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Which Book Should I read first?

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    Which Book Should I read first?

    OK...have a little dilemna...I got both of the books I ordered today...My Way Out and Seven Weeks to Sobriety...Since I am new here...any thoughts on with which one should I start?...perhaps My Way Out since it is smaller. tks.

    Which Book Should I read first?

    Hi Tony,

    Welcome! I would say go with MWO if you are thinking of starting the program.



      Which Book Should I read first?

      I have to agree with Donna, I'd say MWO, but I've never read the other.



        Which Book Should I read first?

        After you read Seven Weeks to Sobriety will you let us know how it is.If you're starting the program read MWO first though.


          Which Book Should I read first?

          Well, actually...I'm starting a program...I've been doing research on more natural methods to beat this thing and come upon both of these books...they seem to have soom of the same methods. I will probably use them both to an extent...but I began reading is a pretty fast read.


            Which Book Should I read first?

            I read "Seven Weeks..." many years ago, and found it rather overwhelming, with too many complicated arrangements of supplements and diet, MWO is much more manageable, realistic, and now with supps that are easy to find or purchase online. As you say, MWO is a fast read, and I felt (as have many others on this board) that it was a program within reach -- hey, I can do this!

            Best of luck to you,


              Which Book Should I read first?

              Thanks everyone....I just about finished MWO yesterday evening. It is a very fast read. I would have liked a little more meat in the book but I think I've got the general idea and can take it from there. I've also downloaded the Updated Recommendations tomake adjustments;.

              As for Seven Weeks....I thumbed though it a bit and it does seem a bit more complicated. MWO is pretty straightforward and easy to follow. Seven Weeks a little more "scientific?"


                Which Book Should I read first?

                I recommend "Beyond the Influence" if you want something more meaty. I think it is the best book out there.

