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Brand New - read book - ordered my supplies
Brand New - read book - ordered my supplies
Should I be doing anything else while waiting for all of them to arrive... trying not to drink 'as much' but I get the impression that y'all try and abstain from the amber nectar beforehand... any info would be great -
Brand New - read book - ordered my supplies
Hi Hadenuf,
I would have to agree with Marcie on this one. I was just like you, had ordered everything , and was counting the days until my packages arrived. I however kind of took it as a chance to be as free as chose to be with the wine. So, do what what you can. Certainly, you can spend time here, reading and posting and getting to know people. That will put you that much more ahead of the game right there.
Best of luck whole you wait for your supplies!!
Brand New - read book - ordered my supplies
thx marcie and donna.... decided i won't stress about it - but will start listening to my meditation/relax CDs more with the exercise while I wait... it will be wonderful to be freecan't wait...!! I know I'm repeating myself but I feel quite excited about this - might be the one thing in my life I'll stick too! Now that'll be something....
Brand New - read book - ordered my supplies
Brand new - read book
Hi hadnuf. I'm in the same boat as you, I have two week wait for my supplies. I decided that from Day 1 I would stop drinking if I could (sounds easy when you say it like that!!!). What I am doing until my stuff comes is meditation tapes at night before I go to bed, some tai chi in the day to relax. I am also taking large doses of Vitamin C, at least 3000 mg a day, and magnesium between 3000 and 5000. These supplements help to strengthen the nervous system and relax the muscles and the Vitamin C is known to help clear alcohol from the tissues and begin the cleansing process. EPO is also really good for helping to relax and helps with withdrawal symptoms such as shaking and depression. Get the 1000 mg capsules of this and you can take 2000 mg three times a day. My herbalist says you cannot overdose on EPO. If you can get the EPO combined with fish oil, even better. Of course, all drinkers need Vitamin B as we know that alcohol leaches all the B's from our body and that also controls our nervous system and boosts our energy levels. God, listen to me, I sound like an advertisement for a vitamin company, sorry, but it's something I'm enthusiastic about. Like you, I'm excited about the programme and really looking forward to having a healthy body and a bright mind!!
Brand New - read book - ordered my supplies
Re: Brand new - read book
Hi Freedom,
OMG! I could NOT get on the computer quick enuf this morning (11.00 UK time). The postman's just been - my first lot of topa just arrived!!! Had to sign for it and he commented that it had come along way... of course I want to start taking them NOW but.. I'm still waiting for my supps... so I guess I should re-read the pdf of the book and do what you're doing - it sounds like a very good idea - prepare the body - you open up my medicine cabinet here and I'm a walking ad for vitamins, health products, homeopathy, etc etc etc... you name it, I've got it or tried it!!So... gonna scour the cupboard now and what I haven't got I'll get while we're out today. Thx for your post
Will check back later...
Brand New - read book - ordered my supplies
Re: Brand new - read book
Hey hadenuf, Right Arm!! you got your package! I can't tell you how much my life has improved after being on topa! Get ready for some amazing changes! It's still up to you, to be your own "coach"/trainer", but I never could have done this before. I know because I've tried, & tried,& tried... just about everything else! Hugs, Judie
Brand New - read book - ordered my supplies
Re: Brand new - read book
Thx Julie and co.
Popped home for lunch and there it was!! Have sorted out my supps for the next week and am now back at work listening to the subliminal cd....) Day One on the program tomorrow... Watch this space!!