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    Hi all

    What a fantastic website!! I have decided that maybe it's time I did something that I have been wanting to do for years - and that's stop drinking!! I know it will be hard, as to me I don't see it as a problem, but I know drinking bottles of wine every night is.. I guess that's why I think it will be so hard. I make excuses to drink, so it doesn't seem like a problem. I suggest to the family that we go out for dinner a couple of times a week, so I have an excuse to drink. I organise to catch up with friends on the weekend so that I have an excuse to drink. And when I don't have anything planned - my excuse is I've had a hard day.
    My husband tries to talk me out of it, but I guess cos he loves me so much, he will do anything for me.. but I am getting tired of being tired, of gaining weight, of making excuses. I'm embarassed that I will wake up in the morning and not know what I have done the night before.. I'm tired of being the girl that everyone wants at their party, because I bring the entertainment - me!!
    Anyway, I think I will start today. No wine for me tonight!! I look forward to talking to you all in the future...

    Hi all

    Welcome :welcome:
    Good for you. This is a wonderful site, really great people, helpful, supportive.
    The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.....
    You did it, good for you :goodjob:


      Hi all

      hi there im new here too. ive been af for 5 days. i was also a huge wine drinker..
      just take it one day at a time. i have major withdrawls atm but ive been prescribed meds to help me through..

      CONGRATS for joining this site and taking a stand...
      Ill be here for you as people here have been here for me...

      GOOD LUCK. if you need anyone to talk to pm me and i will try to help. not that i know that much

      an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


        Hi all

        Thank you

        Thanks options girl and Karl, it's good to know that there are people here to help... I'm feeling pretty crappy today. Had my usual 2 bottles of wine last night and feeling pretty depressed today. it's so good reading everyones suggestions, I know I am not going to buy wine tonight. It's so hard though cos I know I will feel sick when I get home, and having wine makes me feel better. Will I ever feel good again? In my mind, not having al makes me sick.. my chest hurts, my neck hurts, my fingers ache... I think I will go to the shops in my lunch break and buy some vitamins, etc that you have all suggested. I will go home, have my dinner and then go to bed so I am not tempted by al.. Wish me luck and I will let you know how I go..


          Hi all

          A week or two from now, you won't believe how good you will feel. Hang in there!
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

