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200mg Topa and still drinking...need help

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    200mg Topa and still drinking...need help

    I am following the program and I guess kept waiting for the "switch" to kick in and it never really did. Am I the unfortunate exception? I do feel I guess a decrease in physical cravings, but around the dinner hour, the same old thoughts are there and I guess I figured the topa would take some of that away?

    Mine clearly seems to be tied to drinking dinner with wine and eating muchies with my wine in front of the tv after the kids are in bed (1-1.5 btls per nt.). I want to stop but want to not want it ya know? Any suggestions?

    I am REALLY a habit person which can work FOR or against me with healthy or unhealthy habits, but HATE the daily mental battle at the grocery store of "to buy or not to buy", etc. I start out so strong in the morning....well, you know how it is by evening when you find an excuse to go to the store, etc. Uggh. On every titrate up to a higher dosage I was holding out more hope. Now I have been on 200 mg. (100 am and 100 at noon for 2 days). I do the tapes almost every day (2 kids, hard) and although I no longer do the Kudzu I do the rest of the pills.

    Any advice? Oh and I do work out alot too. You all sound like you are doing so awesome. The longest I have gone is 3 days abs. Any help appreciated.


    200mg Topa and still drinking...need help

    This program takes willpower, determination and motivation. You need to WANT to stop. There will be tough times where you really want a drink, but you have to have enough desire to make this work and say no. The supplements, topa, cd's, etc. are great tools, but there is no magic pill that is going to make you stop. That needs to come from your heart and your mind.

    Is there a reason you aren't doing the Kudzu any longer? This supplement is specifically for fighting cravings. Maybe you should consider antabuse which you cannot drink with at all. Just a suggestion.

    Stay with it and focus your mind on quitting the wine and this program will help!



      200mg Topa and still drinking...need help


      First of all you need to understand that topa is not a majic bullet. I am sure you have heard that before. The hours that you have cravings are the hours that you need to be the most diligent. You will surly make it harder on yourself if you go to the store and by wine, so don't go to the store and by wine. I know that it is easier said than done, but that is what you have to do!

      I too miss wine with dinner, heck, I miss wine while cooking dinner, and after dinner too. But it is about stepping back for a time, and taking a break form it so you can better understand where it fits, if at all, in your life. Correct if I am wrong please, but it does sound like you are trying to make the program work, so I am trying to offer suggestions here to help you out with that.

      It is good that you are doing the cds, I am sure with little ones that is quite a challange. It is also good that you are finding time to exercise. I am curious to know why you stopped taking the kudzu. Also, have you tried the l-glut? Some find that it is quite helpful in times of very high cravings to open a capsul and put half the contents under the tounge.

      Have you tried to replace your wine with other things to drink. I have become hooked on cranberry juice and soda water with lime. It is about trying to find what works best for you. I know it is not easy, but you can do it if you put your mind to it. It really will help though not having the temptation of the wine so close at hand.

      I am at 250 of topa right now and feeling pretty good. I still take the kudzu, and at least one l-glut a day. I wish I could tell you I don't ever have cravings, but I can't. I just try to work through them. Poor a glass of something else to drink, sing a song really loud, go for a walk, jump online, call a friend...anything but go to the store!

      I hope this helps KitKat!!! Hang in there!!



        200mg Topa and still drinking...need help

        Hi KitKat,

        I agree with everything said above, but in addition, I would also try taking the topa at around 11 am and 5 pm. I think you would derive a better benefit by taking it closer to your drinking time. That has been the time I take it, and I find that the cravings go away within 1/2 to 1 hour.

        Hope this helps! Good luck, KitKat!



          200mg Topa and still drinking...need help

          I spent almost all of my 30's pregnant and nursing and chasing around toddlers...I have 4 kids. I had my first at 29 and my last at 36. I never drank a drop during any of my pregnancies but still missed it soooo much. Just like you said "the habit" My hubby would buy the non-alcoholoc wine just so I could trick my brain into thinking I was having it with dinner. He even drank it with me. He also bought the non-alcoholic beer. I used to think that was so absurd. Why would anyone want to taste alcohol without getting the buzz? But it worked great for that purpose.

          Maybe you could try that in place of the wine just to feed your "habit" for a while. Then you can see whether it's really just a "habit" or really the meds aren't making a diffenence in your system and you need the alcohol.

          Don't beat yourself up too much, but it seems that you've put in a lot of time already. I'd hate to see you give up!


            200mg Topa and still drinking...need help

            Thanks guys

            I am going to give your suggestions a try and get back to you this week! You guys are so great!


