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April Showers

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    April Showers


    Didn't mean to be such a stranger!!! I have just been so busy here, you have me dreaming of my dream of opening up a health-food store/bakery/deli in my area here, don't even know where to begin, went on line and checked out small business groups in the area, may start networking and doing some research on the business already existing here..............?? Read that that is the way to go.......................

    Thanks for spurring me on in my dreams!!! I needed that, can't let our dreams die, or eventually we do!

    love you,:l:h


    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      April Showers

      Dreams........... "If you don't know where you want to be in 5 years time you're already there". Boy, was that a slap on the face. I believe that. I have for the last 9 months wondering if I should go back to school and get my NP license. It'll take me approx 5 years and in the end I don't make anymore $$$ than I am now but fulfilled a dream and have more options. I want to become an advocate for womens health issues. I want to lecture. And although I could probably due that now with my experience, it would hold more weight having the letters after my name. BUT, let face it, I ain't no spring chicken and I have to start over again because I was schooled overseas and over 20 years ago. So thats where my heads at and my dreams are. I keep telling my son that we're going to share a dorm room!!!!!!! hahahaha.
      So, if I don't do it. I'm exactly where I'll be in 5 years time.


        April Showers

        I almost forgot! Living free, good luck, you deserve every success. I'll miss you.


          April Showers

          Sticky for April 23

          I'm CEO of Me!

          I belive I first heard this phrase in a song by Cheryl Crow, and to me it really sums up what we need to focus on as we make this journey.

          We are in fact in charge of ourselves. As simple as this concept sounds, we often forget that we, and we alone, hold the power over us. We have the right and duty to tell ourselves NO when we see danger, or self-destructive behaviour starting to occur. We also have the right and privilege to reward ourselves for a job well done, for succeeding in taking our plan to be AF into completion.

          Today, I'm going to focus on the plans that will bring me success. Not only is staying AF, but also in fullfilling my vision and mission for BHOG, Inc.! (That is ME!)

          Stay Strong!

          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


            April Showers

            BHOG--you're inspirational! Thanks for keeping it real. Nellie


              April Showers

              great message, AGAIN!

              BHOG, you missed your calling, an inspirational writer maybe?!!:H:H

              Yep, Cowgal, Inc., that sounds great!!!

              I am in charge of myself, and I really need to remember that that is ALL I am really in charge of, me, my actions, my thoughts etc.......................can't really control much of anything else: The way others treat me, the weather, the way the butthole in front of or behind me are driving!!

              Thanks again BHOG, love ya!!:l

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                April Showers

                Another gem.
                Thanks BHOH!

                : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


                  April Showers

                  Sticky note for April 24

                  Good day to All!


                  Every day, we are challenged to keep our goals and dreams foremost in our minds. We are pummelled from all sides by voices and options that would, if left unchecked, turn us from our dreams to paths that would leave us unhappy and unfullfilled. However, we can stay on course and continue to have our dreams, and our goals. We CAN contol our thoughts and work to make our goals a reality.

                  Today, focus on preserving your goal! No matter if it is big our small, it is YOUR goal and YOU can keep it in front of you and stay focused on it!

                  Enjoy Life!

                  War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                    April Showers

                    Boy, quiet day. Every one is gone BHOG.........maybe they followed Living. I know what happened! Your post-its were so full of inspiration that they're cured!!!!!! They don't need to come here anymore!!!
                    I got called in @ 06 am and just came home. So I'm posting now...........Perseverance?? I'm too damn tired!


                      April Showers

                      Sticky for April 25

                      I'm a Volunteer!

                      Let's do some voluunteer work today! It won't take any time out of your day, and it won't cost you anything at all.

                      Volunteer to QUIT! Volunteer to say NO to those items in our lives that damage us, that cause us to loose our self respect and our dignity! Volunteer to QUIT letting Al and ALice into our lives!

                      Stay Strong!

                      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                        April Showers


                        I am on the team!! Where's my sticker? I want one.

                        I see flowers coming up for the month of May because of these lovely April showers. AL would have poisoned the ground, only good stuff for this group!!


                        AF April 9, 2016


                          April Showers

                          Good morning BHOG, thanks for the sticky. Cindy, I think about you & your daughter often, I'm so glad she's feeling better!
                          Have a great day everyone!
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            April Showers

                            good morning all. I hope to have a quiet day today. Its been too crazy at work and then i come home and that part of my life starts.
                            Thanks for the post it...........I'm ready


                              April Showers

                              oh dear.

                              i'm on this team too. :television:


                                April Showers

                                I needed that today. Just this morning I had a talk with/at hubby about how I am giving, giving, giving and getting no support in return. He is going through a 'mid life change' and I am trying to keep it all together. I work full time, take care of two kids, two cats and two rats and there is just no time for me except for the time I go to the gym. At this point I am not even sure what I really need...I am just feeling emotionally and physically drained.

                                : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein

