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Day 1 AF

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    Day 1 AF

    Wow becommingMe - you said it, 'this is not good...' Especially after seeing the other side for a while, you have a heightened sense of other's drinking. When it's your husband, that is even more difficult.

    I don't think anyone can tell you what to do on this one, you know him the best and what he will be receptive to...and what he won't. How do you think he really feels about your quitting? Is he angry or threatened about that at all?

    I will say a little prayer that you two find your way. The kids are very lucky that you have made the right choice though, keep focusing on that. Stay strong.


      Day 1 AF

      Your post brought tears to my eyes. I have an 18 year old daughter and a 16 year old daughter. Both love me dearly and I love them dearly. We have been through a lot together and they are trying to learn about this horrid addiction and what it can do. We actually talk about it. For the most part, I have a very successful career, so they can get confused as to what exactly an alcoholic is...they are great, they seek knowledge about the disease and we try to stay open, although they do get angry with me, especially since I was sober for two y ears and then caved after a failed marriage two years ago. You hang in there and we can all support each other.


        Day 1 AF

        Good for you its never too late !

        I feel your pain but hey remember life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get! The great thing is you are doing something about it now!



          Day 1 AF

          Thanks, happy, Marley and Big. Happy, he is very supportive of me. So much has happened since that post.

          Our son doesn't want to go on vacation with us. We're about to tell him he is going anyway.

          My husband just came back from the doctor. I finally talked him into going this morning. He is now on high blood pressure medicine and for the first time in his life, admitted the beer problem. We talked about it briefly, now he's washing up so we can have a talk with our son about this vacation.

          My duaghter, 11, is still fairly unaware but my son, 16 isn't. He has a friend who has already been in and out of rehab (can you imagine? at 16?) so is very sensitive to the subject.

          Thanks so much for the posts and the support. Big, if life was a box of chocolates, I'd be in heaven! Day 9 AF for me. I finally had to stop and count! I feel very good. I need to drink more water and am reinforcing that with the hypno CD. I love those CDs.

          Marley, I'm here for you, too, buddy. :l

          Time to tackle the teenage drama. Sigh.
          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            Day 1 AF

            Becoming, you are my inspiration, just reading this thread and listening to the HUGE improvements you have made gets me so excited. Especially with your children. I have a 14 year old girl who HATES my drinking and a 10 year old who just loves me so much - they both deserve me taking care of myself and not coming home and passing out by 8 pm with none of the chores done and not sure why I yelled at them ..... I also wrote the I'm sorry text to the older daughter and I pray it was my last one!

            I'm an at home drinker so one thing I need to do is change a few things around so that the after work habits change.

            Good luck with your husband and congrats on your AF days! I'm very happy for you!


              Day 1 AF

              Day 10 AF...still hangin' in here

              Thanks, Thuzzy, I've never felt like an inspiration to anyone. That was nice of you :l

              Hubby had one night AF (last night). I realize now it was because he was put on blood pressure medicine and because of our argument/discussion with our teenage son. His memory is so short. We talked about his drinking, becoming healthier, etc. I guess he
              forgot about all of that.

              He came home today and had been drinking. Now he's defensive and mad. Again. Like always. :sigh: Can't control him, only my own actions.

              I've had zero (0!) cravings today! Absolutely nothing! I've done more cleaning and am going to do a bit more now. The vacuum hides the grumbling/swearing under his breath

              I hope to get on later tonight and read more posts. I've been so busy with work and getting ready for our vacation I haven't been on as much as I'd like to.

              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

