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April Showers

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    April Showers


    BHOG, you are an ispiration! Thanks for starting off the day, you are soooooooo positive, I love that!:thanks::h

    LVT, you have a great Wednesday (you made me laugh!) Liv, sorry you had to pay the tax man, and Tues was not the best day for you..................that stinks.:boohoo:

    Everyone else to check in today, have a great AF day!!

    lots of love,:h


    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      April Showers

      Good morning all.
      Phew!......... I'm glad you're back BHOG............I was getting nervous. Thought I might have to come up with another message for the post-it today. They would have run me off!
      My life has never been so hectic, between one thing and another. In the past this has opened up depression doors because I haven't been able to cope. I'm beginning to realize my AL consumption had a lot to do with that. Even though I feel the stress, it hasn't brought me down. I can't tell you what a gift that is. Bring it on!!!!!
      I have also seen so many changes, my life is so much more enjoyable. Physically I look and feel better. Yesterday I was looking up "Boot Camps" to try out in my area. I want to go further........I can't wait for the next step! The world will not be ready for me! Super RN!!!! Beautiful, healthy and AL free.......I'll be obnoxious!


        April Showers

        Liv, the IRS stands for I R Stupid..for not figuring out a way to do better on taxess. We also had to pay...nasty!

        LVT---OUCH Damn girl that hurt!

        Cowgal, thanks for your kind words. So much better to get kudos than lashes!

        Finally RN, yeah, boot camp or something similar. Need to get ride of my waist. Maybe the weather will turn nice again and I can get out and ride my bike..or get off my a$$ and work out on the machines I have at home or go to the gym. Really no excuse..

        Enjoy Life! I am!
        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


          April Showers

          Morning all! I'm SAVED!! YES and it is GREAT!! Thanks BHOG! I will be working a LOT over the next few months - TAXES TO PAY!! I didn't anticipate such a hit. My business isn't that old!! I owe I owe, so off to work I go .......... "STUPID" is right BHOG - Those who make the laws sure don't seem to pay!

          Ouch Ouch LVT - LOL

          Laura - I loved your story .... Esp the part about ... "I don't know whats different" .... I think that being here might be different??!! For me it is!

          RN - Boot camp for me too! Did BHOG & I tell you you and DEXTERHEAD are up for MAY?!! I am serious!!! :h

          A great day to all
          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")


            April Showers

            UH-OH, way to go RN and Dex!!! You should have just waited for them, like I would have.....
            Now, look what you did!!

            BTW--I think you did great yesterday, and will be great in May!!!:goodjob:
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              April Showers

              What the Hell???????
              DEX! DEX! Did you here that?????????
              I didn't sign up for this! I can only come up with humor half the time..........and its not very funny! DEX, DEX!! Help!!!
              Did you hear the one about....................


                April Showers

                Sticky Note for April 17

                Good Morning Everybody!

                It's a great day to be alive!

                Today, focus on the wonder of being! The ability to truely see the day, to begin anew the wonderous journey that is this life! By paying attention to the positives in our own lives, we can bring others to a greater appreciation of all that is good and right in the world. Today, smile at someone for "no good reason," say hello to the person checking you out at the store, or the bank teller. Let everyone you come in contact with know that you are glad to be alive, glad to be here on this earth!

                One of the most positive points you can give yourself is to celebrate this wonderful day sober! Leave our old ex-buddies AL and ALice out in the cold, and celebrate this day by being ALIVE!

                Enjoy Life! I am!
                War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                  April Showers

                  It sure is a geat day to be alive! Thank you for another inspiration BHOG.
                  My 10yr old daughter plays a "sweet or sour" game in the car. She will wave and smile at the people in the car behind us. If they respond by waving and smiling back they are "sweet", if she gets no reaction they are "sour". To date everyone has been "sweet".
                  Now i am off to do some random acts of kindness.

                  : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


                    April Showers

                    Sticky note in hand!!! I have a big and "Be alive" !! Thanks BHOG - Love it! Off and running....
                    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                    (from the Movie "Once")


                      April Showers

                      Laura, I love that story!
             can I follow your act?
                      Be well every one.


                        April Showers

                        I love the idea of that game! A new one for the grandchildren when we are on the road! Thanks!
                        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                          April Showers

                          Riker;303768 wrote: Laura,

                          I totaly hear you. I'm in the same frame of mind. I did 3 days AF last week, then could not manage to go the weekend without..then it was supposed to be back to AF on Monday.. but no.. and then yesterday I really over did it.. 16 beers, woke up with a nasty hangover..called in sick from work...been logged on here pretty much all day.

                          I'm AF now and I won't drink today.. I feel way to crappy to even want a beer.

                          It's like I mentioned in another thread..why is it that I don't seem to want to quit badly enough to do it ?

                          Very frustrating..confusing etc.. I want to quit, but I don't want to quit forever, but I have to quit because I can't moderate, but I don't want to quit ETC ETC On and On it goes.

                          Let's keep reading.. and try to stay positive..

                          That's exactly how I feel...I mean to the T. I want to, I know I need to but I don't know what is wrong with me...Am I crazy??!!!??


                            April Showers

                            Riker, Jaded!
                            Hi! Glad you posted on here..maybe some of us can offer suggestions to help you? Quitting, the thought of giving up AL forever, is kind of scary. So don't try to quit forever. Try instead to quit for today. Take care of tomorrow when it gets her. But for now, just quit for today.
                            When I started this I knew there was no way I could quit drinking forever. Couldnot happen. But..I quit for one day. then one more..etc. The first few days were not easy but with the help of everyone on here, and my wife, I did it. You can also, I believe. Just take it a day, or even an hour, at a time.
                            Some of us have "witching hours" when we really want that drink. So instead of pouring myself the wine, I would fix a cranberry juice and soda and get online and chat or read some of the older threads while my "hour" passed. Then generally I could get to bed and feel better about myself. The first weekend was kind of scary..but I found out that frankly, no one else cared if I was drinking or not...except me. And I was still working on the one day at a time option. OK, I will not drink on Friday. Then tell myself he same thing on Saturday.
                            Jsut a few thoughts for you...good luck and please stay on and talk with us. !
                            War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                              April Showers

                              bald headed old guy;312114 wrote: .but I found out that frankly, no one else cared if I was drinking or not...except me. And I was still working on the one day at a time option. OK, I will not drink on Friday. Then tell myself he same thing on Saturday.
                              Jsut a few thoughts for you...good luck and please stay on and talk with us. !
                              BHOG - you have no idea how much this post helped me just now. I truly had the kind of day that makes a mother want to eat her young. I am wiped out - and all I could think about was what a BUMMER that I couldn't go home and have a DRINK. Yes - after 31/2 months I had the "feeling'. Haven't in a while so it surprised me. BUT I logged on and read this thread. AND I feel so much better. So if MWO is a drug - I'm addicted!

                              Thanks everyone. I truly think you should consider doing May Flowers RN - Dex would be a great tag team. She comes up with some good ones. Or Maybe BHOG wants to continue in May!!!????? I just know how busy I'm getting already and it will be impossible to know I can log on daily. So Ya'll think about it!!!!!

                              Love you all so
                              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                              (from the Movie "Once")


                                April Showers

                                I can help !. Anyone else who wants to help ??? I know Finally is on the West Coast. Anyone in Oz or Britain to help us with the time zone issue ?
                                :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

