Hi everyone!
I'm a recently divorced (Jan) father of four. I've been drinking since about 16yrs old and I'll be 41 this May. I drink every single day and have for the past 20 years. I sometimes reflect on how much of a better life I could have if I didn't drink so much. I am an IT manager and make over 60K a year. I work a part time job at a liquor store to maintain two houses. I have my kids every other weekend Fri pm to Mon am. I drink the heaviest when I have them with me. It's pretty sad that I can only tolerate them under the influence. I normally tell myself on a Sat morning that I won't touch any alcohol until at least noon. Next thing you know I'm having a beer or vodka/grapefruit juice while I'm cooking them breakfast. I drink steady throughout the day but not enough to pass out.
I have just recently started seeing a girl that I'm interested in. She has no tolerance for drunkeness and I've hid it so far. I really like her and would like to start a relationship with her. That's why I am here. How do you stop after it being a daily occurence for so many years? I don't want to completely stop. I love drinking. Very sad when I read that. I don't want to be that guy that can't touch the stuff because I'll go on a bender. This girl will give me the boot for sure if she sees who I really am.
Any suggestions?