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I did it!

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    I did it!

    Good day/Bad day?

    I felt fabulous this morning - was up and out on cycling first thing. Lovely day and no cravings or thought about AL.


    I got a mini-migraine again - second one in 3 days. I had the 'aura', flashing lights and black spots in my eyes for about 30 minutes - followed by the dull headache feeling like someone had hit me on the head with a mallet. Felt a little washed out too. My sudden thought is that the Campral could be causing these attacks. Rang my GP he says to try stopping for a few days. I really don't want to since I am so scared of drinking I will try anything.

    Managed to carry on my day and feel better now. So I have taken my afternoon dose as usual. Off to AA tonight and looking forward to it already - feels like I am making friends, which I always found difficult.


      I did it!

      Hi guys,

      Well it's the end of day 37. I have continued with the Campral and hoping no more migraines!

      No cravings today and keep walking around completely amazed at how I am AF without going crazy for the first time in the last 10 years.

      I am getting used to stepping back from things, taking the day as it comes and trying to take it easy. Feels much better than the stress head I was only a few months ago.

      So to any new guys out there, yes it can be done and it's great.


        I did it!

        Congratulations on 37 days AF UKblonde, and thank you for being such an inspiration to me.


          I did it!

          Thanks for keeping us all posted on your amazing progress. You have every right to be very proud of yourself!

          Enjoy Life! I am!
          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


            I did it!

            Enjoy life? I have a stiff neck this morning and a sore leg!

            Went to the snowdome yesterday to practice my boarding skills. I am still quite new to snow sports so was a mini adventure. First time in a dome unsupervised and on my own. I think being more relaxed really helped me. I was so chilled on the lifts it was unbelieveable - usually I am clinging on for dear life then take a dive at the end. Yesterday I was just cool as a cucumber, did not fall off the tow at all and slide off it with style.

            Came down from the top, easy. Did take a nasty tumble half way down on one run and banged my head but that's what I wear a helmet for. Neck stiffened up over night and got sore right leg from scooting the board. Afterwards the only decent place for a bowl of soup and sandwich was Wetherspoons. My partner thought I wouldn't want to go in - but I said "hey, it's a big place I don't have to sit anywhere near the bar and I am not bothered about alcohol I just want some warm food!" So in we went, nice tables away from the bar hardly even aware I was in a 'pub'. Did have a moment when two guys carrying pints of beer caught my eye in the distance. I thought "oh, they've got beer and it's only 1pm. Oh well up to them, I don't want a drink" and it was gone.

            Really enjoyed it, it's amazing how I can stay "in" the moment these days - forget about the outside world.

            Went to AA last night, folk still commenting on how well I look and off to another meeting this morning in town. I have been looking forward to this one all week - it's my favourite.

            Hope everyone is keeping strong. It only gets better.


              I did it!

              42 days now - that's 6 weeks guys!

              Had an awful time yesterday evening. Was feeling stressed and overwhelmed by work and study pressures. Really wanted to sack it all off, go to Wetherspoons for a meal and get pissed.

              Overrode it eventually but I was worn out by it all. Just wanted to escape from all the pressures. I ended up talking out loud "please don't let me drink". In the end I convinced myself drink could only make things worse.

              I am so skitty with it I ma having trouble concentrating which is making catching up on my college work extremely difficult. I keep telling myself it doesn't matter - only me staying sober matters so sod the accounting!

              AAARGH :nutso:


                I did it!

                Congratulations on the 6 weeks! What an accomplishment! Hope today is going better for you!

