I just read the fine print about the magnesium causing loose stools...duh...I was taking two of those daily. That's too much for me.

                  I'm getting back to the program full steam today cause I feel so crummy about drinking 4 glasses of wine at that wedding and gettin buzzed. I haven't been doin the hypno like I should so today is the new start over day for me. If I could just get my tummy to cooperate! UGGG!

                  By the way....I still haven't bought any wine's been 16 days!!! WOOO HOOO!!!

