It has been a while for me - I thought I would send a brief update/ check in.
I logged on at this site just after New years, 2008, hoping for support for moderating. For about 7 years I have been a 1-5 drinks a day person (beer, wine). I had never gone more that 1-1/2 days without alcohol, until 5 weeks ago. In some ways, it was not my choice to go AF, but I cannot believe how much it made a difference to me.
I went on vacation to Guatemala with 15 others (a charity thing - building houses for poor). For the first three days I could not drink because there was no alcohol to be found locally (which, in some way, was part of the secret reason I wanted to go on this trip - to physically be separated from Alcohol). Unfortunately, I became very ill over the next week (a nasty respiratory tract / pneumonia thing). The Dr. there prescribed major heavy duty antibiotics for me that unfortunately had the side effect of wiping out many of the beneficial flora / fauna in my GI tract. So, as it turned out, I could not keep anything in my stomach - including beer or wine. I was so sick, frankly, I was not keeping anything down - even water, food - or alcohol. Over the next 4 weeks I lost close to 17 lbs, and frankly, I was forced to not drink (not my choice, but my body was too sick to argue). Needless to say, I was basically off alcohol for 4 weeks - for the first time in 7 years. I am slowly recovering, but I have to say, I feel amazing. Weak, but in a way, better for it.
My boyfriend came to bed last night after going out for the evening with friends. I could smell the alcohol metabolizing on his breath, and it actually made me sick to smell it on him. I cannot imaging all the nights I went to bed the same way (booze breath) trying to roll on my side as so not to breath on my partner, and now I realize how gross that is. Pretty much every night for 7 years (to some degree - some lesser, some more).
I am not preaching (believe me - I am in **no** position whatsoever to preach!), but the bottom line I learned is this: it there is anyway you can go 4 weeks without alcohol, you will really be shocked at what a sorry state you were in (hindsight), saddened by how you were "stuck" in that never ending cycle of craving, and so hopeful for your future. You will want to cry.
I am not too sure where I will go from here regarding alcohol. Tonight I had 2 sips of a beer, and had to pass it onto my partner, as I felt the bile coming up in my throat - not from my sickness (I am now over that), but from **not** wanting to go back to where I was for the past 7 years (alcohol-wise).
Chins up, my fellow strugglers against Alcohol! If there is any way you can be free for even a week - it is amazing how clearer you will fell, and how much hope you will feel for the future.
God bless,