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A glass of wine

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    A glass of wine

    Well I went to normal counciling last night and had court this morning. Not for that but child support, and of course I came home and had a drink. I wanted to stop but I know that I just screwed up. My councilor said to me what if my child were sick how could I get them to the doctor and my answer is I couldnt. I caved I had a drink and I feel like I have no willpower for it.

    A glass of wine

    I am really sorry that you are having a rough time. you know the councellor is right.

    have you tried the book? It's really hard to cut down or quit, so please be good to yourself and try again.

    if you keep trying it will one day work.

    do come back to MWO . people were so helpful and supportive here when I was a wreck last year, the

    great thing about it, it's non judgemental, you choose your way.

    and no one will treat you badly

    be well

    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


      A glass of wine

      One of the "things" I found helpful as I started this journey was to find my triggers, those items or circumstances or people that made me want that first drink. Then I started to develop some responses, mental, verbal, physical, to control the trigger instaed of it controlling me.
      It sounds like the child support and court items are big triggers for you. What can you do, when you return home from those types of meetings, that might put you in a more positive frame of mind? Do you have a close friend or family member that you can call up and rant to? or perhaps get on MWO and post out your feelings? that is part of what we use this board for...vent it out in a more positive manner than picking up a glass.
      just a thought!
      Please stay on here, even if you have a slip, let us know what is going on and see if we can offer some advice or suggestions to make it work better for you.
      Stay Strong!
      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


        A glass of wine

        Fishy... BHOG made some wise observations, didn't he? "Of Course" you had a drink...

        Yes, it was your course... the course that your mind determined would be the only appropriate one... right down wino way... :huh:

        Like BHOG said, what can you do different? Okay, this might sound stupid to the average bear, but here is what I do:

        I work in an industry where male chauvinism is still pretty rampant. Predominantly men, and they call me "babe" or, "darlin" pretty routinely. Not surprising to still see girlie posters in the shops, or naked calendars on the toolboxes. It is not unusual for harassment type of incidents happen, and I know this- I am not working in a hospital or in "professional" offices. Well, about two weeks ago, a guy hands me his phone and tells me to CHECK THIS OUT. YOUR HUSBAND WILL LOVE THIS... and it's a video of a lady getting "it" from behind, with the Mastercard "Priceless" logo...

        I know, it's harassment. I could sue. I could get my panties in a wad, but... instead, I looked right at him and said, "That's not your Company's cell phone, is it?"....
        and then his light bulb went on... he said he was sorry, and lesson learned.

        But I have the "I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!" gene, and I finish with my business there and leave.
        I pick up my cell phone, and left myself a message.... "RANT" :nutso: and hung up.

        I feel better. As stupid as that sounds, if I ever want to hear my frustration, well, I can play it back, but if not, I simply delete it and move forward. But if I had NOT ranted, then when I went to the next customer, I would have carried that pissed-off gene into their business and they would have wondered WTF was my problem, you know?

        So, change your course. Get on your voicemail and RANT. Go to the gym and work out, visualising all of that negative energy getting tossed out of your heart
        . Go to the park and do a power walk, and realize that these negative feelings have to get out, so you can get going :heart:....

        Tampa, FL


          A glass of wine

          Patty--that is a great example!!! Thanks for sharing it!

          Now, could you please wash your arse and put some pants on?
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            A glass of wine

            LVT, come on... tell the truth... is the cigarette in her mouth upsetting you?

            The avatar is a great incentive for those of us you drink too much and pass out, with friends nearby who want to teach us a lesson ...:nutso: :H

            Tampa, FL


              A glass of wine

              Patty, wonderful idea. I was also going to comment on how lovely you look today. Such lips. Oh and who does your hair?


                A glass of wine

                HI Fish, yes the cravings/wants/urges whatever you wish to call them are terrible at first.... when you are in that frame of mind of 'oh just f*ck it' then they are really strong urges, only it doesn't help, it doesn't help nor change anything at all, in fact in my case it always makes it worse if/when I do cave in and open the bottle, nothing at all EVER has gotton better because I drank. It helps me to know that I am not the only person going through the craving at any given time, I am NEVER alone in anything I am thinking and I truly find that coming on here helps me enormously get over the urge if only by passing the hours and hours away until it is too late to go and buy any, it really helps not to have any in the house of course as if it is there then it will be drank. I really struggle to pass the time between 8pm and 10pm, 10pm is when the shops shut for alcohol sales and have found many little things that help such as - groan, clearing out a cupboard, sorting out my shoes, clothes, having a lovely bath, phoning someone who keeps me talking for ages... there are so many things I want to to with my time, the time that drinking steals from me, the books I want to read, the study at home courses I want to do etc etc. Wishing you all the very best wishes.

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

