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NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

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    NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

    nows the hard time i have to try to go to sleep. have to start back at work tomorrow after a few days off. and now its going to be even harder.

    I will be back on tomorrow afternoon. i hope i can get to sleep. and everything will be ok once again.


    an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


      NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

      night karl. Hope you get some rest. Whatever happens, just press on through and don't drink. You can do it. Come here whenever you can and let us know how you're doing -

      You've made a GREAT start, depsite how torn up you feel right now :upset:. Give yourself at least a little credit for that :l



        NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

        Karl1981;300827 wrote: Hi all this is my first post.

        I have been drinking about 2 bottles of wine on a week night and even more on the weekend. for as long as i can remember.

        Ive starting getting really serious Blackouts which have ended my relationship i think. im 26. i have gone cold turkey. its 3 days in now and not a drop.. the thing is i cant sleep. i cant eat and boy im smoking like i have never done before..

        the thing that is scaring me is im getting twitches through out my arm and sometimes other places. what are these?

        I'm going through a really tough time. losing a loved one and trying to stop drinking.

        Im scared.
        im worried what happens if i want to go over to a mates place where there drinking. or clubbing, ect... im not sure if i can live life totally with out drinking. but damn im going to try my best.. Just need some support...

        thankyou for reading this and letting me get it off my chest. any responses would be great


        First of all I wish you the best.

        I'd like to share some of my experience. I'm pretty new to this myself, used to drink like a bottle of wine on weekdays and like you more on the weekends. I've tried to stop a few times by myself, but that didn't quite work out. At last I gathered the courage to seek help at a clinic, with some specialized psychologists and doctors.

        First thing I'd like to state is that my doctor told me immediately that I really shouldn't try to go cold turky again without some sort of medication or help nearby. It might lead to delirium, hallucination, epilepsia. I've been on oxazepam for 5 days, which really helped me through those first days. Now I'm taking Naltrexon and I sport for at least an hour a day (mostly 2). That really helps.

        As others said; stay of the alcohol for at least a month and see how you feel. I reckon you'll notice a lot of difference in how you feel in both practical and social life.

        Again all the luck, and regards,


          NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

          bugger really i might go to work tomorrow and book myself in to the doctors. its going to be hard to fess up to someone face to face though...

          what does oxazepam do?

          thanks and good luck to you too..

          an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


            NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

            Welcome Karl,
            If you were drinking at least two bottles of wine every night, many believe that you will not be able to moderate in the future. I think some people start out thinking they will be able to moderate, then after 30 days of Alcohol Free life, they see how much better their life is without alcohol. It is your decision, keep abstaining for now, and your future choices will become clearer.
            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


              NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

              it just makes me worry life with out drinking? it will change everything. i really hope i have the support to get through this.... seems like a life long struggle!

              boy i wish i never started drinking now. it was fun for a while....

              an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


                NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                Don't worry about forever right now karl. It's too much!
                And in 30 days, you will have a much better perspective on what you want to do. You will be calm and able to look at the situation in a new way. For now, it's one day, or one hour, at a time, working toward the 30 days. You've got 3 down, and 27 to go. After tomorrow, you will get a huge bump up in your mood, anxiety level, etc. Good sleep will start to return. You're just getting yourself stable now. HOLD ON !! :l .



                  NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                  And you know, there are many people here (myself included), who are AF and NOT struggling to stay that way! Hard to contemplate, I know! But honestly, after my last 'experiment' about 80 days ago, I feel very content in my non-drinking lifestyle. I am HAPPY to not be drinking. It feels good to me now. Some kind of transition took place - something 'clicked'. It happens!



                    NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                    Hi Karl and welcome to the forum mate!!

                    wonderworld has made some very positive points. Do not look at this any further than staying sober for the day/night. Tomorrow is another day and deal with that when it comes. If you try to look too far ahead you will be setting yourself goals that, for most, are simply not achievable and this will only hamper your progress due to feelings of failure.

                    When I first gave up I did things One day at a time. I used many distraction techniques like posting on the forum, going out for walks (without any money mind due in case of temptation) and playing games on the PS2!!. I was fortunate that I was signed off sick when I was going through these early stages of withdrawal as well.

                    Your doing great at the moment with going cold turkey, I did exactly the same. I was drinking 8 pints of strong cider a day and more on a week-end as well as recreational drugs. But if you have any worries about any further physical or psychological symptoms get to your GP. They may not be able to give you all the answers but at least they will be able to offer you better medical advise than anyone here. (unless of course we have a doctor amongst us that I don't know about!!).

                    I was very much a party animal and I loved taking things to excess. That's what life was all about for me until I stopped drinking. I thought I would never be able to change my lifestyle and be the same person. It can be done! and I am more focused than ever before on what really matters to me in this life. I've learned to start taking responsibility for my actions past and present. Alcohol deadened me for such a long time that I missed out on this big learning process. I was nothing but a big kid inside and when the alcohol was taken away I finally got to see this child within. I've done a lot of growing up in the past year and I'm finally starting to get some control over my life. It's the best feeling in the world and I only got there through taking things slowly. I've had 2 slips along the way but I've learned from both of them and moved forward and I do feel I gained more insight into my habitual behavior through them. Giving up is not easy and you probably will, as many have (myself included), not do this first time round. As long as we learn something from our mistakes then we are closer to winning the battle.

                    Keep posting and keep your goals achievable, no matter how small you think they are.

                    Love and Happiness
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                      Welcome Karl.
                      Great job on AF for 3 days! I too didn't sleep well the first few days. That should get better. And supplements will help.


                        NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                        take melatonin for the sleeplessness. it is your bodies sleep agent that decreases with age. it is non habit forming and you can take it as long as you need it. i started it 11days ago and have never sleep better and been so revived in the am. good sleep seems to be to key to fighting the AL monster for me. good luck! also concnetrate on yourself before trying to get back you your girl. you will just relasp if something goes wrong and that wont prove anything to her. this is about you not her!


                          NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                          Hang in there Karl. I am no expert but you will feel much better in a few days. Only YOU know if you can moderate but after 30 days AF you may not want to drink again.


                            NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                            Damn i couldnt go to work today.

                            Im really worried i wont be able to for a while. i cant eat im feeling really sick and keep dry reaching.. really depressed about everything
                            what do i do..

                            pls help

                            an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


                              NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                              Karl~ clue me in.... what is dry reaching?

                              Are you drinking much water? Water with lemon will really help. What about hot tea? I wasn't much of a tea fan, but I'm learning....

                              Tampa, FL


                                NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                                dry reaching like throwning up but just the actions of it. not bringing any thing up.
                                thats the problem i cant drink or eat anything. with out throwing up(dry reaching)

                                an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do

