What I wonderful web site to stumble on today. I have downloaded the MWO book and read it from cover to cover. I don't know when I've read a book so fast! :new:
I'm getting the Topamax, it's ordered already. I have most of the supplements on hand as I've tried the nutritional part before. I'll order the rest that I don't have after this post and after I read a few more posts. Then I'll also order the CD's.
I wrote my son, 16, an apology note today and gave it to him after he returned from school. I fought with him (again) last night and had to ask my husband what happened. This note is different from others I've written, aplogizing once again. I told my son I was going to get healthy and would start by limiting my wine intake. You see, I drink white wine. Chardonnay. A lot of it. Now it's every night until I black out. How I've wasted the past 30+ years (for the most part) is unbelieveable to me right now. It's so sad. :upset:
So many of these posts I can relate to. I share in so many thoughts, fears, insecuries and hope with so many of you. I had no idea. :l
I only hope I can help others on this forum at some point. No drinking today. Not even a desire. Because of this web site and the MWO book I now have a strong hope which I have never had before. Thank you all so very, very much. :thanks:
We can do this. I have a strong, positive feeling about this. Take care. :h