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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Good morning everyone

    You must be busy with the animals Bessie so I decided to start todays thread. It's one of the first things I look for when I log on.

    Beautiful morning here. Left my car in for a service and had a quick walk with doggies and friend.

    Have a great day everyone.


    ODAT - Thursday

    hola folks, not af yesterday hooked up with the drink tracker need to be serious. love you all happy april rudemama


      ODAT - Thursday

      Guten Tag ODATers,

      On day 17 and feeling very good physically.

      Hope all attain their goals today, whatever they may be!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        ODAT - Thursday

        Hi guys,

        Doing great but was really ticked off yesterday. I closed a really big deal that I had worked hard on for years so of course my sales team was like "lets go out for a drink" - I went and ordered a soda to which I was given an incredibly hard time - to the point where they actually got angry. Finally, since they were so angry I ordered a beer just to shut them up. The thing that upset me was I didn't need or want the beer. I understand the sales environment has a lot to do with alcohol - I obviously wasn't strong enough to get up and tell them all to "F" off since the party was for me in the first place but I was incredibly ticked at the amount of anger and preassure just because they all wanted to buy me a drink to celebrate and all I wanted was a soda - so buy me a frickin soda for christs sake, what's the problem?

        Anyway, just needed to vent. Good news is, I had the beer (they ordered me another and I had half, excused myself and went back to the office to work), went home and did not drink anymore last night. So although it was not an AF day, it was only 2 drinks in the tracker and I didn't do what I would have in the past which was "ah, well, I've already started, may as well continue......." - I'm GLAD to say that mentality is gone from my brain.

        Today is AF - no ONE on this planet is going to preassure me today. I have learned not to go out with members of my sales team right now. So I guess that is good, at least I have learned something!

        Love and hugs.
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT - Thursday


          I have ordered a medic alert necklace because of taking Antabuse.

          In May I will be going to a large conference where I will be meeting up with old drinking buddies. I figure at that time, I will just pull out the necklace (I doubt I will show them what it is for) and say "I can't drink anymore, drug interaction."

          Perhaps next time you could do something similar? I am on meds, my doctor told me I can't drink for a while, something?

          Yes, I know the heavy drinkers can place a large amount of pressure on us. I am sorry that happened. :l

          Good on you for not letting it take you down the abyss, though!! :goodjob:

          AF April 9, 2016


            ODAT - Thursday

            Isn't it amazing we face peer pressure no matter what our age?? It's the same way here. But, THE most important part is the way you handled it--YOU were in control!! That's gotta feel great!:goodjob:

            Have a great day everyone. I would appreciate some healing energy this way...I am sick of this cold!!!:thanks:
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              ODAT - Thursday

              day 33 AF for me

              good on u who kept sober and aswell kept safe limit in there drink.

              take care all and who is to come.



                ODAT - Thursday

                V V V quick hello. Doing so much today. Friend over to help and we are cleaning holiday let from top to bottom! From hoovering cobwebs out of the beams to scrubbing the stone floors!! Hubby still plumbing in the effing bathroom though! talk about last minute!!

                Builders seriously pissing me off by just not showing any understanding of urgency and jobs needing doing. I guess it's not their problem but they do know the deadline and carry on working at their same old slow and steady speed. Grrrr....!!

                As far as drinking goes, no time! Did have some wine with friend last night but well under control and was able to say "I've had enough thanks"

                Good for you uni. That is some serious pressure. Why do people do that?

                Bessie xx


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  love to all. XXOO

                  Rippy here...another lovely day AF...actually another F:xxx:G day no drinkie...good gurl rippster...:monalisa:look like a hot babe :lipstick: all smellin pretty hair all spiked up hip huggers on..:biatch:NO meetings till Monday...good to GO! :lalala:


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    Ripple, where the hell do you get this stuff?


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      BTW, Ripple, that was meant to be a compliment........just in case you're wondering. You're so creative and funny.


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        WOW - look at all the examples of control over the beast!!! I think that should be well-noted!! After all isn't that the issue here? That we are struggling to gain control over AL.

                        Bessie and Universal - good for you for being able to moderate appropriately!!!!:wd:

