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Goodbye beer

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    Goodbye beer

    Well, I have drank for 20 years. It isn't something I am proud of. I stated drinking in high school and have always been a lush. I have limited myself to beer (my favorite), but find that now I want to be done with all of it. I have had so many bad experiences drinking I really can't believe that I have continued to do so for so long and find it so difficult to quit. I think this time I will try taking the supplments, pray, use this site more, and I need to come up with a plan when my husband drinks. He likes to drink beer too and so far I have never been able to not join him when he brings a 12 pack home. I have 2 children and it is so important for me to quit, but I feel like my will-power is next to none when it comes to beer. I always think I will just have a few, but a few always leads to a few more. Any advice?

    Goodbye beer

    hi there..katarina.. read alot and stay busy as much as you can . and have you thought about asking him to quit with you would be better i know but hey just try your best and good luck ,god bless
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Goodbye beer

      Oh boy, do I relate to your beer drinking... It's harder when your sig other drinks still. Many here are in that boat tho.. It sounds like you have made a decision, even though you know it won't be easy.. it never is. But just having made the decision is half the battle..

      Great to have you here! I don't think I could have gone Day 1 or 2 without this forum.. Stick close...

      P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

      As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
      - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


        Goodbye beer

        Hi Katarina.... have you tried any alcohol free beers? I like the tast of beer, whether it's got alcohol in it or not... the key is to find a good AF beer....

        Tampa, FL


          Goodbye beer

          Hi Katarina,

          I have always been a Beer drinker. I don't really like Wine, I can't stand the hard stuff.. ie: vodka, rum, scotch, wiskey, etc.etc..

          But Beer.. that's all I've been drinking since I was 16 .. and I'm 41 that's a lot of beer.. of course, I remember when a six pack would last me 2 or 3 days.. now, a 24 last me about 2 or 3 days..

          I can relate totaly to the beer. But, like you and many others, one is to many and 12 is not we have to quit.. stop.. period... at least until we remember what it's like not to 30, 60 or even 90 days AF.. then maybe, we can make a choice.

          Welcome to MYO.. I truly hope you find yours :welcome:
          Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


            Goodbye beer

            Riker, stop bragging a 24 will last 3 days...LOL...not for alchie me...if I don't pass out, I will drink 'em all. Sheesh, I grab a 15 pk to start...(disgusting yet true) I am a full fledged alcoholic...I drink 'til passout/blackout...I drink to you can see you are not alone hon.....I have no great advice...I have done 30 days AF in like...25 years...come back and read and the best you can...and go for better the next time...this is such a special much love and empathy.
            MUCH love and hugs, good luck sweetie
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              Goodbye beer

              Wow, thank you everyone! This site is great. Thank you all for responding, your advice, and your support. My husband says he will not quit, but he is supportive of me quitting he just doesn't believe it will really happen. I guess I have to prove him wrong. Maybe I can at least convince him not to bring beer home until I have at least a month under my belt.

              I am glad I am not alone in loving beer. However, I didn't ever love the next day.....crankiness, tired, dry mouth, sometimes not remembering the night before, regret, humiliation, fuzzy head. No more hangovers for me! I have to keep reminding myself of the benefits vs the consequences. I like the idea of drinking AF beer on a hot day so I don't feel like I am missing the pleasure of a beer even though I know exactly what would happen if I had an alcoholic beer - it would mean a nasty hangover and not getting any smarter. Anyway, thank you all again.


                Goodbye beer

                Well, I decided to write again today. I am tired and still feel foggy headed, but know it will get better. I will try taking kudzu today and see if it helps. How long does it take to work usually?


                  Goodbye beer

                  HI Katarina~ are you suffering from too much bear (I mean beer), or do you feel off your mark because you haven't had any?

                  I haven't taken kudzu so I don't know.... I'm a vitamin B girl....

                  Tampa, FL


                    Goodbye beer

                    Hi Kat and welcome. I too, love my beer, my hubby was my best drinking buddy. I wanted to quit smoking once and for all--and the only time I wanted to smoke was when I drank beer. So I decided to cut down on the beer. This has all come pretty easy to me except when I'm in a social situation with my smoking/drinking friends. My hubby still drinks his beer, but he keeps it in the garage, and doesn't drink around me. I'm not as cranky as I would have been in the past. If you haven't read the book yet, I think it really helps, I also think the hypnotherapy cd's help. I'm thinking about getting the social situations cd next. ANYWAY, I think it takes awhile for the Kudzu to get into your system, seems like there are varying opinions on this. Take care and see ya around!:welcome:
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      Goodbye beer

                      LVT25.....I have an extra social situations CD if you want it (never been used). But I might make you download the FREE book first. It's only free until today. Sound like a fair trade?
                      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                        Goodbye beer

                        Hi Patty - It is the lack of beer that makes me feel foggy. Of course after a night of drinking I use to feel foggy headed too. I think my body is adjusting to being alcohol free still. Today I feel better though. I can still lose my temper pretty easily. I need to relax more. I need to think of my sobriety more as of a gift and not that I am missing out on somthing. Thank you for the welcome LVT25. I haven't read the book yet, I should get it. Posting here helps. I have taken kudzu now for a day and half. During the week my cravings usually aren't as bad as they are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night.

