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i don't have the courage to begin...

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    i don't have the courage to begin...

    here's an example..i just got a call. its now close to 10pm so of course i have been drinking. i am trying to schedule people for one of my children's activities. I repeated a story twice...of course not realizing it but she hesitated and I tried to cover. More people know than I want to realize. how embarrassing. I am sick of not remembering what I talked to my kids about the night before. its a joke because people are always saying how much I do,etc but I live a lie. I am so afraid to go without my wine. I read all of your stories but i don't know if i can do it. I NEED TO!!!!
    How do i start

    i don't have the courage to begin...

    Formenow ~ you just did. You just started by admitting you have a problem and asking for help. Now you need to get serious and make a firm commitment to quit.

    Can you dump out the alcohol you have now? Drink a lot of water tonight and for the next couple of days.

    You can start tomorrow by getting yourself the book and reading a lot more of the posts. The book and the Holistic Healing Forum will help get you started on supplements.

    Please ask all the questions you want. We are here to lend a hand anytime you need one.

    Good luck!

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      i don't have the courage to begin...

      formenow -

      So glad you found us :l. There are so many here who know just how you feel - because we have been there too. Or are there now.

      I personally think reading the MWO book and gettting supplements are key for getting started. Lays out the whole plan, and gets your brain healing! The book also suggests a 30 day period of abstinence, whether you are intending to moderate your drinking or go alcohol-free. This is a time to heal, and also examine drinking triggers and patterns, and clear out your brain and system. This board, and all the great support here, are CRITICAL for that!!! Those 30 days can be very, um, CHALLENGING!!!!:upset:

      I hope you keep reading and posting so we can get to know you better. You just made a brave new start. Good!!! Try not to worry too much. You are not alone :l !

      Love, WW xox


        i don't have the courage to begin...

        You're here! That's a great beginning! Please read the book, download it if you have to. There's so much help and support here I can't even begin to tell you.

        When you get sick and tired, you'll do something. It was my kids, and the embarrassment, which got me off my wino butt. I'm day 5 AF. It's tough now but worth it.

        Normally at this time of night (11:00pm) I'm either blacked out or asleep. Now I've got a cup of tea and had a productive, enjoyable night. I'll wake up feeling wonderful about myself instead of ashamed, mad, weak, scared...I was that way for decades.

        It's nice to meet you, I hope to hear from you soon :welcome:
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          i don't have the courage to begin...

          Welcome formenow

          Welcome formenow, love the name. Go for it, read, post, but be aware some on this site are extremely judgmental. Have only been here since November 2007 and was quite shocked at the kicking?s dealt to other members when they are in trouble.
          Kind regards Aunty Vic :h


            i don't have the courage to begin...

            Glad you found us Formenow. Print off the post you just wrote .... write on the outside of it - For the next hour I will NOT drink. Carry it next to your heart - yes in your bra if you have to where you can feel it - and guard it with your life. For one whole day do not let this note off your body. It sounds weird - but combined with what everyone just said above me - it helps get one day behind you. One day will lead to two - but all you need is one day right now.

            Best to you - you can do it
            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

            (from the Movie "Once")


              i don't have the courage to begin...

              Learn how to say "no"...... to wine, to volunteering, to being perfect, etc.

              You have been given great advice here, hang on, this is a great site and we are all here for you!

              :l Myheart
              Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
              - George Jackson


                i don't have the courage to begin...


                I'm glad you're here.

                You can do it if you choose although it's not an easy road to follow.

                It takes guts and determination. You'll need support and you'll find lots of that here from people at various points on their journey, from all over the world.

                I lived the lie as well and the longer I did the more isolated I became. A strong support group in your community will be beneficial to you as well, siblings, friends, neighbours and of course your family doctor.

                When you gather the courage Formenow don't be afraid. Your life will improve a billion times over. It's so worth the struggle.

                My best,

                magic xx
                ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                I am in the next seat.
                My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                  i don't have the courage to begin...

                  I second what all the others have said. I have been in the exact same position as you. Have had more AF time since joining MWO than in the past 13 years and am still striving for more and more of it. Join in on the different threads, there are many 30 day ones or if you find that too daunting there is a ODAT (one day at a time) thread that a lot of us check into. Good luck.



                    i don't have the courage to begin...

                    I reinforce what everyone else has said.......the thought of coping without wine is first...but then when you do it, day by day, it becomes liberating! Keep coming here, you will get the support and encouragement to get you through it. Janicexxx
                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      i don't have the courage to begin...

                      You can do it. It is a scary thing since alcohol has been such a crutch for so long. Think of it as it's time for you to throw down those crutches & start walking on your own two feet. At first it'll be a crawl....say a small thing you normally would have some wine before and not have any. You will feel so liberated after. After that you'll be taking baby steps and the next thing you will know.....

                      Definately read the book, supps/meds, cds~whatever you think you will need. Here each is different and has tweaked the program to suit their needs.

                      Take each day and empower yourself (today I choose not to drink). Submerge yourself into this. You CAN do it. We're here for support!
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        i don't have the courage to begin...

                        Thanks to you all. Today is a new day. i wll print this thread off and carry it with me today as a reminder. I thank God I found this place. Have a good day.


                          i don't have the courage to begin...

                          Welcome, fmn,
                          There are many people who will support you here. I personally have only very occasionally seen someone making judgements here. Perhaps more of that happens in the chat rooms - I haven't been there. Most of us are ready and willing to support you along the path that you choose.

                          In my opinion, the best choice you can make right now is to stop drinking right now. That's what I did. Lots of people here say you should go 30 days Alcohol Free before even thinking about trying to drink moderately. But some quit far more slowly - they wait to receive the book, then get meds, supplemeents, CD's whatever else they feel they need, then taper off slowly. Whatever works for you. I strongly feel that regularly posting your thoughts and questions on this forum is the greatest tool of all.
                          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                            i don't have the courage to begin...

                            The supps helped me a ton. You can do it. It's far less scary when you are doing it then it is thinking about it.


                              i don't have the courage to begin...

                              Welcome for me Formenow.
                              Stay close to this place for strength.
                              I am also new to the game and would not have gotten this far without the support of all the wonderful people here.

                              : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein

