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    Hello everyone

    (Betty Boop.... thank you for sharing your story. You are one of the backbones of this forum, but I never realized what a struggle you endured to become the strong woman that you are today. Much love to you, Betty B.... with a little squeeze to Tigger's tail :l)
    Patty, yes I really did hit rock bottom, It was a long hard struggle but well worth it .....

    Here is the link to my story ....

    Love & Hugs, BB xx


      Hello everyone

      Aww, Patty, I felt bad correcting you in the first place. If you look at the Dayquil, I don't think it has any alcohol. And that's for sure why I never bought it! LOL

      BB, you sure do have quite a story! And look how well you've done! So, Coolgeek, you can read that and see what can really happen if you want it to.
      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


        Hello everyone

        Not a bad night

        Most nights I drink a 1/2 pint of Jim Beam mixed with ginger-ale, 4-7 Michelob Ultras and a nip of Yukon Jack. That's usually enough to get me to sleep and I wake once half way through the night, just long enough to look at the clock and back asleep I go. Last night I tried to moderate myself. I got off work at 11:30 and had 2 Michelob Ultras and a nip of yukon when I got home. I went to sleep at 12:30 and had a tough time falling asleep. I woke several times during the night and had weird dreams. I rarely have dreams or remember them.

        Tonight and tomorrow night are going to be much more challenging. I do not have to work after 5:00 and I'll have my youngest son staying with me those two nights. I have a few drinks until he goes to sleep and then let the beer flow pretty freely until I go to bed around 11:00. After such a hard time sleeping last night I'm wary of another night like that.

        I will admit that it felt a little strange waking with no sign of having just come off a heavy buzz.


          Hello everyone

          One thing that helps me to sleep is valarian root. It smells bad but I just swallow the caps as fast as I can. It's almost a miracle sleeping aid. I take 3 caps and am 160 lbs. Honestly, give it a try for the sleeping help. I'm the same as you, usually no dreams (too drunk) and when I do, they're weird and hard to remember. I'm hoping to have more (and better) dreams as I taper off or quit completely. I'm on my second day of AF. Take care.
          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            Hello everyone

            Coolgeek, did you try the Benedryl? It should work. And try to remember that feeling you had this morning....wouldn't you like to feel like that every day? Don't let AL win in the battle against him.

            Do you want your kids to get used to seeing you that way? If you think you feel guilty now, just wait until they get older. I definately speak with experience with that.
            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


              Hello everyone

              Cool G~
              You made a great accomplishment last night, when you think about your robotic routine... Congrats!

              How old is your youngest son? Are you looking forward to a night of homework? Or, is he at an age where the computer/games are first, no matter what home he's in?

              Can you find an alternative activity- something spontaneous, where you can create a memory?
              Batting Cages? Putt-putt golf? Go carts? I don't remember where you live.... for all I know you are snowbound... okay then, skiing? Making a snowman? Raining cats and dogs? Go to the local hobby store and find a new hobby.... remote control cars, or model building?

              Boring ideas? Okay, go take apart an engine, or play with big tools in the garage... or show him how to take apart a motherboard... ....or buy something with lots of parts that needs to be assembled (yard swing?)! Whenever my boys (10 and 12) "help Dad" with those kind of projects, you can see the admiration in their faces... even if it takes him twice as long.

              Tampa, FL


                Hello everyone

                day 2

                I am on day 2 and contemplating that my black out night the other day won't happen again. I feel weak because I already want a drink. I know I don't need it but want it. I want it for that nice relaxing buzz at first. I see so many people that have a few dinks and then cut back. I wish I could do that I just drink more and more and quicker. This is the hardest choice I have ever made. I understand that you feel you have to drink with your kids. I sometimes think I am more fun for them when I drink. But the other day I thought about it. What if something happened I would have to take them somewhere and probably couldn't drive. The what if scares me. They are my number one but recently alcohol is my number one. I need to figure out how to get back together.
                We can all do it together though.


                  Hello everyone

                  Yep getting past the 'hard to sleep phase' is important...Benadryl is the what is used in all the PM meds, my doc told me that's what they give to all nursing home/hospital patients to sleep...
                  I think I am immune to it, because have taken it for years for allergies. I find if the first few days I don't get much sleep it works ok...then I finally wait until I am really tired and finally sleep..
                  I also realized without Al I don't need nearly as much sleep...better quality I guess.
                  Melatonin works for lots of people...
                  I used to be stuck in the same rut...drinking wine to go to sleep...that's how it started for me.
                  Just maybe try AF when you don't have to get up so early. Do some physical activities with you son....get tired out the old fashion way...exercise.
                  I think the sleep thing is the hardest to beat, but once you really realized how great you feel with AF sleep...rested, and happy when you wake up.
                  Good luck


                    Hello everyone

                    No AF yet - I don't think I would make it

                    I'm going to get a half pint of vodka and work with the beers I have in the fridge. I managed not to touch the half empty 1/2 pint of jim beam last night. I saw it in the pantry and went to get some ginger ale. No ginger ale so I put it back.

                    The girl I'm seeing and I spoke briefly this weekend and I mentioned that I do like to have a few beers every night. That wasn't met with the best of responses. This sucks. She really likes me and finds me attractive, now this has reared it's ugly head and I suspect she is having second thoughts.

                    I was hoping that honesty would be the best angle and I got this:

                    "soooo now that we met....we appear to be hitting it think hmmm I better tell her that I drink everyday????? HUH"


                    Maybe I should wait and get a handle on things before bothering to get involved with anyone.


                      Hello everyone

                      Cool G~
                      How did your evening go with your son?
                      Are you planning any "memories" with him tonight? :heart:

                      Tampa, FL

