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I did it!

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    I did it!

    WTG UK!!! You must be so proud of yourself!! and you should be..!

    I have found Day 7 is my downfall... I don't think it's related to eating habits though.. I don't see any difference in my diet before or during that day... hmmm, maybe I should pay more attention to what is triggering it...

    Thank you for sharing your success... :hug:
    P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

    As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
    - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


      I did it!

      Thank you for the info!

      :thanks: for sharing with me.
      Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.


        I did it!

        Palatia, I think the intial desire/drive for chocolate is the real sign I am about to have bad alcohol cravings - a sign I am getting stressed since I know I used to binge eat whenever I get anxious.

        The therapist then explained how the large intake of sugar can then exacerbate this. So not initially diet related but the chocolate could make the desire to drink the next day, much stronger.


          I did it!

          whatever it's worth......

          you can have chocolate without sugar. Raw, organic cocoa powder, agave syrup or "Zero" sugar sub, coconut or cocoa fat, maybe some raw tahini Vanilla, powdered dry coffee, satl and chopped nuts: and mix well. HEY...antioxident chocolate yummies with NO sugar and NO diary. Why not????


            I did it!

            UKBlonde: Congratulations for having the strenght and courage to go to rehab for a couple of weeks. Your progressive posts are inspiring. Keep up the great work. _Reenie
            September 23, 2011


              I did it!

              Hi guys!

              This is turning into an 'almost' blog!

              Well tomorrow it's 1 whole calendar month since my last drink (7.30am 9th March 2008) I saw my GP and asked for Campral. Had a really good discussion about using visualisation to help with cravings and came home with a big box of the medication. Started this evening and really hopeful.

              Been finding it hard to control my work/stress load and am find myself slipping back into my old ways - accepting too much again. I know I have to step back but part of it is still having to tidy up the remains of the mess I made when I was drinking. I am saying "no" much more now so must be making some progress.

              Off to bed now before a busy day tomorrow.


              p.s. sent off for an entry in a fun run not to far from me yesterday.....I used to compete but retired 9 years ago - hopefully will be fit enough to do the run by 11th May.


                I did it!

                I month - that's 31 days now........:thumbs:


                  I did it!


                  YOU ROCK GIRL!
                  WAY TO GO 31 DAYS YIPPEE! (I bet you really feel better)

                  good luck with the run..I don't run, I bike...easier on the knees, so I keep telling myself!
                  War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                    I did it!

                    Thank BHO.

                    I do cycle a bit, swim and gym too!



                      I did it!

                      Day 33 and still AF. Cravings seem to have been less the last few days despite staying overnight in a hotel eating in the restuarant/bar where alcohol was obviously on display.


                        I did it!

                        Way to go UK Blonde,
                        How proud of yourself you must be, you are an inspiration. I have been reading this thread and you should be so proud . Way to go!!!!!


                          I did it!

                          I am now at week 5 since my last drink. Got some HEAVY cravings Friday after some real bad news that could threaten my attempts to build a decent future. I ended up with my first migraine for 3 years.

                          In the past I would have said "sod it" and gone got p*ssed. I know it's the drink that has gotten me into this situation and starting on AL again will only make things worse. So I have to step back and let the powers that be decide. Ended up at AA in town on Saturday morning and spoke for the first time in almost 1 year. Met my Mother for coffee, did some shopping (including a new handbag!!!) and went home. Had only been in for 10 minutes when my buzzer rang - it was my brother on a surprise visit with his son. Very unusual and nice.

                          Shared a pizza in the bar at the cinema before going to see the Daniel Day Lewis film.....drank a long grapefruit and soda and being in a room with AL didn't bother me at all.


                            I did it!


                            I am also impressed with how well you are doing and your ability to recognize that those cravings that call for AL when things are rough are only cravings.

                            You are right on that AL will only make the issues worse and now you are aware of that and that allows you to kick those cravings away.

                            Thank you for keeping us up-to-date and you are right, this is almost a blog, but it belongs here where everyone will read it.

                            Sharing your journey is a help to us all.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              I did it!

                              Thanks Cindi

                              This just started off as a little posting once the day I arrived back home from rehab. Seems to have grown somewhat!!!

                              R x

                              p.s. just hope it helps someone else out there as well as boosting my confidence and sense of acheivement.


                                I did it!

                                way to go!


                                i just wanted to let you know how inspiring you are to me, and i love reading your posts! it's nice to know that there are kindred spirits out there, battling the same obstacles and sharing the same joys. thank you for sharing your journey! :l
                                Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.

