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Mind Games

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    Mind Games

    Hi Everyone

    I am a bit disappointed tonight as in spite of my best intention to moderate or even be AF I have failed miserably. It seems I only have to be in the same room as a bottle of wine and I have a compulsion to drink it as fast as I can and find some more. Even though I have in my mind a concept of stopping it seems my body just goes about its business going to the supermarket buying milk, bread and more wine. How do you gain control over what you cannot control? Secretly I enjoyed it!! But I am disappointed in my self.

    Miss M

    I may have posted half of this before - but might have pressed something?

    Mind Games

    Hi miss m and welcome

    Gidday miss m
    Just wanted to welcome you here. I see you are in Tauranga
    I'm from NZ though I now live in oz. It's good to see a fellow
    Kiwi here!
    Don't be too hard on yourself, it's early days yet! Read others
    posts as much as you can you will learn a lot from the people
    here. The supplements are great for cravings physically and
    psycologically. Personally I find the mental thing harder than
    the physical. I've tried to go 30 days without alcohol many times
    over the last year and not suceeded but I'm now on day 10
    and feeling really strong. Keep posting it's a great place to come.


      Mind Games

      Hi miss m,
      I'm a newbie here and can't say that I've got a lot of good advice, cause I'd probably be trying to follow that advice myself !
      I can say that I'm quite fascinated by this site, as I sit here sipping a "light beer" after having pulled a sickie because last night I let my drinking get out of hand ..... Again.
      I wish you the best of luck with your efforts miss m
      warm regards mickwick


        Mind Games

        Hi Miss M,
        We already talked on the chat site....
        I just wanted to say enjoyed talking with you.
        Keep coming back, lots of great people and support

