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    Well - I'm up, It's 3am here, can't sleep so figured I'd start the thread and then try to get a little more shut eye before it's back over to the BF's new house to strip more wallpaper! Was there for 8 hours yesterday - got a lot accomplished but I want to finish doing 2 rooms of prep today so we can get them painted this week so that he is ready to move in and get settled.

    I made it through the conference - not completely AF but was AF one night, had 3 beers the 2nd and well, at the gala did drink a little too much but thankfully so did everyone else and I was not out of control. Remember everything I did/said - no blackouts, no stupid dancing! LOL

    I am so busy for the next little while, I am an aunt for the first time! Yeah me! So I have my BF's new house to help him with, work, a new baby in the family and my own life to worry about here - I feel like Bessie! It just doesn't stop! Hopefully in the next little while I'll get a little me time!

    But today I plan to be AF.........and tonight after all the work on the house I plan to come home to a hot bath and a cup of tea..............that my fellow MWO friends, sounds like heaven to me!

    Have a good one, missed you guys,
    Love and Hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


    hey universal, sry u couldnt sleep. thanks for opening the thread today.

    well im celibrating today, im officialy 30 days sober!!!!! taking it a day at a time. so one mile stone done, onto next.

    good luck on being AF today uni, i hope u acheive it.

    good luck everyone who comes in today.

    take care all



      As a fellow insomniac, I'll be here to hug you ((Uni)).

      I would love to go to SLEEP. Wall paper removal is such a pain! I decided after stripping my kitchen and one bathroom that I will paint forever more. I destroyed some drywall from taking off a border in my daughter's bedroom. Now I know how to do it properly. I don't know how you are doing it but when I had to have some of my walls replaced due to termites (gross), they used a big sprayer (I used a empty windex bottle) with water and a putty knife. They just soaked the wallpaper and peeled it with a sharp putty knife. Nothing was messed up on the drywall, so nothing had to be retextured. I don't now what you are removing the wall paper from so it may not be relevent, but at 3:20 a.m. it's something to chat about instead of drinking, right?

      Best of luck!




        Hi All. Hi Uni! Was wondering how you got on at the conference - you did great - you kept it all under control and that does feel good. When I read your workload for the day and yesterday, I didn't feel so alone!!

        The one thing I don't really share is the insomnia though. I could sleep on a knife blade most nights though I can make 5am starts quite often just to get through the work!

        Barebones - you are an inspiration! Keep on going and giving me something to try to copy.

        I did AF last night - no trouble as we were out at a friend's dinner and it was me to drive so an easy one. It's the next few days that will be tricky but I am going to focus on them ODAT!!

        Got a big day to finish clearing the yard (barn yard not garden) so that I can put pots of plants and garden furniture in and the holiday guests can use it. Great for letting the dogs and kids run around and in the summer the sun is in the yard pretty much all day and you can sit out and watch the sun set. The swallows nest in the barn each year so you get to see them swooping in and out too and often the barn owls hunt just outside, there are bats about and sightings of deer and the occasional hare not uncommon too. I just hope the punters enjoy it!!

        Onwards and upwards!

        Bessie xx



          Good morning all - Bessie the barn yard sounds lovely, I'm sure your "punters" will enjoy it and you'll have more visitors than you ever imagined. Nice sunny day here, but how long will it last? I am back to work tomorrow and also starting day 1 of my 30 days AF. I have just been reading Barebones posts and she has inspired me to get my arse in gear and have something to be proud of for myself.

          Hope everyone is okay and looking forward to a new week and new challenges.



            Good morning everyone The 'hour' has made a bit of a difference. It's nearly lunch time!! I am on Day2, and am not drinking today. I wrote yesterday, felt really bad, I've tried this so many times now, and I can't stick at it. Does it ever work? Well it will today Tylyr



              Hi Everyone,
              Had my fair share decorating daughters flat last three weekends, such a pain, but starting to look good now painting. Will all be worth it in the end, keep scraping, I have arms like a crab now!

              Just wanted to say congratulations to Barebones on her 30 days, Well doneXX

              In life we can live out our dreams its true
              the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.



                thanks everyone! good luck in doing ODAT style.

                tylyr it can work if u just keep in it for today, break down the hours if u have to. set ur goal say for im not drinking this morning or afternoon and then when past that set in another few hours. all it takes is dedication and ofcause support. its up to u in how easy u make it or how hard. good luck in its fab that u have done 1 day AF.

                again have a good day, keep it easy and injoy.



                  Welcome Back Uni...:handbag: back on track there AF...clear head and mind. will sleep better knows....sleepy much better with help from here! Happy Sunday..



                    Hi all. Good girl uni! :grannypants: were ON! Have a great day!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                      :clapclap:Way to go barebones!!:kudos:
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



                        Barebones - thanks for the advice, i'm happy to have any advice. I need to control the cravings. once I give in , thats it. Will be here tomorrow again. Best of luck everyone Tylyr



                          Hi all, missed yesterday as I was entrusted to baby sit my friends grandchildren.... a one year old and an 8 year old, I know this is 'nothing' to a lot of folks BUT to me it proves I am trusted again. Ho hum, won't go into it but to say I was delighted to be asked to do it AND the 8 year old told her Mum and Gran that I was a 'cool' sitter, how's about THAT then - lol. Soooo proud Tea.

                          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......



                            tea....that's great about being "trusted" again, isn't it? I'm proud of you too!
                            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."




                              I TOTALLY understand the trust thing. Until recently (when I went on Antabuse) I was not allowed to watch my grandsons unless PaPa was home, too.

                              Now I am allowed to watch them even if hubby is not home.

                              Hey, I am wearing Big Girl Pants!! Yahoo!!

                              AF April 9, 2016

