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NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

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    NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop


    Good show!! 7 days is doing great.

    I am at day 17 and feel unbelievably good.

    Hang in there.

    AF April 9, 2016


      NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

      WOW. Those "one days at a time" add up quickly, don't they?

      Isn't the healthy feeling amazing? :yeah:

      Tampa, FL


        NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

        karl! !!!! ONE WHOLE WEEK AF Sweet! :goodjob:
        Way to go dude! !! So glad you joined our (not so ) little family ! :h

        Stay close - keep reading and posting, and hold on to that AF for dear life!!

        The weekend's coming - you can hang out with us the whole time
        :bagdude::zonedout::creepydude: ::monalisa:

        We are a million times better than the pub, even without bodies LOL!!!

        Love WW xx


          NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop



            NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

            KArl...YOU'RE A ROCK STAR,BABY!!!!

            SOoooooo impressed.....and PROUD of you,DUDE !what a strong man you obviously are!!!!Am going to keep an eye on this are my HERO right now:goodjob:!


              NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

              Hi Karl: I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going well for you and your ex girlfriend. I want you to know, the longer you abstain from drinking, the better life becomes. You will think more clearly and will actually "feel". In addition, you will gain a new perspective on your's and your ex's relationship. You might conclude yourself, that its best you both take a break and move on. Right now, your focus should be on you and you only. Your goal is to ride out the withdrawls, take care of your health, be kind to yourself, and not drink. You are going to feel wonderful in time. As the others have stated, you are doing an awsome job and are very strong. Keep it up. -Reenie
              September 23, 2011


                NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                So it's been 7 days 7 DAYS??? Way to go!!
                Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                  NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                  Hi all sorry i havent been on here in a while.. i think its been like 11-12 days AF.

                  Today has been a bit of a bad day. i really didn't want to live anymore. all i could think about is drinking myself stupid, or just ending my life. then something inside me told me, 'dont be a f*cking idiot, pull yourself together man;

                  Im going to try to go the 30 days and see what happens from there.. its getting easyer although im still taking meds.. and going soon to talk to someone about alot of things in my life. a Physiologist(or what ever there called..) i have a few issues i need to get sorted out. quickly before it gets the better of me...

                  each and every day seems to get just that little bit easyer, but boy are some days bad really bad and i mean really bad.. it scares me about what i contemplate.. not just the not drinking but other things im going through in my life.

                  I still go out and go to my fav hangout bar, only because i love the bar staff.. they all think its great im AF. i go there most days. just to chill chat and drink my Tonic water and lime..

                  thank you all for your support through my ruff times. im going to be here for the long hawl and try to help some other people out(no that i know that much)! but the support from here has helped me so much. so its my way of showing my thanks to help other people with there problems..

                  Karl. (BIG HUGS TOO ALL)

                  an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


                    NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                    Hey Karl,

                    Just in case you thought it was only laydeez here - I was definitely male the last time I checked!

                    (OOPs - sorry hippie forgot you had posted on this thread.)

                    I have been away for a bit which is why I have not dropped by before.

                    You are doing a great job - 11/12 days AF is definitely past the worst as far as the physical withdrawals are concerned, but as you have seen, the emotional / psychological issues may take a while.

                    Good on you for committing to the 30 days, you really need that length of time to gain some perspective on the whole alcohol issue.

                    I was initially terrified of the idea of being without alcohol in my life too - but after 30 days I had definitely decided that AF was the way to go.

                    Now I could not imagine wanting to go back to my bad old ways!

                    I am like WW Hippie and many others here - AF and happy to be so.

                    Currenltly I am coming up fast on 9 months AF (all due to the help and support of the amazing people here) .

                    Life is SO much better in every respect for me - I almost feel I have been given a a whole new life.
                    I too still go to the bar with my mates and chill with my soda and lime - I still have just as good a time - only difference is no alcohol in my glass!

                    With a bit of distance from your drinking days - you will see it is no big deal.
                    Most people I come into contact with are fine with me not drinking - and some are openly envious I was able to stop - while they would like to - but have not been able.

                    Wishing you the best of success - stay close - we will do anything we can to help - 'coz we have all been there!

                    Take care

                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                      Welcome have been missed!


                        NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                        well well well......

                        hi all..

                        Well i have nearly reached my Goal. 30 DAYS AF.

                        Too all the new people coming here, ive been here for about 2 weeks. and well, the support and advice is unreal. Im so happy and thankful for all your advice, support and mainly just an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on...

                        Im off the Valium. well i have one in the morning. just to make 100 persent sure i wont become depressed.(was taking about 3-5 a day a few days ago..)

                        I feel great! and much better about myself now.. just becasue i know now, its possible if you put your mind to something and do not give up hope on yourself..

                        I still have the problem about my ex, who broke it off after 2.5 years becasue of my blackouts and drinking. but she has been starting to call me again.. shes going through a lot aswell as she has type 1 Bipolar. im really hopefull we can rekindle our relationship. but theres a catch. always is, isnt there.. she started seeing someone else.. and hes BAD news.. extreemly controlling.. TO THE EXTREEM. im really worried about her.. she calls me everyday asking for advice and just talking to me.. i think it is just her (Bipolar) faze. and it will not last long.. (there relationship) she still says she loves me, and the day we met up she huged and kissed my lips and said, i miss and still love you..:upset:

                        we have both been and helped eachother through a lot in the time we have known eachother. but well i guess ill see what happenes..

                        I could keep writing, i could write a book on our relationship, and how difficult is is being a Alco and her being Bipolar..

                        But i have nearly solved my problem. come on 30 days. and ill go from there.. decide weather to quit all together or just stop drinking wine or huge amounts..

                        Its a long hard road. ive done it a weird way by going to my fav bar most afternoons and drinking coffee and tonic water.(plus the bar staff are my 'friends' and think im doing great and just so i know i wont be alienated from Life. :H

                        I cant say thanks enough too all of you..

                        wow its getting easyer now not to drink? its confusing....

                        ONE DAY AT A TIME. STAY STRONG.

                        Love you all..:l

                        Ill hang around here probally for as long as this site exists, and use what i have learnt and been told by people here to help the new comers out..

                        Its possible..

                        THANKyou just doesnt cut it.. :upset:

                        YOU CANT FAIL IF YOU NEVER GIVE UP! my new quote...

                        an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


                          NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                          just to say well done and good luck for 30 days
                          there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                            NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                            hey karl,how are you doing now. i am new too and am reading through the posts. i slept for the last two nights like a baby and the pounding in my heart and jitters are gone. it is much better life and i have to just keep it narrow and not worry too much about not drinking on holiday etc.

                            hope you are okay..... xx


                              NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                              hey karl

                              it was your first post i read not the one from this morning and my gosh you have done so well. what a difference in the two posts. you are wonderful and i really admire you. well done. you have made my day.....


                                NEWGUY 3 days in not a drop

                                Awesome job Karl!! 30 days is admirable and I'm working on mine now. 25 days to go but I don't think about it that way. I am a ODAT person and it's working for me. I feel so good!! Good mood, ambitious again and on and on...
                                I hope that things work out for you and your lady.
                                Love and Peace!
                                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --

