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NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

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    NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

    Hi all this is my first post.

    I have been drinking about 2 bottles of wine on a week night and even more on the weekend. for as long as i can remember.

    Ive starting getting really serious Blackouts which have ended my relationship i think. im 26. i have gone cold turkey. its 3 days in now and not a drop.. the thing is i cant sleep. i cant eat and boy im smoking like i have never done before..

    the thing that is scaring me is im getting twitches through out my arm and sometimes other places. what are these?

    I'm going through a really tough time. losing a loved one and trying to stop drinking.

    Im scared.
    im worried what happens if i want to go over to a mates place where there drinking. or clubbing, ect... im not sure if i can live life totally with out drinking. but damn im going to try my best.. Just need some support...

    thankyou for reading this and letting me get it off my chest. any responses would be great



    an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do

    NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

    The not sleeping and twitches are withdrawl. It will end soon. I promise As for the fear of going out and about...give yourself 30 days. See how you feel. You are young and to say you will never drink again is a lot. However do the 30 days. You will be amazed at how life is.


      NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

      wow thanks for ur reply. so its withdrawls how long do they normally last? its killing me..
      Yeah i know big word never to drink again but ill try my best for me and ill try my best for my ex. whom i am still very much in love with. only been broken up for a week. after a 2.5 year relationship. so i need to stop drinking for her too. and maybe we can start seeing each other again. Fingers crossed.


      an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


        NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

        Honestly the withdrawls should stop soon. Are you taking any supplements? At the very least you should do a B complex and a multi.

        You should stop drinking for you..end of story. I tried for years to do it for others and it wasn't till I did it for me that it worked. I understand the relationship thing..but if you do it for her what happens if she is gone for another reason?

        I truly hope it works out for you Good luck.


          NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

          dolly. i see your point. its more so for her. but something inside me says enough is enough. im not taking any supplements is that a bad thing for me to do?

          an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


            NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

            No but the supplements help. Try a B complex, a multi vit and magnesium. And drink a TON of water.You are young enough that you may be able to moderate. But please try for 30 days. Then you will be more able to decide where your path may take you.


              NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

              ok ill have to go out and get some.. i tried cutting down at the start of the year. but over about 2 months i was back to were i started if not drinking more. so ill give 30 days ago. and see what happens from there..

              thank you so much


              an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


                NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                I think you have all the tools to do this Alcoholism is a progressive disease which means if I started drinking now shortly I would be right back where I was and then some. Just keep that in mind. I firmly belive you will be ok. Good luck and I hope you find some happiness.


                  NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                  Hi Karl! :welcome:

                  Just want to welcome you too. The first few days are ROUGH. Days 3, 4,5 were the hardest for me. But you'll start to feel entirely different in a few days time! SOOOOoooo much better.
                  Definitely go for the 30 days AF. We know what you're going through and we all want to help. Stick with us - keep reading and posting. You are not alone :l

                  Love WW


                    NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                    And the sleeping and other withdrawal symptoms will start to level out in a few days too karl. The anxiety/sleeplessness are torture, I know. And since you've just been through a breakup, I can only imagine how your emotions are going crazy. Try to be gentle with yourself. Even if all was 'perfect' in your world, there would be all these fireworks in your brain. It's looking for alcohol!
                    So stay close and keep talking!


                      NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                      thank you Wonderworld

                      your all bringing tears to my eyes. Yes its bloody hard for me at the moment. 2 major things changing in my life. and its really taking it out of me. i want to drink so bad because i know i will not be so sad about the break up while im drunk.

                      life's not spouse to be easy is it...

                      thank you. i have never told anyone about this. and now you are all helping me out and ive only been here for a few hours.. THANKYOU.

                      ill be here for a long time now i have found this wounderful place..

                      an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


                        NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                        Good Karl! NO ONE should have to go through this alone. This site has really helped me to turn my life around. Such amazing people!!!! (Like Dolly!) I'm floored by how much better I feel and how much I've been able to accomplish in this short time.

                        Just hang in there 'til the good part! It won't be long. You're in the absolute worst part right now :upset:



                          NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                          We are here Karl...Once you get through the initial w/d it is MUCH easier..I understand not telling anyone I never did either. They know. We are here for you through all of it. You are never alone.


                            NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop


                            yes its all like everything is happening to me at once. its unbearable. my mind doesn't know what is going on. most of the time i cant stop crying.

                            I still cant belive i have only been here for a few hours and already i have told 2 people more then i have told anyone about my problem. thankyou so much i didnt think it would be easy talking about my addictions but boy you make it easy...


                            wish me luck for my 30 day goal. and ill go from there. i need to change my ways. and stop hurting the people i love... and myself.:X

                            an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


                              NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                              I know! It's kind of incredible being this honest with total strangers, especially about things so personal. Maybe the anonymity of the site helps us open up and get started (that - and desperation!). And who could understand better, but people around the world who are going through the same, or have done so recently.

                              During the acute withdrawal, your mind is going to keep telling you all kinds of scary stories, about EVERYTHING. Try to keep in mind that this is a physical symptom, and that in another day or 2, it will have passed. Seriously. Drink LOTS of water. Eat regualrly if you can. Hot baths and showers can be calming, warm milk, even some advil/ibuprofen can help.

                              WW xx

